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British tourist arrested

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Re: British tourist arrested

Postby Paphitis » Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:26 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I'm not a US citizen. :roll: US citizens are targeted wherever they go - and no one doubts that the ever-growing number of illegal immigrants on European streets (Lyon is the worst I've seen) are not behind increasing crime rates .

Even crimes such as these are on the increase ...


The US State Department has issues warnings about the dangers of travel in Greece like they do to other countries to protect their citizens.

What is important is the fact that Greece must recognize that there is a problem and be seen to do something in order to curb or reduce the problems faced by foreign nationals!
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Re: British tourist arrested

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:36 am

Greece does recognise the problem of illegal immigrants and increasing crimes on its streets. But it won't follow examples from crime-ridden USA (even if they are your role-models) . :roll:

All Europeans states have their Nationalist groups (Greece has one, the UK many, France a few etc)- they need to start co-operating with each other to solve the problem of illegal immigrants.
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Re: British tourist arrested

Postby SKI-preo » Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:43 am

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Re: British tourist arrested

Postby Paphitis » Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:01 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Greece does recognise the problem of illegal immigrants and increasing crimes on its streets. But it won't follow examples from crime-ridden USA (even if they are your role-models) . :roll:

All Europeans states have their Nationalist groups (Greece has one, the UK many, France a few etc)- they need to start co-operating with each other to solve the problem of illegal immigrants.

This is not the type of Nationalism I have in mind. One thing to innocently wave your flag and quite another to attack immigrants, legal or otherwise, on the streets and to taunt them just because you might think they are the root cause of problems which of course is ludicrous.

The travel warnings speak of rising crime, possibility of terror attacks against US interests, muggings, drug dealing and sex trade.

In Agia Napa, it is not just about the alcohol, it is also about the drugs that are dealt on the streets and in bars creating a potrntially lethal mix.

We have more issues of our own that need to be highlighted. Zarlak is correct that the image you portray of British tourists is skewed. We target this party set tourism in Agia Napa just like Ibiza does. Only natural that there will be issius you probably won't find in Paphos because the market there is more family orientated.
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Re: British tourist arrested

Postby Milo » Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:43 am

Well said Paphitis,

I was in a private clinic in Protaras one night ( back spasm ) and watched as they struggled to get alcohol out of a British youngster, before she died of alcoholic posioning later.

It's easy to blame young tourists, there are many who deserve the blame too, but of course these young kids tend to already have problems, I doubt very much if British people are at all embarrassed by the antics bad as they are of a few mental cases on holiday, but the countries they holiday in could do more about them IMO, drugs, attacks and rapes are commonplace and cheap dangerous alcohol fuel much of it. We watched a barman in Napa throw ten different shots into a glass, set fire to it and sell it to a willing young tourist, aren't the bars equally responsible for the damage they cause?

If you google staying safe abroad, rapes happen in Napa as do constant fights and drug arrests, what is worse is some countries keep it all quiet, so as not to deter other tourists.

Good thing is we know where the kids congregate on holidays, usually parts of Greece, napa and sunny beach Bulgaria and the big majority of real tourists avoid those areas like the plague!

What we all need to be aware of is as tourists in any country on holiday we are more vunerable to crime, and should be much more aware when travelling abroad, opportunists are waiting.

The holidays we take never include youngsters abroad as they wouldn't chose the holidays we have thank heavens. Also most decent parents didn't let seventeen yr olds out to holiday abroad on their own, none of mine ever did. Luckily my kids always had different ideas of a holiday than those who tend to get sensationlised in trash newspapers, one has just moved to Oz as well for two years, her idea of a holiday when young was to pack pack round the world!

So I would leave those tourists out to cause trouble and the countries who basically encourage these tourists there, to sort out the problems themselves while I get on my next cruise.
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Re: British tourist arrested

Postby kurupetos » Wed Jul 31, 2013 3:15 pm

SKI-preo wrote:

British culture? :lol:
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Re: British tourist arrested

Postby Zarlak » Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:08 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Rudeness is nothing. Drinking and killing is a definite "no no".

I'll go with what the Cretan locals have to say and if this phenomenon is only associated with British tourists, no amount of argument will change it.

Drink less ...

:lol: Then you are wrong, and ignorant. If 'no amount of argument' will change it then you simply don't want to be wrong and are just stubborn for no reason.

The Cretan locals know nothing about England. They know what they see from a small part of the people that go there and get sold a tonne of alcohol. We have Greeks over here who get wildly drunk and into fights. Does that mean this is a problem endemic to Greeks? No. It's absurd to suggest otherwise.
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Re: British tourist arrested

Postby Cap » Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:24 pm

SKI-preo wrote:


Fully deserved it.
But the title to the video is fabricated bullsh**
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Re: British tourist arrested

Postby Paphitis » Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:26 pm

Cap wrote:
SKI-preo wrote:


Fully deserved it.
But the title to the video is fabricated bullsh**

I loved how the old codger really gave it to her. :lol:
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Re: British tourist arrested

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:35 pm

How convenient some was getting so close up and personal with a camera. I just wonder where this clip actually came from... And if shows a British tourist at all....
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