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British burglars arrested

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Re: British burglars arrested

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:42 pm

B25 wrote:
Milo wrote:Perhaps they're trying to recover money owed to the SLC in the UK.. These are youngsters without their parents in the UK too..

Students from Cyprus borrowed the most from the SLC, but £15m of their £24m debt is not being repaid. Graduates from France, Germany and Poland ran up tuition-fee debts of more than £10m, but the SLC figures reveal that it is owed huge sums by former students from some of the most recession-hit countries in the EU, including Ireland and Greece! ... 12399.html

What a pathetic attempt to excuse a crime by these young Brits. You should know better than to try and compare a criminal activity to a non payment of a loan. What about the thousands of Brits who are not paying their loans in Cyprus, who rent property and do runners leaving thousands unpaid. We can go on and on if you like.

Shameful, just shameful.

Agree with you: there is no excuse for such crimes, that non payment of loans is no comparison to crimes of theft and that if there 1000's of Brits not paying loans and doing runners it is disgraceful.

Are there however reliable stats on the number of defaulting Brits?
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Re: British burglars arrested

Postby yialousa1971 » Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:58 am

Milo wrote:Perhaps they're trying to recover money owed to the SLC in the UK.. These are youngsters without their parents in the UK too..

Students from Cyprus borrowed the most from the SLC, but £15m of their £24m debt is not being repaid. Graduates from France, Germany and Poland ran up tuition-fee debts of more than £10m, but the SLC figures reveal that it is owed huge sums by former students from some of the most recession-hit countries in the EU, including Ireland and Greece! ... 12399.html

Take it off the bill for the unpaid rent for the bases. :wink:
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Re: British burglars arrested

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jul 25, 2013 8:01 am

Milo wrote:Students from Cyprus borrowed the most from the SLC, [b]but £15m of their £24m debt is not being repaid.

Same as British students ... ... loans.html

Is Milo telling us that British students are turning to crime to diligently pay off their loans? :?
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Re: British burglars arrested

Postby Baggieboy » Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:01 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Where are their parents? Why are 17 year olds allowed into another country without their parents?

These kids need to be deported back to their parents fast!

Unfortunately the UK is not anything like Cyprus where family is concerned. There are parents who couldn't care less what their kids do, or they will actually defend their actions. Others try to control them, but as the law can't touch kids under 18, they have no authority. Let me give an example.

About a year ago I was waiting for a bus. In Britain we've always queued - one of our "quaint foibles". There were 3 kids - aged 10-13 ish. Bus came and they barged to the front of the queue. I put my hand on one of their shoulders and said "there's a queue here son". What followed was a foul mouthed rant, I was accused of being a pedo, I was threatened in a number of ways, and they telephoned their Dad asking him to come and give me a good hiding for fiddling with them. Ultimately they got off the bus but their parting shot was to screw up a newspaper and throw it in my face. I could do nothing. Touch a kid in the UK and the police come down on you - not them - whatever they've done. This is the UK now. We're leaving soon. This is but one of the reasons why.
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Re: British burglars arrested

Postby kurupetos » Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:37 pm

Baggieboy wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Where are their parents? Why are 17 year olds allowed into another country without their parents?

These kids need to be deported back to their parents fast!

Unfortunately the UK is not anything like Cyprus where family is concerned. There are parents who couldn't care less what their kids do, or they will actually defend their actions. Others try to control them, but as the law can't touch kids under 18, they have no authority. Let me give an example.

That's because Cyprus lifestyle is based on Hellenic and Christian values. :wink:
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