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Re: Mosquito's

Postby kurupetos » Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:40 pm

CBBB wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Yes, we pack loads of those plug-in things, found them to be rubbish.

What is effective in a room is that very powerful fly/mossie and everything else killer aerosol they sell in CY.

Can't remember it's name.

Aroxol. Amazing product line. You can kill almost everything. :mrgreen:

It got rid of my mother-in-law!

Which one did you use? Yellow or green? :mrgreen:
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Re: Mosquito's

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:54 am

bill cobbett wrote:
Paphitis wrote:The mozzies don't seem to be a problem at all.

It is really interesting that all the moaners in this thread seem to live in the UK and are more Charlie than Cypriot! Must be the pale and Vitamin D starved skin.

HDY Paphitis...!!!

It's been frigging 33.5 Degrees in London today...!!! An outrageous temp.

... and all us moaning Charlies are moaning about over-dosing from the heat and your frigging Vitamin D...!!

Moan.., moan.., moan.., moan.., moan... Mozzies are bad, too cold and now it's too hot! :roll:

You, Oracle and Kurupetos should join God's waiting room at Cyprus "Living" and talk about the weather, mozzies, insecticides, moisturizing creams and oven chips there and leave us Cypriots alone! :roll:
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Re: Mosquito's

Postby CBBB » Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:50 am

Paphitis wrote:You, Oracle and Kurupetos should join God's waiting room at Cyprus "Living" and talk about the weather, mozzies, insecticides, moisturizing creams and oven chips there and leave us Cypriots alone! :roll:

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Re: Mosquito's

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:23 am

Why does the troll have to turn every single thread onto highlighting his personal shortcomings? :roll:

Someone asked for mosquito tips and everyone was being helpful, until the troll buzzed in!
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Re: Mosquito's

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:32 am

What's so trollish about it? Wasn't even addressing you and in any case I was not having a go at what was being discussed but merely having a light hearted joke.

Grow up please! :roll:

What is it you want? Would you like me to stop posting? Is that what this is all about? :?
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Re: Mosquito's

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:17 pm

Paphitis wrote:What's so trollish about it? Wasn't even addressing you and in any case I was not having a go at what was being discussed but merely having a light hearted joke.

Grow up please! :roll:

What is it you want? Would you like me to stop posting? Is that what this is all about? :?

The answer is probably yes, in the case of the person you are replying to, indeed probably you and me both as far as Madam is concerned. Stick around, this is a better place with you.

Me, this helps me hone my skills for work.

BTW... Mosquito's what? Or does the greengrocer's apostrophe strike again?
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