GreekIslandGirl wrote:It's nonsensical to tell "him" not to buy new just to avoid VAT because buying resale might be more expensive even without VAT. In the end, you have to buy the house you want which you can afford. If you cannot afford to buy, then don't. If you want to play games and speculate then you need to know a lot more than you do so what's the point of advising "him" not to buy in Cyprus if you claim to not know much about buying property in Cyprus in the first place?
Oh Lord!

First of all, it is not me buying. It is a relative. Let's make this point very clear.
I was in NYC myself recently for a couple of days and I caught up with this guy as I always do. He asked me about buying a small property in Cyprus.
I advised him to buy in NYC for 3 reasons:
1) Rent Yields are very high in Manhattan and Queens. You can buy a condo in Queens and have a rental return of $7,000USD per month. You can buy a 2 bedroom apartment on Wall Street, Greenwich Village and get a return of $8,000 per month. These are good investments for his family whereas property in Cyprus, should only be contemplated if he has spare disposable money,
2) since Troika, I told him that some things may have changed. There was an IPT and I told him about VAT on new builds. What I was not sure about is whether these amounts changed or other new taxes were introduced, and
3) I told him to Lawyer up and sent him a link to Nigel Howarth's site that BillC mentioned.
A Holiday Home is just that and only for those that have disposable income and clear funds. If not, then NYC is a better option and if he does it right, he will have the income to buy in Cyprus if he wishes to do so, and holiday in Cyprus every year with ease. And we already know the basics of only buying what is affordable (yes thanks for the bleeding obvious coming from a housewife that hasn't worked for ages

) - you sound like our Mothers!!!
Buying property is also
easier and the market there is stable now. It is set to rebound from now in which case it will become unaffordable. You can expect a steady income all year round.
As for holidaying in Cyprus, I told him he could either rent and I offered my place to him free of charge if he needed it.
I remember once, when I was buying a
resale property, the owner wanted to charge me VAT on that property because that is what he paid when he bought it. He also added the Transfer Fees so in effect he was wanting to charge me the Transfer Fee he paid and also I would be liable to another Transfer Fee to have the property title transferred. This guy told me that this is the way it is done and naturally, I wasn't even sure if that was right but it did not sit well with me. He was even willing to drive me to his Lawyer to draw up a contract.
In other words, there are some scams which Nigel mentions on his website and I sadly confronted one but did not fall victim to it. Sad!
I know enough about property in Cyprus and NYC to know what makes better financial sense and what is easier and more stress free and transparent!

Fair enough?
I think this was sound advice, and it was also confirmed with another cousin of mine in NYC who actually sells property in Greece to rich Americans. Yes there are 2 real estate agents selling Greek property in NYC which I am a client of!

She seconded everything and agreed that NYC property was far more sound financially.