Now, Flying Horse, let me tell you the real truth about CF;
Ideally, you should be Greek and female, if you can't be both then one will have to do.
Try not to be: Turkish/British/from the USA or named 'Yialousa. <That reminds me, we have a Village Idiot's Section, other members will tell you who belongs>.
The Germans used to be our friends and now they are our enemies.
The Israelis (referred to as 'the Jews' here by those that know no better) used to be our enemies but are now our friends (since the words 'Gas', 'Oil' and 'Israel' were mentioned in the same sentence.
We always like the Russians as they provide a continous supply of: Cabaret Girls, Vodka, €2billion bailout loans and slightly overweight tourists who all wear infeasably large gold chains round their necks.
If you live in the UK, you should tell us how much better living in Cyprus/Greece (delete as appropriate) is - but carry on living in the UK. There is a strange desire to live in countries in financial meltdown

Do not mention the seating arrangements at the Viklara Taverna, until you have been a member for at leat two years.
Most members think 'IQ' is a small Toyota car, they also get their Mummies to type their threads here as they are only in Third Grade.
Any member who has over 3000 posts should be ignored, as they clearly spend too much time here and need to get a life.
Any member who has less than 3000 posts should be ignored as they have not been on CF long enough.
All members for who English is their second language really enoy having their spelling mistakes pointed out, so please feel free to mention them.
The stronger the rhetoric and conviction in any post, the less likely it is to make sense.
..and finally, the only person whose posts are worth reading are mine, most of the others are there to fill out the page