The company is so popular that it was voted the best in Europe this year (2011). But now, a security consultant at Turkish Airlines and 13 pilots report serious safety problems in the company.
"Once I had to take over the control of the plane because my Turkish pilot was not able to land at the airport in Istanbul, when there were strong winds, which is often the case at Istanbul. I would never let my wife and my children fly with Turkish Airlines," said one pilot.
The company has expanded rapidly
The 13 pilots, Politiken has talked to, are coming from different European countries.
Most are still working for the company, while others have left it within the past year. They had been employed by Turkish Airlines, because the company has expanded so much that it needed foreign pilots in addition to its staff of Turkish pilots.
The 13 pilots accuse independently many of the Turkish pilots in Turkish Airlines for being so bad at flying without the help of the autopilot, that they should not be allowed to fly.
"It is a dangerous company. Never in my time as a pilot have I been sitting next to a pilot who was incompetent and just let go of the stick because he could not handle the plane. But I have now," says one pilot.