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The Irish people stand up to the imperialists

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The Irish people stand up to the imperialists

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:07 pm

Well, what can I say? was one of the good days, as everyone will know by now, the scheduled Allsop Space Auction of distressed, repossessed property at the Shelbourne Hotel was cancelled due to the protest organised by Friends of Banking Ireland, FBI, (not friends of Bankers!),

A massive victory for not only FBI but for all the groups who came along and all the individual Irish people who are not aligned to any group who came and supported the common goal.

Allsop Space is an English Company who had no involvement with Ireland until after the Banking Crisis and resulting attack on struggling homeowners and small business people, they are here for one purpose and one purpose only, to cash in on the misery and misfortune of Irish people who have been let down by Banks and betrayed by politicians, I have no axe to grind with any of the Allsop employee’s personally but in their alleged “professional” capacity they are not welcome in Ireland, we have a deep-rooted history of dealing with english oppressors and our track record speaks for itself, we will not tolerate their presence now or ever, today is a perfect example of our resolve, a resolve which will only grow as the financial crisis grows!

The Shelbourne Hotel would be well advised to revisit their policy with regard to allowing such events to take place, I was more than sickened to stand in the very room where our constitution was drafted (regardless of which constitution one agree’s with) and see the bones of victimised Irish property owners picked over by these foreign vultures. We will not forget!

If I have one small wish that emanates from today, it is that all the groups engaged with fighting the corrupt, insolvent bankers would come together for a real show of strength, to this end I am extending an open invitation to representatives of all groups regardless of who you are to come and attend a meeting which is held by Friends of Banking Ireland at Foleys Pub in Merrion Row Dublin each and every Saturday at 3pm, please nominate one or two representatives from each groups only as the venue is not very big, the focus of this meeting on saturday next is to concentrate the efforts of all groups in relation a common goal of meeting the banks and their agents (receivers & auctioneer’s) head on, building on the momentum generated by the Anglo Tapes and today’s victory at the Shelbourne Hotel against Allsops.

We must continue to step up the pressure on all levels and from all angles against the banks and their agents because they will not back off, they will keep coming and coming until they have everything!
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