I'm in the UK. The other half is a Greek Cypriot born in the UK....Both parents from beloved Cyprus, sadly passed away now.
Seem to have found this place by accident, on my travels through the tinterweb looking for ways of finding information about where our little family descends from....big blank wall everywhere! Well, I do know where they came from, but finding anything about the North is about as useful as a chocolate fire guard, especially as I don't read and speak Greek!
Maybe after the intro, and the hello, I might be able to see if I can find help within these pages and its members!
Later in the year we aim to come over, to try and trace where his dads family were prior to '74, pinpointing exact location is as easy as finding if there are any relatives left on his fathers side in Cyprus too. Currently, here in the UK, there is him, and our son, you can imagine searching for things is errrrrr not getting anywhere!
Long term aim.......return back to the homeland for good!

So yeah, Hello from ME