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Another Newbie

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Re: Another Newbie

Postby kurupetos » Sun Jul 14, 2013 11:30 am

Flying Horse wrote:Thanks, I will give it a go. I have seen that page several times in my searches.

I have tried emailing pages as per the above before, with no reply :(

Forget mail and email and start calling people from the village. Here's the telephone list:



Ανδρέας Τοούλας Πρόεδρος 22377349 22460202 99993592

Χαράλαμπος Κάττος Αντιπρόεδρος 22493762 22435981 99425481

Δημήτηρς Κάττος Γ.Γραμματέας 22877755 22128803 99671310

Ανδρέας Χατζηστυλλής Ο.Γραμματέας 99689193

Λουής Μακκούλλης Ταμίας 22385769 99428627

Χρίστος Χριστοδούλου Β.Ταμίας 22437670 22813235 99450091

Μιχάλης Ζεβλού Μέλος 22483836 22317677 99657440

Ιωάννης Λοϊζου Μέλος 22380839 22121414 99567835

Κυριάκος Τζιρκαλλής Μέλος 22420107 22666228 99606642

Τάσος Παντελή Μέλος 22426569 22878500 99426569

Μηνάς Κυριακίδης Μέλος 99650805

Λευτέρης Κουδουνάς Μέλος 22779955 22701298 99610298

Ανδρέας Ζωδιάτης Μέλος 22499544 22773406 99499544

Νεόφυτος Χρίστου Μέλος 22350150 99616079

Γεώργιος Σαββίδης Μέλος 22431914 99438781

Google translation of the above website:

The Alumni Senior Schools founded in Zodia 1969 in Signs for the cultivation of Greek culture ideals, culture and traditions of the zodiac, away from political expediency, partisan passions, hatreds and bigotry of that time. In the same spirit of course operate today. In Signs we had developed a rich cultural, spiritual, national and social activity and the necessary altruism, mutual respect and mutual respect between the signs.
With the tragic events of 1974 found, like many other residents of Cyprus, in the application. It 1983 we decided to reopen our collective based in Nicosia, because we felt an urgent need to contribute to the fight to preserve and enhance the memory occupied and return to our ancestral homes, but also for practical solidarity with the displaced fellow villagers.
The club reopened in dwellings which are rented offering and places where they are Zodiatis be collected and thus helped reunion of relatives and friends who were scattered throughout the free Cyprus and abroad.
With the reopening, the Association has issued bimonthly newspaper with social content and always within the occupied memory. Also the older narratives Signs awakens the interest of the youngest on deliveries and acquaintance Zodia us. Through the newspaper contacting us Zodiatis the immigrants and continuously growing in them the flame returns.
Our Club organizes various events and celebrations in our national anniversaries and other social, scientific, spiritual and cultural content for the sake of strengthening the relationship between the signs.
We established a blood bank for assistance Signs and other compatriots in need.
It 1997 squirmed to continue our operation because of difficult economic problems. Our greatest difficulty was the high rent that we had to pay. The Board and other factors, before the imminent threat of suspension of operation of the Association, pondered much and considering the urgent need for continued operation of, researched and case finding state land and fled to this area currently held in Acropolis Strovolos. In this space junk erect house until our return in Signs.
The way it works today our Association. So we continue to enhance the memory of the occupied territories, we help the new generations do not forget the Signs and relieve the suffering of displaced Signs to events and our activities. With little money they have trying to help families Signs that have an immediate need.
Clipboard house our hosts Community Councils Upper and Lower zodiac, to enable Zodiatis to serve on various issues that concern them. We also host the Athletic Club sign. We also offer shelter and other refugee clubs that have the same goals and objectives with us to preserve the memory of our occupied territories.
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Re: Another Newbie

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 14, 2013 11:35 am

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Re: Another Newbie

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:00 pm

Apparently, at the time of the invasion, the village numbered 8,000. That's a lot of people (now sadly refugees).

Anyway, as Kurupetos posted, the village administrators are your best bet for finding names associated with your father-in-law and maybe finding out their present whereabouts.

When you come to Cyprus, visit the citizens advice places ( κέντρα εξυπηρέτησης του πολίτη), found in most big towns and probe them for ways forward. They are an amazing repertory of information. :D
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Re: Another Newbie

Postby Flying Horse » Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:07 pm

kurupetos wrote:
Flying Horse wrote:Thanks, I will give it a go. I have seen that page several times in my searches.

I have tried emailing pages as per the above before, with no reply :(

Forget mail and email and start calling people from the village. Here's the telephone list:



Ανδρέας Τοούλας Πρόεδρος 22377349 22460202 99993592

Χαράλαμπος Κάττος Αντιπρόεδρος 22493762 22435981 99425481

Δημήτηρς Κάττος Γ.Γραμματέας 22877755 22128803 99671310

Ανδρέας Χατζηστυλλής Ο.Γραμματέας 99689193

Λουής Μακκούλλης Ταμίας 22385769 99428627

Χρίστος Χριστοδούλου Β.Ταμίας 22437670 22813235 99450091

Μιχάλης Ζεβλού Μέλος 22483836 22317677 99657440

Ιωάννης Λοϊζου Μέλος 22380839 22121414 99567835

Κυριάκος Τζιρκαλλής Μέλος 22420107 22666228 99606642

Τάσος Παντελή Μέλος 22426569 22878500 99426569

Μηνάς Κυριακίδης Μέλος 99650805

Λευτέρης Κουδουνάς Μέλος 22779955 22701298 99610298

Ανδρέας Ζωδιάτης Μέλος 22499544 22773406 99499544

Νεόφυτος Χρίστου Μέλος 22350150 99616079

Γεώργιος Σαββίδης Μέλος 22431914 99438781

Google translation of the above website:

The Alumni Senior Schools founded in Zodia 1969 in Signs for the cultivation of Greek culture ideals, culture and traditions of the zodiac, away from political expediency, partisan passions, hatreds and bigotry of that time. In the same spirit of course operate today. In Signs we had developed a rich cultural, spiritual, national and social activity and the necessary altruism, mutual respect and mutual respect between the signs.
With the tragic events of 1974 found, like many other residents of Cyprus, in the application. It 1983 we decided to reopen our collective based in Nicosia, because we felt an urgent need to contribute to the fight to preserve and enhance the memory occupied and return to our ancestral homes, but also for practical solidarity with the displaced fellow villagers.
The club reopened in dwellings which are rented offering and places where they are Zodiatis be collected and thus helped reunion of relatives and friends who were scattered throughout the free Cyprus and abroad.
With the reopening, the Association has issued bimonthly newspaper with social content and always within the occupied memory. Also the older narratives Signs awakens the interest of the youngest on deliveries and acquaintance Zodia us. Through the newspaper contacting us Zodiatis the immigrants and continuously growing in them the flame returns.
Our Club organizes various events and celebrations in our national anniversaries and other social, scientific, spiritual and cultural content for the sake of strengthening the relationship between the signs.
We established a blood bank for assistance Signs and other compatriots in need.
It 1997 squirmed to continue our operation because of difficult economic problems. Our greatest difficulty was the high rent that we had to pay. The Board and other factors, before the imminent threat of suspension of operation of the Association, pondered much and considering the urgent need for continued operation of, researched and case finding state land and fled to this area currently held in Acropolis Strovolos. In this space junk erect house until our return in Signs.
The way it works today our Association. So we continue to enhance the memory of the occupied territories, we help the new generations do not forget the Signs and relieve the suffering of displaced Signs to events and our activities. With little money they have trying to help families Signs that have an immediate need.
Clipboard house our hosts Community Councils Upper and Lower zodiac, to enable Zodiatis to serve on various issues that concern them. We also host the Athletic Club sign. We also offer shelter and other refugee clubs that have the same goals and objectives with us to preserve the memory of our occupied territories.

Hi, I saw this one the other day, and with a wee bit of delving found a related BlogSpot, which seems to be run by the same people and emailed them. They're also on google+, so figure they are pretty current with updates and reading emails. They have a link to the one you have posted above on your post too. ... _1596.html

My worry is, I don't speak Greek and as I am doing this on behalf of the hubby am a bit shy of calling a number and asking If the person at the other end speaks English. :oops:

Hubby perfectly capable of speaking, but hes never NOT at work :roll:
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Re: Another Newbie

Postby Flying Horse » Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:09 pm

One thing to note, is his surname. Its not a common name. AFAIK
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Re: Another Newbie

Postby Flying Horse » Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:40 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Please visit this website:

You can contact the author at this email address:

[email protected].

Hopefully you can be pointed in the right direction and be given more contacts in Cyprus.

Good luck.

Email returned. Invalid address :(
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Re: Another Newbie

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:49 pm

Flying Horse wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Please visit this website:

You can contact the author at this email address:

[email protected].

Hopefully you can be pointed in the right direction and be given more contacts in Cyprus.

Good luck.

Email returned. Invalid address :(

I can understand you're frustration since you can't speak Greek, but don't give up.

If you're near London, try visiting the Cyprus Consulate.

13 St James's Square London, Greater London SW1Y 4LB, United Kingdom
+44 20 7321 4100

You can also try and speak to these guys: ... &Itemid=81

From there, they could possibly put you on to someone you can communicate with either in UK, Cyprus or both.
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Re: Another Newbie

Postby Flying Horse » Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:30 pm

I managed to correspond with the Honorary Consulate in Glasgow some months ago, who in turn found the friend of the late father in law. That was like a wee jewel, and was wonderful to reminisce...just couldn't ask too many questions of an old man who isn't in the best of health.

I've actually just received an email back from the Zodhia Epistrofi site manager, we shall see where this leads :D
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Re: Another Newbie

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:38 pm

Flying Horse wrote:...but is a bit vague when asked about where we might find family or indeed exact places of pre '74....out of respect, I don't ask further. Its not polite and I consider it rude to perhaps request an old fella to rack his brains as to where possible relatives of my late father in law, may or may not be!

I'm quite determined that we should find these things out, as its been 10 years since my father in laws passing this week. We want to come back to Cyprus later this year and be able to bring his memory home. . . and begin a new journey, if its all possible.

:? I’m baffled as to what you’re looking for so I’m not surprised you can’t find it!
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Re: Another Newbie

Postby Flying Horse » Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:55 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Flying Horse wrote: :? I’m baffled as to what you’re looking for so I’m not surprised you can’t find it!

A: Land, home, ruins, tarmac, exact address that would have belonged to the family pre 1974 in Kato Zodhia. Father in Law died before Astrometris crossing opened. As its the anniversary of his death, it would be nice to be able to finally find out where he belonged, and pay respect to his memory if possible where he lived and grew up when we come over later in the year.
B: Relatives belonging to our family if they still exist in Cyprus, on Father in Laws side.

Any clearer? :?
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