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Changes in the System of Healthcare

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Changes in the System of Healthcare

Postby Demonax » Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:14 pm

Changes in the system of healthcare from August 1 announced the Ministry of Health (via google translate)

From August 1, 2013 shall come into force new regulations concerning the provision of health care in state hospitals which include new requirements for securing medical card, remove the category of beneficiaries 'B' diversification of income criteria, introducing new fees for medications and laboratory tests and an increase in fees paid for services rendered.

In a statement the Ministry of Health refer to the new law, in the new fees paid for services provided by public hospitals, states that:

1. On August 1, 2013, all eligible patients visiting the outpatient public hospitals will pay the sum of € 3,00 for a visit to a general practitioner and the amount of € 6,00 for a visit to a specialist.

Two. Additionally, you will pay the fee of € 0,50 for each prescribed medication for any laboratory test with the maximum charge € 10,00 per prescription drug per form or referral laboratory tests respectively.

Three. Charges for drugs and laboratory tests will be made with the use of "health stamps" which would preempt and will adhere to prescriptions and referral forms laboratory tests. The health stamps will be available at state hospitals and post offices.

4. Patients who do not hold a Medical Card can still use the services of government hospitals by paying € 15,00 for visiting a general practitioner and the amount of € 30,00 for consulting a specialist physician for any service provided with the prescribed fees which revised from August 1, 2013.

Regarding the Accident and Emergency department of public hospitals, states that remain available to any citizen in need. Patients who visit the First Aid, noted, pay the sum of € 10,00, regardless of the services they will provide. "From the above fee excluded some vulnerable categories of citizens such as public assistance recipients, soldiers, disabled competitions, residents of certain institutions etc. For claiming exemption from the above fee, proof of identity hospitalization."

The Ministry of Health states that the obtaining identity hospital issued a rule to Cypriot and EU citizens, permanent residents, from 1 August will each need:

(A) have made contributions in insurable earnings and / or have accounted for the equivalent periods of insurance, at least for three years in total

(B) at the date of application for medical card should have settled his tax obligations.

The Ministry of Health states that the category of beneficiaries 'B' is deleted from August 1, while the income criteria differ.

As noted, medical card granted to persons without dependents whose annual gross income does not exceed € 15,400.00 and to members of families, whose annual gross income does not exceed € 30,750.00, rising by € 1,700.00 for each dependent child.

Important, there is and differentiation of 'dependent', which according to the new provisions extend to children aged 21 years or older and provided that they are still dependent on their parents, such as students, soldiers, etc.

People with certain chronic diseases will continue to be entitled to additional benefits depending on their illness.

To replace the medical card, the Ministry of Health indicates that aiming at as smoothly replacement, has gone to drafting calendar of gradual cancellation of existing identities.

Medical Card issued by other agencies such as the Department of Social Insurance and the Office of Grants and Benefits Service and the identities of public hospital staff, hourly staff and Parastatals are not affected, says the Ministry of Health announcement. ... 7h0WoRFc4g
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