Viewpoint wrote:But you are applying recognized state rules to an unrecognized state, you cant have it both ways.
Demonax wrote:Viewpoint wrote:But you are applying recognized state rules to an unrecognized state, you cant have it both ways.
The moral degradation of the north is not the result of embargoes. It is the result of the fact that the 'trnc' is founded on looting and plunder.
As long as you sit on occupied land then you are criminals. Asking for 'recognition' is asking to legalise theft. That is why the international community will always resist it.
The only way to become ‘legal’ again, is to reverse the crime of the occupation. That is what everyone is waiting for. And that is your only path back to 'recognition'.
Viewpoint wrote:
Your off point again, your judging the north can only be valid if we are recognized and measured by those standards otherwise you are comparing apples with pears, whats your excuse because you are ruled by those standards not us.
Demonax wrote:Viewpoint wrote:
Your off point again, your judging the north can only be valid if we are recognized and measured by those standards otherwise you are comparing apples with pears, whats your excuse because you are ruled by those standards not us.
Of course you can be judged against the standards by which all other people are judged. You might live in a pirate state but you are still responsible for your actions.
Neither can you use the embargo to excuse your illegalities. The embargo is in place precisely because of illegalities: the occupation, plunder and looting of the north. The embargo is not the cause of your moral degradation. You really need to get that into your head to understand why recognition has never been, and never will be, on the agenda.
Trying to justify why you are a crook doesn’t change the fact that you are a crook. That kind of farcical victim mentality won’t get you very far. Try it in a court of law...
Viewpoint wrote:
How can you apply parameters of judgement based on recognized states, you are mixing pears with apples hoping that no one will notice....embargoes bring non recognition and natural gravitation towards means of income which do not fit into your little boxes, what is your excuse as you have a big drug problem, prositution, underground gambling and people being caught aat your airport trying to take out antiquities.......please provide us with why you want to judge us when your own house is not in order.
Demonax wrote:Viewpoint wrote:
How can you apply parameters of judgement based on recognized states, you are mixing pears with apples hoping that no one will notice....embargoes bring non recognition and natural gravitation towards means of income which do not fit into your little boxes, what is your excuse as you have a big drug problem, prositution, underground gambling and people being caught aat your airport trying to take out antiquities.......please provide us with why you want to judge us when your own house is not in order.
You miss the point. The recent US report, and the accusation from the TC lawyer above, implicate the authorities in the occupied areas as being involved systematically in these mafia-like criminal activities. In most places these kind of criminal activities are the domain of criminal gangs - not of the 'state' and its 'officials'. Also the extent of criminality in the occupied areas is out of all proportion to the rest of its 'economy'. The 'trnc' economy is vastly implicated and dependant on criminal activity. By contrast, the Republic of Cyprus has a relatively low crime rate. And we have not even mentioned the looting and exploitation of stolen property in the north which is the biggest crime of all!
Blaming embargoes on all your problems is pathetic. You are responsible for your actions just as you are responsible for the embargoes. The embargoes are there for a reason. If you want to lift the embargoes then you have to comply with the demands of international law. You have to ask yourself what are you prepared to do, to lift the embargoes? Doing nothing just keeps the embargoes in place. Get it?
Viewpoint wrote:
Let me put it more plainly do you have prostitution in the south?
Do you have a drugs problem in the south?
Have people tried to illegally take antiqities out of the south?
Do people gamble underground privately in the south?
You cannot but answer yes to all the above, what is your excuse you have at your disposal recognition and EU support to combat your crimes against humanity, we dont...... again what is your excuse and who are to judge? doesnt your bible tell you that "he who is without sin should cast the first stone" your denial has always been your down fall, the best example being your current economic demise.
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