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ID !!!???

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ID !!!???

Postby eleni » Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:18 am

When we came here 6 years ago, my husband (English/Cypriot) and children all got their Id's without any problem! I'm an "Alien" with a yellow residence paper!
Ok! all has been going fine (all working issued with social insurance numbers and everything else on their ID card numbers) until one of my daughters ( now married with a 3 year old child) lost her ID card, So she went to the issuing office for a replacement, where! she has now been told she can't have one as she is no longer eligible, and will have to apply for a yellow slip as ID cards are only issued to Cypriot citizens.

Which means any Cypriots from Britain, America, Africa, Australia and anywhere I haven't mentioned that have ID cards with anything other than Cypriot Citizen and are living in Cyprus are here illegally. I know I'm a little late with this information as the law changed quite a while ago, that also mean say for instance my father & mother-in- law Born here (but British citizens) that came back to live in 1982 have been here illegally with ID cards that state they are British..hahaha!!! what a shambles.
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Re: ID !!!???

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:27 pm

Sorry, Eleni, I don't understand the problem.

How can you have a Cypriot I.D. card with anything other than "Cypriot" as your nationality on it? :?

If your daughter had a Cypriot id it would mean she was Cypriot (and still is) since her father is Cypriot.

As for your in-laws, did they choose to remain "British" after (semi) independence?

BTW - EU citizens, whether they have Cypriot i.d. or not, are not in Cyprus illegally if they state their purpose in residing for more than 6 months.
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Re: ID !!!???

Postby B25 » Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:54 pm

She just means an ID card. Of course even the Brits could get these until recently where they were stopped being issued. I seem to remember something about it causing confusion where people tried to us it to travel.
The ID card just save you carrying your passport around with you.

Her kids were never Cypriot citizens if they didn't apply for it. Possible her husband the same.

If you live in Cyprus for more than 183 days you have to register with immigration. But returning Cyps never do this.
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Re: ID !!!???

Postby eleni » Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:22 pm

Hello GreekIslandGirl & B25,
No my Children are not Cypriot they are British, My Father & Mother-in-law were in the UK 1960 when Cyprus gained independence & remained British Citizens, returning to live in Cyprus 1982, My mother-in -Law still refuses to become a Cypriot Citizen ( her reason! she is called Xeni) even though she was actually born here and should by right have been given at least dual citizenship from the start without having to apply to the country of her BIRTH to become one.

When we came year after year for holidays My Husband and then my son had to have exit visa's to leave as they were both of Cypriot decent and would have to do the army!.. They can't have it both ways.
This Change that has happened with the ID cards has caused a lot of confusion.
When you phone the different gov departments dealing with all this, you get different answers from all, I even had one lady tell me " It's very difficult I don't really know what you should do" well if she doesn't who does?
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Re: ID !!!???

Postby CBBB » Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:33 pm

eleni wrote:Hello GreekIslandGirl & B25,
No my Children are not Cypriot they are British, My Father & Mother-in-law were in the UK 1960 when Cyprus gained independence & remained British Citizens, returning to live in Cyprus 1982, My mother-in -Law still refuses to become a Cypriot Citizen ( her reason! she is called Xeni) even though she was actually born here and should by right have been given at least dual citizenship from the start without having to apply to the country of her BIRTH to become one.

When we came year after year for holidays My Husband and then my son had to have exit visa's to leave as they were both of Cypriot decent and would have to do the army!.. They can't have it both ways.
This Change that has happened with the ID cards has caused a lot of confusion.
When you phone the different gov departments dealing with all this, you get different answers from all, I even had one lady tell me " It's very difficult I don't really know what you should do" well if she doesn't who does?

I know what you should do, nothing!

Don't worry about it, the only time you will need yellow slips is if you want to get free medical care, for everything else it is not a problem
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Re: ID !!!???

Postby B25 » Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:50 pm

eleni wrote:
My mother-in -Law still refuses to become a Cypriot Citizen ( her reason! she is called Xeni) even though she was actually born here and should by right have been given at least dual citizenship from the start without having to apply to the country of her BIRTH to become one.

If she was born here as I assume your FiL then they should have had IDs back then. That would be an automatic citizenship and they can just apply for the ID care if they have there birth certificates. I don't see the problem here.

When we came year after year for holidays My Husband and then my son had to have exit visa's to leave as they were both of Cypriot decent and would have to do the army!.. They can't have it both ways.

Yes I agree, but they do have it both ways and nothing anyone can do, but since the joining of the EU if you are not a citizen, you don't do NS.

When you phone the different gov departments dealing with all this, you get different answers from all, I even had one lady tell me " It's very difficult I don't really know what you should do" well if she doesn't who does?

Government office don't know their arse from their elbows that's why this place is so F up. If only they would employ and train educated people and not peasants we might just move forward as a country. Makes my blood boil.
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Re: ID !!!???

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:05 pm

It’s a problem of dual citizenship. To have the Cypriot they must give up the British.
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Re: ID !!!???

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:39 pm

eleni wrote:Hello GreekIslandGirl & B25,
No my Children are not Cypriot they are British, My Father & Mother-in-law were in the UK 1960 when Cyprus gained independence & remained British Citizens, returning to live in Cyprus 1982, My mother-in -Law still refuses to become a Cypriot Citizen ( her reason! she is called Xeni) even though she was actually born here and should by right have been given at least dual citizenship from the start without having to apply to the country of her BIRTH to become one.

When we came year after year for holidays My Husband and then my son had to have exit visa's to leave as they were both of Cypriot decent and would have to do the army!.. They can't have it both ways.
This Change that has happened with the ID cards has caused a lot of confusion.
When you phone the different gov departments dealing with all this, you get different answers from all, I even had one lady tell me " It's very difficult I don't really know what you should do" well if she doesn't who does?

Have you used those offices found in every large town? For εξυπηρέτηση του πολίτη (something like that). They are FANTASTIC. I cannot stress this enough. You go in. Explain your little problem - and they simply take over with their little computers and e-mail you when it's sorted. No more queuing and turning up to an empty/wrong office. :D

ID cards are just political expediencies - they shift and change. That's why they don't automatically give you one or the other but you must choose because it depends what suits you as well, depending on where you are residing at the time.
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Re: ID !!!???

Postby CBBB » Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:57 pm

Get Real! wrote:It’s a problem of dual citizenship. To have the Cypriot they must give up the British.

That is not correct, it is perfectly acceptable to hold British and Cypriot nationality. When renewing my ID Card to get one of the flash new ones, I was asked if I wanted the nationality bit to say 'CYPRIOT/BRITISH', but I insisted on the 'CYPRIOT' only.
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Re: ID !!!???

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:11 pm

CBBB wrote:
Get Real! wrote:It’s a problem of dual citizenship. To have the Cypriot they must give up the British.

That is not correct, it is perfectly acceptable to hold British and Cypriot nationality. When renewing my ID Card to get one of the flash new ones, I was asked if I wanted the nationality bit to say 'CYPRIOT/BRITISH', but I insisted on the 'CYPRIOT' only.

Wtf!... but you're half CY, half Brit and half KEO!
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