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The Curse of Racism. Its Roots and Causes.

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The Curse of Racism. Its Roots and Causes.

Postby kimon07 » Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:40 pm

This thread is especially dedicated to all the trolls, the slanderers, the colonial racists and all their followers.


During the course of recent history, Mankind came face to face with the horrors of Racism i.e., the separation of human beings to superiors and inferiors (even sub humans) based on their ethnic descend or the color of their skin.
Only very recently and only in Germany, 6 million Jews, 400,000 Roma and many others were wiped out from the face of the earth just because of their ethnic origin or because they simply did not belong to the “Arial race”. Not to forget the millions of Russians and other Slavs who also met their deaths by the Nazis in their home lands for the same reason.
In what today is known as Turkey, under the Ottoman empire as well as under the rule of Mustafa Kemal and his butcher pashas, 1.5 million Armenians, 500.000 thousand Greeks of Pontos, and hundreds of thousands of Assyrians Alevites and other ethnic groups/minorities were butchered or became victims of ethnic cleansing.
In the Americas, Canada, Australia and many territories of the African Continent, all native populations were either totally or to a large extend exterminated, deprived of their home lands and possessions, and those who survived were forced to live like animals or, in the best cases as second or third rate human beings deprived of their cultures, religions, even of their languages and were forced to even forget or deny their ethnic descend and the past history of their nations. Example, the systematic unethical efforts of the British colonials to force the Greek Cypriots to forget/deny/doubt their ethnic descent.
Those who master minded and executed all these massive crimes and atrocities against humanity in the name of their own “supremacy” and/or the “need” to “enlighten” and “civilize” the “inferiors” are telling us that that racism is as old as man kind. That racist practices are found even in the most ancient and most prominent civilizations of antiquity. Even worse, they even have the audacity to be accusing of racism/extreme nationalism the victims of their racist crimes who are standing up to reclaim their unique national identities their cultures, their customs and their routes.
But the initial question here is this: Is racism an ancient phenomenon/practice? Or is it the curse of modern human history?
I maintain the latter and I intend to produce all the necessary evidence. I support that racism is one of the two true and genuine children of Colonialism, the other being slavery. In fact, the colonial powers invented racism as a substitute to slavery after slavery was abolished. Distinguishing people to “humans” and “sub-humans”, “superiors” and “inferiors” offered to the colonial powers of Europe (mainly) the false alibi and the excuse to invade and occupy the countries of the “inferiors” lute their riches and exploit the populations as unpaid labor. All in the name of…civilizing the uncivilized “savages” or “inferiors”, or bringing them the “true religion” or even, as in the case of the Irish, helping them to ….rule themselves properly because they were too … stupid to do it alone.
To prove my above thesis, I will come back with extracts from studies of specialists in this field and lots and lots of links to sites, books, essays etc.

Below is a small sample of what is to follow. Additionally to it and in order for those of you who will find this thread interesting and would like to submit opinions or to know more about racism and its roots, I submit a small with some of the sites from which I gathered most of the information and facts which I will later use to support my case.

Right on Calvert-Smith
By Ezra Goldstein

Racism is "the belief in the inherent superiority of one race over all others" and the right to rule inferior races. The British Empire was the physical embodiment of English supremacy. At its height, the empire covered one fifth of the world's land mass most of which inhabited by non-white races. According to Kipling, the empire was the "white man's burden". It fell on him to rule and civilise the "new caught, sullen peoples, half devil and half child". Non-whites of the empire were "the hewers of wood and the drawers of water" for the white man; "God is an English".

The belief in white supremacy, which justifies slavery, was the glue connecting all classes of British society. Transporting, storing and processing raw material from the colonies on which British industry depended provided work for sailors, docks and warehousemen. Trade with the colonies gave employment to millions of workers in industries such as textile, shipbuilding and arms. The 1905 Liberal government used revenues earned from taxing the profit of such trade to lay the foundation of the British welfare state by enacting the 1908 Old Age Pensions Act.

Racism is the legacy of the British Empire. Post-war immigrants to Britain from the non-white colonies suffered discrimination in education, employment, and housing. The 1965 Race Relation Act aimed to outlaw such discrimination. Further anti-discrimination laws followed. However, the racism Calvert-Smith speaks about remains an institution in Britain today.

See also: ... -of-racism ... Itemid=225 ... 367735.ece ... crets-lies ... ew/244/76/
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Re: The Curse of Racism. Its Roots and Causes.

Postby kimon07 » Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:45 am


Some of the links above are not related to racism and its origins but to modern colonialism and the colonial crimes and are to be used under another topic be be started after this one is exhausted. They were included above by mistake. My apologies for the confusion.
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Re: The Curse of Racism. Its Roots and Causes.

Postby tsukoui » Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:34 am

I have never accused any Cypriot of being racist. On the contrary I have stated that it is impossible for Cypriots to be racist without first becoming the dominant imperial power. That does not mean we are immune to this curse. Thanks for posting, Kimon.
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Re: The Curse of Racism. Its Roots and Causes.

Postby kimon07 » Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:17 pm

tsukoui wrote:I have never accused any Cypriot of being racist.

Did I ever say or imply that you did??

Thanks for posting, Kimon.

My pleasure!
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Re: The Curse of Racism. Its Roots and Causes.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:13 pm

kimon07 wrote: .... were forced to even forget or deny their ethnic descend and the past history of their nations. Example, the systematic unethical efforts of the British colonials to force the Greek Cypriots to forget/deny/doubt their ethnic descent. ...

I thought this was a historical ideology which died out when the UK made their half-hearted attempt at behaving in a civilized manner and gave Cyprus some independence in 1960.

But the forum today is full of British people who think they went to Eton and still rule over us; telling us we are not Greek because Greeks never existed - even if their own command of English is worse than that of most Germans.

Even worse are those native Australians (at least 3) who have adopted the British ideology of neo-Cypriotism and racist hatred of anything Greek. Paving the way for Turkey's goals of revisionism.
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Re: The Curse of Racism. Its Roots and Causes.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:44 pm

kimon07 wrote:Only very recently and only in Germany, 6 million Jews, 400,000 Roma and many others were wiped out from the face of the earth just because of their ethnic origin or because they simply did not belong to the “Arial race”.

Happening now in Cyprus where the Turks/Turkish Cypriots have ethnically cleansed 200,000 Christians from their homes and continue human rights violations against Greeks ...

Christian communities have existed for two thousand years in the Middle East, though they are now declining as a result of low birth rates and emigration caused by discrimination and persecution in most of the Arab and Muslim countries in the area. The case of northern Cyprus is a recent example of that discrimination and intolerance towards a Christian community.
The disruption of the Christian liturgy in the two villages was, as admitted by the World Council of Churches at the time, a flagrant violation of fundamental freedoms and human rights, the freedom of religion and belief, as guaranteed in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in other international declarations, including the 1981 United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of all Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination based on Religion and Belief.
Despite the presence of UNFICYP in 1974, the Turkish army invaded the island, ostensibly to restore "constitutional order," after the Greek military had attempted a coup to unite Cyprus with Greece. Though there was a de facto ceasefire in August 1974, the Turkish aggression remained. The Turks never withdrew and occupied about a third of the island. In November 1983, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was established under the leadership of Rauf Denktash, who remained president until 2005. It had a population of 180,000, of whom about 100,000 came as colonialists from Anatolia, the Turkish mainland. The U.N. condemned the Republic as "legally invalid" and called on states not to recognize it. None has done so except Turkey. The town of Nicosia is still divided, with a "Green Line," into two parts, each being the capital of one of the two regimes. It is the only divided capital in the world.
With the establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the 200,000 Greek Christian Cypriots in the north escaped or were deported to the south. The village of Rizokarpaso, where the Christian Mass was prevented, once had a population of 3,000; now it has few Christians. The Turkish Republic has epitomized qualities of ethnic cleansing, disproportionate use of force, vandalism, religious intolerance, repression, and persecution. The Christian community in the north has dwindled to about 450.
Restrictions have been put on Christian practices, as has access to religious sites and places of worship. In spite of international calls for the Turks to stop desecrating and destroying Christian properties, demolitions of churches have occurred, including in May 2011 the 200-year-old one in the village of Vokolida. In all, at least 530 churches have been damaged, vandalized, or destroyed. Some have been converted to military storage facilities, stables, casinos, or nightclubs; 78 have been transformed into mosques.
The Orthodox Church has been refused permission to restore Christian monuments. One calculation estimates that 60,000 relics, icons, and mosaics from ancient Byzantine have been stolen. Some were found in the Getty Museum in Malibu before a U.S. court ruled that they belonged to the Christian Church. Only since 2003 have the Greek Christians been allowed to cross the border into the north and see the destruction of their heritage. ... yprus.html
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Re: The Curse of Racism. Its Roots and Causes.

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:42 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
kimon07 wrote: .... were forced to even forget or deny their ethnic descend and the past history of their nations. Example, the systematic unethical efforts of the British colonials to force the Greek Cypriots to forget/deny/doubt their ethnic descent. ...

I thought this was a historical ideology which died out when the UK made their half-hearted attempt at behaving in a civilized manner and gave Cyprus some independence in 1960.

But the forum today is full of British people who think they went to Eton and still rule over us; telling us we are not Greek because Greeks never existed - even if their own command of English is worse than that of most Germans.

Even worse are those native Australians (at least 3) who have adopted the British ideology of neo-Cypriotism and racist hatred of anything Greek. Paving the way for Turkey's goals of revisionism.

What absolute rubbish!

The Brits never forced anyone to deny their anything, and if anything, relished the Ethnic Divide in the 50s because they could play one off with the other. Classic Divide and Rule.

It's not Neo-Cypriotism either. It is ultra Nationalism. We are Nationalists woman and don't you forget it! :wink:

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Re: The Curse of Racism. Its Roots and Causes.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:29 am

Race is categorized so differently in the present day and age in different countries.

In ancient times, one had Airs, Waters and Places, a short and laughable book by Hippocrates, which sought to find a scientific reason for physical differences between races: a fore-runner of things to come.

He says

The other races in Europe differ from one another, both as to stature
and shape, owing to the changes of the seasons, which are very great
and frequent, and because the heat is strong, the winters severe,
and there are frequent rains, and again protracted droughts, and winds,
from which many and diversified changes are induced. These changes
are likely to have an effect upon generation in the coagulation of
the semen, as this process cannot be the same in summer as in winter,
nor in rainy as in dry weather; wherefore, I think, that the figures
of Europeans differ more than those of Asiatics; and they differ very
much from one another as to stature in the same city; for vitiations
of the semen occur in its coagulation more frequently during frequent
changes of the seasons, than where they are alike and equable. And
the same may be said of their dispositions, for the wild, and unsociable,
and the passionate occur in such a constitution; for frequent excitement
of the mind induces wildness, and extinguishes sociableness and mildness
of disposition, and therefore I think the inhabitants of Europe more
courageous than those of Asia; for a climate which is always the same
induces indolence, but a changeable climate, laborious exertions both
of body and mind; and from rest and indolence cowardice is engendered,
and from laborious exertions and pains, courage. On this account the
inhabitants of Europe are than the Asiatics, and also owing to their
institutions, because they are not governed by kings like the latter,
for where men are governed by kings there they must be very cowardly,
as I have stated before; for their souls are enslaved, and they will
not willingly, or readily undergo dangers in order to promote the
power of another; but those that are free undertake dangers on their
own account, and not for the sake of others; they court hazard and
go out to meet it, for they themselves bear off the rewards of victory,
and thus their institutions contribute not a little to their courage.

and here we have Harry Stottle who follows that same theme

"The nations inhabiting the cold places and those of Europe are full of spirit but somewhat deficient in intelligence and skill, so that they continue comparatively free, but lacking in political organization and capacity to rule their neighbors. The peoples of Asia on the other hand are intelligent and skillful in temperament, but lack spirit, so that they are in continuous subjection and slavery."

If that is not a racist statement - I am not sure what is. it was however a forerunner of the scientific racism that developed in the 18th C, with the writings of e.g. Voltaire (here, kitty kitty) or Kant, or Hegel, to name but a few. Significantly most of the earlier scientific racists were American or Continental European, and in its modern form it was not a British invention, nor was it confined to the British Empire.

Like it or not the Ancients, including the ancient Greeks practiced discrimination on foreigners, one has disparaging remarks comparing foreign languages to the noises of sheep, barbarians, indeed the Ancient Athenians evidently considered themselves superior to all others. I understand the Athenians called it eugeneia – noble birth., acquired
by virtue of the (apprently changing) myth of autochthonous origin of Athenians: that is a form of racism..

I am very well aware of the sins of the European empires including the British Empire and the evil of scientific racism: I will heartily condemn them however I will not apologize for the sins of others over whom I had no control: I have not asked anyone to apologise for the racism of the Ancients, only to recognize it for what it: however if one is to condemn racism by one group, why not the contemporary racism of those mutually masturbatory arch proponents of that poroduct of 19th Century thinking, the anti-Semites Kurupetos and Yialoser 1971,(i am not asking you to apologise on their behalf, simply to condemn it, or are you in fact an apologist for them?).

However the very trollish nature of this thread, and indeed of Kimon07 is plain to all to see where he is deliberately targeting one individual with this thread, and then proposes to start another. If however starting this post gives him pleasure, then he is welcome to it. Pleasuring himself is probably the only thing he is good at..
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Re: The Curse of Racism. Its Roots and Causes.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:31 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
kimon07 wrote:Only very recently and only in Germany, 6 million Jews, 400,000 Roma and many others were wiped out from the face of the earth just because of their ethnic origin or because they simply did not belong to the “Arial race”.

Happening now in Cyprus where the Turks/Turkish Cypriots have ethnically cleansed 200,000 Christians from their homes and continue human rights violations against Greeks ...

Christian communities have existed for two thousand years in the Middle East, though they are now declining as a result of low birth rates and emigration caused by discrimination and persecution in most of the Arab and Muslim countries in the area. The case of northern Cyprus is a recent example of that discrimination and intolerance towards a Christian community.
The disruption of the Christian liturgy in the two villages was, as admitted by the World Council of Churches at the time, a flagrant violation of fundamental freedoms and human rights, the freedom of religion and belief, as guaranteed in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in other international declarations, including the 1981 United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of all Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination based on Religion and Belief.
Despite the presence of UNFICYP in 1974, the Turkish army invaded the island, ostensibly to restore "constitutional order," after the Greek military had attempted a coup to unite Cyprus with Greece. Though there was a de facto ceasefire in August 1974, the Turkish aggression remained. The Turks never withdrew and occupied about a third of the island. In November 1983, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was established under the leadership of Rauf Denktash, who remained president until 2005. It had a population of 180,000, of whom about 100,000 came as colonialists from Anatolia, the Turkish mainland. The U.N. condemned the Republic as "legally invalid" and called on states not to recognize it. None has done so except Turkey. The town of Nicosia is still divided, with a "Green Line," into two parts, each being the capital of one of the two regimes. It is the only divided capital in the world.
With the establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the 200,000 Greek Christian Cypriots in the north escaped or were deported to the south. The village of Rizokarpaso, where the Christian Mass was prevented, once had a population of 3,000; now it has few Christians. The Turkish Republic has epitomized qualities of ethnic cleansing, disproportionate use of force, vandalism, religious intolerance, repression, and persecution. The Christian community in the north has dwindled to about 450.
Restrictions have been put on Christian practices, as has access to religious sites and places of worship. In spite of international calls for the Turks to stop desecrating and destroying Christian properties, demolitions of churches have occurred, including in May 2011 the 200-year-old one in the village of Vokolida. In all, at least 530 churches have been damaged, vandalized, or destroyed. Some have been converted to military storage facilities, stables, casinos, or nightclubs; 78 have been transformed into mosques.
The Orthodox Church has been refused permission to restore Christian monuments. One calculation estimates that 60,000 relics, icons, and mosaics from ancient Byzantine have been stolen. Some were found in the Getty Museum in Malibu before a U.S. court ruled that they belonged to the Christian Church. Only since 2003 have the Greek Christians been allowed to cross the border into the north and see the destruction of their heritage. ... yprus.html

An excellent post "g"IG. I just hope the politicians in the USA and EU see it that way too.
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Re: The Curse of Racism. Its Roots and Causes.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:30 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:Race is categorized so differently in the present day and age in different countries.

In ancient times, one had Airs, Waters and Places, a short and laughable book by Hippocrates, which sought to find a scientific reason for physical differences between races: a fore-runner of things to come.

No, no, no, no .... no.

You don't have to go back 2,500 years for a "laughable" description of foreign people! :wink:

"It was not only Africans who were deemed to be inferior. For example, a school text published as late as 1925 claimed that the natives of India were a 'half-civilised, thieving…primitive race', who were given a measure of 'civilisation' by the 'tall well-built race of Aryans… akin to the best European types' (CB Thurston, An Economic Geography of the British Empire, London 1925, p.153). Such racist descriptions of Africans and Indians appeared in text books until about 40 years ago." ... today.html


supporttheunderdog wrote:it was however a forerunner of the scientific racism that developed in the 18th C, with the writings of e.g. Voltaire (here, kitty kitty) or Kant, or Hegel, to name but a few.

You don't have to stop at German philosophers either.

"It was a British man, not a German, who first came up with the term eugenics in 1883. Francis Galton was a cousin of Charles Darwin and he became obsessed with Origin of Species, especially its chapter on the breeding of domestic animals. This inspired him to spend much of his life studying the variations in human ability. He wrote: "The question was then forced upon me. Could not the race of men be similarly improved? Could not the undesirables be got rid of and the desirables multiplied?"." ... s-disabled


supporttheunderdog wrote:...nor was it confined to the British Empire.

Yes it became rife and spread like wildfire during the British Empire:

"Quote from Churchill: “I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place.” (To the Peel Commission 1937) ... genics.htm


supporttheunderdog wrote:Significantly most of the earlier scientific racists were American or Continental European, and in its modern form it was not a British invention,

Significantly, the applied science of racism, in its "modern form" was indeed a British invention:

"In 1883 a British biologist named Francis Galton combined the roots of the Greek words for "good" and "origin" to create the term "eugenics" for an applied science based on genetics and breeding. The "science" of eugenics proposed that human perfection could be developed through selective breeding. In the late nineteenth century researchers developed the idea, a blend of genetic research and social theory. Eugenics soon crossed the Atlantic and by the 1920s and 1930s was adopted by mainstream scientists, doctors and the general public." ... enics.html


And yes, some of the master-racists of the British elite only died a few decades ago: ... genics.htm
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