Paphitis wrote:Let me tell you this Kimon. Paphitis is next to all those you mention and is even closely related to one of them you do not mention.
You force me to post off topic again but I can not resist.
I am glad you mentioned him:
Addressing the court which sentenced him to his death he does not accept to be defended by lawyers, he pleads guilty as charged and declares with defiance:
I know you will hang me. Whatever I did I did it as a Greek Cypriot who seeks his freedom.
That is all.
(Γνωρίζω ότι θα με κρεμάσετε. Ό, τι έκαμα το έκαμα ως Έλλην Κύπριος όστις ζητεί την Ελευθερίαν του. Τίποτα άλλο).
In the last letter he wrote before his execution he writes:
I will follow my destiny with courage…………… We all die one day.
It is a good thing to die for Greece.
(Ο Ευαγόρας στο τελευταίο γράμμα του γράφει:
Θ΄ ακολουθήσω με θάρρος τη μοίρα μου. Ίσως αυτό να ναι το τελευταίο μου γράμμα.
Μα πάλι δεν πειράζει. Δεν λυπάμαι για τίποτα. Ας χάσω το κάθε τι.
Μια φορά κανείς πεθαίνει. Θα βαδίσω χαρούμενος στην τελευταία μου κατοικία. Τι σήμερα τι αύριο;
Όλοι πεθαίνουν μια μέρα.
Είναι καλό πράγμα να πεθαίνει κανείς για την Ελλάδα…….
Ώρα 7:30. Η πιο όμορφη μέρα της ζωής μου. Η πιο όμορφη ώρα. Μη ρωτάτε γιατί). ... allhkaridh
You do not understand the values I talk about. To you they are just slogans but I have lived them in war zones and operationally through years of service.
Certainly, the values I talk about do not exist in Greece, with the only exception being (I say this because I know as I have seen for myself), The Hellenic Armed Forces.
Apparently, your preoccupation with the ANZAC "Bushido" did not allow you to understand one thing about the Hellenic Armed Forces. That they take pride in the fact that they consider themselves as and they are considered by the Greeks to be the guardians of the historical values of the Hellenic Nation which, according to you, do not exist. And something else. The officers of the Hellenic Armed Forces are not some sort of a distinct aristocratic elite (which was the case with most other armies till the end of WW2, a remnant of the Feudal era). They are the children of common Greeks, the blood and flesh of the Hellenic Nation.
Finally, you must make up your mind whether the Greek military are the cowards you described in all the other posts of yours or the "honorable" force which follows the ....ANZAC code.
By the way! How old are you Captain Sparrow? 200?