GreekIslandGirl wrote:No, we don't want to adopt any newly-constructed Germanic languages here in Cyprus!
Paphitis wrote:Conclusion: English should be the only official language of the RoC!
Until now, the so-called Minimalists have set the tone in British archeology. They believe in what they call an "elite transfer", in which a small caste of Germanic noble warriors, perhaps a few thousand, placed themselves at the top of society in a coup of sorts, and eventually even displaced the Celtic language with their own. Many contemporary Britons, not overly keen on having such a close kinship with the Continent, like this scenario.
In truth, however, the army of the Britons was usually in retreat. Many fell into captivity. According to Härke, the captured Britons lived a miserable existence as "servants and maids" in the villages of the Anglo-Saxons.
There were two types of grave in the cemeteries of the time: those containing swords and other weapons, and those with none. The local inhabitants, deprived of their rights, were apparently buried in the latter type of grave.
The London geneticist Mark Thomas is convinced that the conquerors from the continent maintained "social structures similar to apartheid," a view supported by the laws of King Ine of Wessex (around 695). They specify six social levels for the Britons, five of which refer to slaves.
As a result of the brutal subjugation, the reproduction rate of the losing Britons was apparently curbed, while the winners had many children. The consequences are still evident today in the British gene pool. "People from rural England are more closely related to the northern Germans than to their countrymen from Wales or Scotland," Härke explains.
Sotos wrote:Paphitis wrote:Conclusion: English should be the only official language of the RoC!
Conclusion: You are a moron
GreekIslandGirl wrote:No, we don't want to adopt any newly-constructed Germanic languages here in Cyprus!
kurupetos wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:No, we don't want to adopt any newly-constructed Germanic languages here in Cyprus!
Ignore him, because he's not a Cypriot.
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