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Culture, dance and music...

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Culture, dance and music...

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:25 am

This would be a useful exercise for all Cypriots and Greeks.

How often do we talk about our own culture and customs? Sure there are some fascinating things, but let's look at some other cultures from around the world because I find them even more fascinating. :)

In my travels I have seen things which cast a spell and I said to myself, wow, I want to know how to dance like that.

Everything from the music, the food, dance, culture and people.

In Europe, I have a deep fascination with Spain and Portugal. Elsewhere, it would have to be Latin America (South America and the Caribbean in particular). For me, any people who dance the way they do, basically sex on the dance floor, is just grand in my view. Which is why, I actually have Salsa lessons in my spare time. :oops:

But in Europe, it is Spain and Portugal for me (sorry Greece).

Best country in Europe after Cyprus.

So what's your favourite country from a cultural perspective in either Europe or anywhere else for that matter? :)
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Re: Culture, dance and music...

Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:11 am

Paphitis wrote:This would be a useful exercise for all Cypriots and Greeks.

How often do we talk about our own culture and customs? Sure there are some fascinating things, but let's look at some other cultures from around the world because I find them even more fascinating. :)

In my travels I have seen things which cast a spell and I said to myself, wow, I want to know how to dance like that.

Everything from the music, the food, dance, culture and people.

In Europe, I have a deep fascination with Spain and Portugal. Elsewhere, it would have to be Latin America (South America and the Caribbean in particular). For me, any people who dance the way they do, basically sex on the dance floor, is just grand in my view. Which is why, I actually have Salsa lessons in my spare time. :oops:

But in Europe, it is Spain and Portugal for me (sorry Greece).

Best country in Europe after Cyprus.

So what's your favourite country from a cultural perspective in either Europe or anywhere else for that matter? :)

Naturally for me the best dances in the whole wide world is ..Zeimbekiko and Tsifteteli.
As for sex on the dance floor, beat this

After Cyprus my most favourite country is of course Belarus :lol: :lol:
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Re: Culture, dance and music...

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:25 am

Oh man, I wish I could view that Video.

I love the Zembekiko and boy do I have some moves. Definitely one of my favourites. :wink:

Latino Dancing makes me feel different though, because there is nothing like it. It's all in the passion and eyes. I haven't experienced anything like it.

That is one thing about the "Southern Europeans" that is definitely better than the Northerners. We may not be organised, but we are passionate and creative! :wink:

Maybe the Krauts don't like that about us? :D

Maybe they want us to work more so that we have less time enjoying our lives and buy more Mercedes Benz! :roll:

Anyone else? So far we have Spanish Tango/Flamenco, Latin American Salsa, Greek Zembekiko, and Belarusian (ehem) pole dancing! :)
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Re: Culture, dance and music...

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:51 am

Some cultures are so superficial, they are easy to absorb from a short visit. I don't wish to insult any cultures by assuming I can feel anything deeper than respect for them; certainly don't wish to insult them by 'ranking' them from my many short visits over the last 40 years.

Good luck to them all. They all have something to offer for our amusement - and especially to titillate those visitors from culturally-deprived new constructs built on destroyed lands belonging to other ancient peoples.

- It's enough for me the rapture and blessing I feel from being Greek Cypriot. Miltiades shares this, I know. :D

(Sorry, but this sounds like a deeply insincere sort of thread.)
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Re: Culture, dance and music...

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:08 am

Yes of corurse. Good luck to all cultures.

Yes I know how you feel. I get the same feeling when I pass old sites like Choirokitia.

I always feel that all cultures have something to offer. Even the newer countries like America and Australia are culturally rich. You live their culture daily in all likelihood, from the music to movies and sport.

I mentioned Portugal and Spain. naturally many more fascinate me, including Greece, but what culture stands out for you other than Greece?

I am curious on why you think this thread is insincere. :?
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Re: Culture, dance and music...

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:10 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Good luck to them all. They all have something to offer for our amusement - and especially to titillate those visitors from culturally-deprived new constructs built on destroyed lands belonging to other ancient peoples.

In case you didn't get my post above, it seems the Ancient Greeks have a lot in common with the Imperialist British, Australians, Americans vis a vis the Choirokitians, Aboriginals and Red Indians. :wink:

I am curious on how you will get out of that because it appears that Cyprus is amongst those destroyed lands belonging to ancient peoples.
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Re: Culture, dance and music...

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:03 am

Paphitis wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Good luck to them all. They all have something to offer for our amusement - and especially to titillate those visitors from culturally-deprived new constructs built on destroyed lands belonging to other ancient peoples.

In case you didn't get my post above, it seems the Ancient Greeks have a lot in common with the Imperialist British, Australians, Americans vis a vis the Choirokitians, Aboriginals and Red Indians. :wink:

I am curious on how you will get out of that because it appears that Cyprus is amongst those destroyed lands belonging to ancient peoples.

No, the Ancient Greeks don't have "a lot in common" with these recent Imperialists as they predated them by a few thousand years. You can say these latter day Imperialists try to associate themselves with the Classical Greeks, to lend some respectability to their crimes and aims, but that is all. The Greeks did not ally themselves with such practices as they became outdated for the Greeks from even a few thousand years ago. Philosophy and humanism took over by the time we hit AD 0.

Wake up - of course Cyprus has suffered at the hands of Imperialists - the ones who over the last few centuries, and even up to today, try to destroy its ethnicity, origins and history. I count you among them! :wink:

Having answered your direct question, please do not direct any more my way as I would like to leave you to restore the thread topic to your original intended general cultural one ...
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Re: Culture, dance and music...

Postby Sotos » Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:14 am

Paphitis wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Good luck to them all. They all have something to offer for our amusement - and especially to titillate those visitors from culturally-deprived new constructs built on destroyed lands belonging to other ancient peoples.

In case you didn't get my post above, it seems the Ancient Greeks have a lot in common with the Imperialist British, Australians, Americans vis a vis the Choirokitians, Aboriginals and Red Indians. :wink:

The village of Choirokoitia was suddenly abandoned for reasons unknown at around 6000 BC and it seems that the island remained uninhabited for about 1500 years until the next recorded entity, the Sotira group.

If you are going to make comparisons with Greeks and Cyprus that should be with the English and Britain ... and we Greeks came to Cyprus 1500 years before the English went to Britain ... let alone America and Australia ;)
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Re: Culture, dance and music...

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:21 am

Sotos wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Good luck to them all. They all have something to offer for our amusement - and especially to titillate those visitors from culturally-deprived new constructs built on destroyed lands belonging to other ancient peoples.

In case you didn't get my post above, it seems the Ancient Greeks have a lot in common with the Imperialist British, Australians, Americans vis a vis the Choirokitians, Aboriginals and Red Indians. :wink:

The village of Choirokoitia was suddenly abandoned for reasons unknown at around 6000 BC and it seems that the island remained uninhabited for about 1500 years until the next recorded entity, the Sotira group.

If you are going to make comparisons with Greeks and Cyprus that should be with the English and Britain ... and we Greeks came to Cyprus 1500 years before the English went to Britain ... let alone America and Australia ;)

I think we should get back on topic in this thread.

But in any case, you guys were making the comparisons as if Aussies and Americans have anything to worry about but nevertheless.

You said that Australia and America were invaded, well so was Cyprus! :wink:

BTW, the Portuguese were the first to arrive in Australia! :wink:
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Re: Culture, dance and music...

Postby Sotos » Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:01 pm

Paphitis wrote:You said that Australia and America were invaded, well so was Cyprus! :wink:

So was Britain ;) So what is your point? Didn't we all come from Africa after all? How native you are is about how much time your kind has been at some place .... Greeks in Cyprus: 3500 years, English in Britain: 1500 years, Turks in Cyprus 400 years, your roots in Australia: 50 years ... and you want to be called "native Australian" already!! ;)
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