How often do we talk about our own culture and customs? Sure there are some fascinating things, but let's look at some other cultures from around the world because I find them even more fascinating.

In my travels I have seen things which cast a spell and I said to myself, wow, I want to know how to dance like that.
Everything from the music, the food, dance, culture and people.
In Europe, I have a deep fascination with Spain and Portugal. Elsewhere, it would have to be Latin America (South America and the Caribbean in particular). For me, any people who dance the way they do, basically sex on the dance floor, is just grand in my view. Which is why, I actually have Salsa lessons in my spare time.

But in Europe, it is Spain and Portugal for me (sorry Greece).
Best country in Europe after Cyprus.
So what's your favourite country from a cultural perspective in either Europe or anywhere else for that matter?