Got back from Cyprus yesterday early morning and just in time for the prayers on Channel 4 !!!
Bought my TV, perhaps the best investment I ever made, apart from, in the entertainment field.
Was planning to buy the Samsung Smart 40" for 899 euros but on seeing the next size up, a 46" , I opted for this one and since it was the last one in stock and on show I haggled the price down to 999.euros.
I was able to watch my favourite Greek music shows such as " stin yigia mas" and my guests were enjoying their Russian films and musical shows.
I bought the TV from Stephanis, served by a young man who was born in the UK, very helpful and patient he was with me as he explained how to use the TV.
I had 15 days in Cyprus and although troubled by events beyond my control I did have a good time, visiting Latchi for lunch, Stroumbi The Great, the Tombs of the Kings and Kikkos monastery ...Ltd !!!
Cant wait to get back some time next month.
As usual I made a number of observations and not least the huge difference in prices from shop to shop.
I visited the shoe shop that was selling Italian loafers for 120 euros, alas it had closed down just like most shops in Anexartisias, Limassol.
My bank was most helpful as it allowed me my monthly withdrawal of 20% on the 5th July, the due day was the 6th but being a Saturday they ..permitted me to remove a little of my money. I was grateful