Piratis wrote:Eric, so your aim here was not to have an open discussion and maybe learn a think or two, but was in fact to provoke and push others to their limits in order to "prove" something and win 1 pound.
Ermmm...."learn a think or two"? No thanks, I learned "a think or two" from you Greeks in the 60's, that's more than enough "think" for a life time.
Now that you have proved that when you are a racist and offensive what you will get in return is more racism and offenses and you won your 1 pound you can go to the good and sleep in peace knowing that you did your propaganda duty to your pseudo state that is created on the principles of racism.
Hey Piratis, take it easy old fella, you are showing your anger! I can just about understand the gibberish English you wrote above. Take a deep breath next time and read what you wrote a few times before you hit the Submit button.
When was I racist against the Greeks? Can you post something that proves your stupid claims? If not STF up!
Remember saying this, you racist idiot?
Piratis wrote:For me Koran, old testement, new testement etc are nothing but books written by human beings and non of them has anything to do with god.
However from what I see, it seems that the kind of preaching done in the Koran is of the same level, or even lower than that of the old testement. The new testement seems to be a better kind of book.
I guess that if somebody is such an idiot to blindly follow one of these books, then the one following new testement to the letter would be better than one following the Koran (or old testement) to the letter.
Who is the racist you dickhead, you or me? Did I ever say anything like that? The only things that I ever said are what you Greeks did during the 11 years of attempted genocide of the Turkish Cypriots but I would never lower myself to your level and become a racist like you and that other idiot PTBG.
BTW, I sleep very well in my bed with the sound knowledge that racist arseholes like you and your buddies have no say in the TRNC.
Oh and just wanted to let you know that the pound I won was an old English Pound Note not a coin. I'm off to get a frame for it tomorrow it'll look good on the mantel piece with and explanation of how I won it. You know, like a showpiece for when visitors come and we want to have laugh. I’ll make sure your name is mentioned somewhere in there, don’t worry.
Tata for now, I hope you sleep well too.