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Dictatorships and hypocracy!

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Re: Dictatorships and hypocracy!

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:29 am

I think the last 38 years have proven to the world who it is that is clueless and I say that with a very heavy heart Sotos!

Your Strategic Position only means there is a bigger reason for you guys to smarten up and basically do what I have been saying to you all along. The world does not owe Cyprus anything and unfortunately there is no justice just an International Legal System which favours the big powers probably because they have the power or know how to manipulate the system.

Cyprus can't do that which is why it needs some good and powerful friends which can change things in its favour by supporting our liberation and joining their security fold. I think the average person on the street couldn't care less if the RoC was a part of NATO, as long as their homes and security is taken care of and they don't need to worry about their lives being destroyed like many were in 1974, then why should they care?
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Re: Dictatorships and hypocracy!

Postby Sotos » Mon Jun 17, 2013 3:10 am

Paphitis wrote:I think the last 38 years have proven to the world who it is that is clueless and I say that with a very heavy heart Sotos!

Your Strategic Position only means there is a bigger reason for you guys to smarten up and basically do what I have been saying to you all along. The world does not owe Cyprus anything and unfortunately there is no justice just an International Legal System which favours the big powers probably because they have the power or know how to manipulate the system.

Cyprus can't do that which is why it needs some good and powerful friends which can change things in its favour by supporting our liberation and joining their security fold. I think the average person on the street couldn't care less if the RoC was a part of NATO, as long as their homes and security is taken care of and they don't need to worry about their lives being destroyed like many were in 1974, then why should they care?

What you talk about is complete bullshit. The Americans already have in Cyprus more than they have in any NATO country. The British Bases... which are supposedly "sovereign" and are excluded from the EU acquis... what could the Americans gain more from a membership of Cyprus? Not to mention that the Turks would veto a NATO membership of Cyprus anyway. Try to use your brain and then you will see that the Turks, the British and the Americans are perfectly happy with the situation in Cyprus and the only change they would accept is to make it even better for them and even worst for us ... e.g. Annan Plan.
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Re: Dictatorships and hypocracy!

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jun 17, 2013 3:26 am

Yes you are correct. The Americans already have what they want and they even have you under their thumb which in my book means that you guys are absolute dorks and down right bloody stupid because of your Ottoman mentality. I atleast would have liked to get something out of it for Cyprus rather than be a dork and have a sore bum.

Nevertheless, it is never too late, and I do not believe the US holds any grudge or hates Cyprus per se. I do believe they hold the key and if they want you in NATO, then the RoC will join NATO and there is nothing Turkey can do about it.

Also, in the negotiations, did you know that NATO membership was discussed in lieu of the Treaty of Guarantee? Well, time for you to wake up!

Now, what is the alternative Sotos? Being a negative whingeing moaning dufus like you, or actually being positive and trying to discuss these matters with the G20 in order to bring them into the fray to solve our problem?

Sorry, but I don't see you going anywhere with that attitude. :roll:

So let's all wave our hands in the air and run around like headless chooks like you and Oracle whilst cursing everyone around you including the US and UK and bitching about the injustice and how unfair things are. Yeh right Sotos! Some of us choose to live in the real world and be positive! :roll:
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Re: Dictatorships and hypocracy!

Postby Oceanside50 » Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:28 am

here's the answer to all of yalls questions and arguments...and the all are Greeks, like it or not.. :lol:

"..Μια μέρα ο Αλλάχ βρέθηκε μπόσικος, έπιασε φωτιά και κοπριά κι έπλασε το Ρωμιό. Μα ευτύς, ως τον είδε, το μετάνιωσε. Είχε ένα μάτι ο αφιλότιμος που τρυπούσε ατσάλι. «Τι να γίνει τώρα, μουρμούρισε ο Αλλάχ, την έπαθα. Ας πιάσω να κάμω τώρα τον Τούρκο, να σφάξει το Ρωμιό, να βρει ο κόσμος την ησυχία του.» Και ευτύς, χωρίς να χασομεράει, βάνει σ’ ένα ταψί τον Τούρκο και το Ρωμιό να παλέψουν. Πάλευαν, πάλευαν ως το βράδυ, κανένας δεν έριχνε το κάτω τον άλλον Μα ευτύς, ως σκοτείνιασε, βάνει ο άτιμος Ρωμιός τρικλοποδιά, κάτω ο Τούρκος! « Ο διάολος θα με πάρει, μουρμούρισε ο Αλλάχ, την έπαθα πάλι. Τούτοι οι Ρωμιοί θα φάνε τον κόσμο, πάνε οι κόποι μου χαμένοι… Τι να κάμω;» Ολονύχτα δεν έκλεισε μάτι ο κακομοίρης, μα το πρωί, πετάχτηκε απάνω και χτύπησε τις χερούκλες του: «Βρήκα βρήκα» φώναξε. Έπιασε πάλι φωτιά και κοπριά, κι έφτιαξε έναν άλλο Ρωμιό, και ους έβαλε στο ταψί να παλέψουν. Άρχισε το πάλεμα. Τρικλοποδιά ο ένας, τρικλοποδιά κι ο άλλος. Μπηχτές ο ένας, μπηχτές κι ο άλλος. Μπαμπεσιά ο ένας, μπαμπεσιά κι ο άλλος… Πάλευαν, πάλευαν, έπεφταν, σηκώνουνταν, πάλευαν πάλι, ξανάπεφταν, ξανασηκώνουνταν, πάλευαν… Κι ακόμα παλεύουν! Κι έτσι ο κόσμος βρήκε την ησυχία του…!»”
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Re: Dictatorships and hypocracy!

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jun 17, 2013 5:13 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Cap wrote:Born and raised abroad ....

Please come back and comment when you are truly Cypriot.

Like the down-under Paph, you are full of going-with-the-wind, fly-by-night, please-all-outsiders nonsense.

Sotos has made some pertinent points but you are too foreign and/or stupid to understand.

On the contrary! he is more Cypriot than you are and with the added benefit that he has a more balanced world view by recognising our shortcomings, the critical first step to change!

Please stop insulting others by selectively quoting their posts in such an unscrupulous fashion! :roll:

Whether you like it or not, the dinosaurs of the past will be put to rest and Cyprus will see better days! :)

The youth give us hope.

how is the weather in the UK btw? :)
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Re: Dictatorships and hypocracy!

Postby Sotos » Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:31 am

Paphitis wrote:Yes you are correct. The Americans already have what they want and they even have you under their thumb which in my book means that you guys are absolute dorks and down right bloody stupid because of your Ottoman mentality. I atleast would have liked to get something out of it for Cyprus rather than be a dork and have a sore bum.

The only thing you could do is run away from Cyprus ... like your parents did. You couldn't do jack shit more so stop pretending to know something better. We at least stayed in Cyprus and kept our language and our ethnicity... we didn't run away to become "Australians".

Nevertheless, it is never too late, and I do not believe the US holds any grudge or hates Cyprus per se. I do believe they hold the key and if they want you in NATO, then the RoC will join NATO and there is nothing Turkey can do about it.

Also, in the negotiations, did you know that NATO membership was discussed in lieu of the Treaty of Guarantee? Well, time for you to wake up!

Now, what is the alternative Sotos? Being a negative whingeing moaning dufus like you, or actually being positive and trying to discuss these matters with the G20 in order to bring them into the fray to solve our problem?

Sorry, but I don't see you going anywhere with that attitude. :roll:

So let's all wave our hands in the air and run around like headless chooks like you and Oracle whilst cursing everyone around you including the US and UK and bitching about the injustice and how unfair things are. Yeh right Sotos! Some of us choose to live in the real world and be positive! :roll:

You are living in the dreamland... not in the real world. In the real world the Americans already have everything they want from Cyprus and they wouldn't do a single thing to upset their best buddies in the region. Turkey and UK/USA are partners in the crime against Cyprus. Why should we hide this fact? Don't you think it is useful for the world to know their hypocrisy? Argentina for example could use this fact to expose the British hypocrisy with the Falklands.
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Re: Dictatorships and hypocracy!

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:58 am

Oh dear Sotos! You couldn't get anymore pathetic could you?

My old man left Cyprus in the early 50s and I was born in Australia. No one ran away from anything. Furthermore, he bought me up to respect and love others and to love Cyprus. He was a great man, respected and much loved not only by his family but others and a very hard working individual. He no longer exists except in our memory and you have no right to bring my family into this because you can't hack it. It is as if you are trying to bate me into somekind of reaction. Please have some respect. I did not mention your family and I demand the same courtesy.

You can say many things about the Americans, and they have indeed done some real dodgy stuff but they are no different to other super power of the past. They have also done some very good things such as help defeat the NAZIs. The greatest win of good over evil. Occasionally, they have administrations that are very good or comprising of good men and women like any other country.

They do not have everything and it is never a one way street. They can do great things for Cyprus too, and I don't think it is worthwhile holding this perpetual grudge. We are bigger than that and strong enough to accept friendships with them and any other nation just like they have done with their past animosities. The most important thing is the RoC and killing all the demons of the past.

We can also destroy the animosity towards Turkey one day. Why not? I think everyone would like that, including the US! But are Greeks, Turks and Cypriots able? They better be. They better be capable!

As I said, they do not have everything they want. In the end, I believe they really do want Peace and Stability. No one wants bloody war. Not even the Americans.
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Re: Dictatorships and hypocracy!

Postby Sotos » Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:43 am

You got sensitive now? You should have thought of that before you started calling us names. Cyprus is a small country and we have to deal with hostile countries which are 100 times bigger... under the circumstances I'd say it is a great achievement we still exist... so better stop being a smart ass trying to give as nonsense advice from a safe distance.

You can say many things about the Americans, and they have indeed done some real dodgy stuff but they are no different to other super power of the past. They have also done some very good things such as help defeat the NAZIs. The greatest win of good over evil. Occasionally, they have administrations that are very good or comprising of good men and women like any other country.

They do not have everything and it is never a one way street. They can do great things for Cyprus too, and I don't think it is worthwhile holding this perpetual grudge. We are bigger than that and strong enough to accept friendships with them and any other nation just like they have done with their past animosities. The most important thing is the RoC and killing all the demons of the past.

We can also destroy the animosity towards Turkey one day. Why not? I think everyone would like that, including the US! But are Greeks, Turks and Cypriots able? They better be. They better be capable!

As I said, they do not have everything they want. In the end, I believe they really do want Peace and Stability. No one wants bloody war. Not even the Americans.

Whats up with the melodrama? :lol: I hold no perpetual grudge... when they give us back what they stole we can forgive them ... its the correct order... right? And I am sure the Americans would love it if they could get everything they want without firing a bullet ... but we also know that they don't mind doing all sorts of nasty shit in order to get what they want...
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Re: Dictatorships and hypocracy!

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:58 am

Sotos wrote:You got sensitive now? You should have thought of that before you started calling us names. Cyprus is a small country and we have to deal with hostile countries which are 100 times bigger... under the circumstances I'd say it is a great achievement we still exist... so better stop being a smart ass trying to give as nonsense advice from a safe distance.

You can say many things about the Americans, and they have indeed done some real dodgy stuff but they are no different to other super power of the past. They have also done some very good things such as help defeat the NAZIs. The greatest win of good over evil. Occasionally, they have administrations that are very good or comprising of good men and women like any other country.

They do not have everything and it is never a one way street. They can do great things for Cyprus too, and I don't think it is worthwhile holding this perpetual grudge. We are bigger than that and strong enough to accept friendships with them and any other nation just like they have done with their past animosities. The most important thing is the RoC and killing all the demons of the past.

We can also destroy the animosity towards Turkey one day. Why not? I think everyone would like that, including the US! But are Greeks, Turks and Cypriots able? They better be. They better be capable!

As I said, they do not have everything they want. In the end, I believe they really do want Peace and Stability. No one wants bloody war. Not even the Americans.

Whats up with the melodrama? :lol: I hold no perpetual grudge... when they give us back what they stole we can forgive them ... its the correct order... right? And I am sure the Americans would love it if they could get everything they want without firing a bullet ... but we also know that they don't mind doing all sorts of nasty shit in order to get what they want...

I am always a sensitive person. Why do you misjudge me? Because of this forum? :lol:

No I never called anyone any names. I believe you guys started questioning other member's Cypriotness all because they were born overseas or lived overseas for a few years. Never mind, I do believe it was deliberate to provoke a reaction. You will not get that reaction.

No one needs to do anything Sotos. It is up to you to engage them and they will make the necessary changes that will make everyone happy and allow Turkey to save face. And yes, without firing a damn bullet would be grand!

Everyone is capable of nasty shit. Even Cypriots and we did our bit so in the end no different to the US when you think you have the power and think you will get away with it, it is amazing what nasty rubbish some humans are capable of.

Sure I can see them after your forgiveness! :lol:

I don't think they care about your forgiveness Sotos. All they care about is their interests and inroads have been made by the RoC and things today are a hell of a lot different to what they were only a few years ago.

You need their help, they don't really need yours.

This is what I think Sotos! It will happen. The only question I have is when.

When it does happen, just don't stuff around.

All the best to you and please remember to leave my family out of it! :roll:
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Re: Dictatorships and hypocracy!

Postby Cap » Mon Jun 17, 2013 3:44 pm

For Sale: 200, 000 Hellenic Armed Forces rifles, circa 1974. Mint condition. Never been fired.
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