"Σε κάποιο σημείο του δρόμου, στη μεγάλη στροφή πριν το αλτ για είσοδο στην Πύλα, το αυτοκίνητο, λόγω προφανώς υπερβολικής ταχύτητας, ξέφυγε της πορείας του. Παρεξέκλινε αριστερά του δρόμου, κτύπησε πάνω σε μεταλλικό πάσσαλο της Αρχής Ηλεκτρισμού και ανετράπη. Ο οδηγός και δύο από τους συνεπιβάτες, που έφεραν ζώνες, τραυματίστηκαν ελαφρά.
- See more at: http://www.philenews.com/el-gr/top-stor ... ris-telos-"
"Μέσα σε δέκα μέρες τέσσερις νέοι άνθρωποι έχασαν τη ζωή τους εκ των οποίων οι δύο τις τελευταίες 48 ώρες. - See more at: http://www.philenews.com/el-gr/top-stor ... eocxe.dpuf "
This is a tragedy that needn't happen, a suicide by any means, young men throwing their lives away, causing pain and misery to their loved ones. When will they learn that stupid, aggressive, angry speed KILLS.
The authorities ought to clamp down harshly on these irresponsible, young maniacs who treat a car not as the means to get from a to b but as killing machines.
I have witnessed much dangerous, noisy and aggressive behaviour by youngsters driving cars and motor bikes, in built up areas, oblivious to the dangers of high speeds to themselves and innocent bystanders , is it a status symbol I wonder, is it perhaps another farcical misconception that speed and reckless driving is ....cool, just like the unsightly beards they all appear to have, one would thing that one is in Syria, in the ME, is it some kind of fashion, all sporting ugly, hairy whiskers.
The youth of Cyprus do not inspire me at all. They are a bad example to the young boys and girls growing up and mimicking these young, very stupid peasants.
Government, TAKE action, stop these road suicides, bring in tough measures, such as confiscating their vehicle, its a dangerous weapon in the hands of these barbarians,let them know that reckless fast driving is not to be tolerated.
Abolish and make illegal the use of barrels as exhausts, stop these incessant cacophonous noise.