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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 09, 2013 6:41 am

I'm an early riser, irrespective of the time I go to sleep, I'm up by 4 every morning, listening to the birds chirping softly in the air, on my garden trees , speaking to one another as they gallop in the air, from tree to tree.

I shall miss this wonderfully contacted musical symphony each morning when I semi retire in my beloved Cyprus, this natural and ear pleasing sound will be replaced by angry aggressive, cacophonous vehicle acceleration, youths deriving pleasure at causing as much foul noise as they race round and round until they hit a lamp post and end up on the other side.

Not many birds in Cyprus, they seem to end up on a dinner table, such wonderful little creatures that make such a beautiful sound every day that is music to my ears.

I love nature and natures creatures, I adore one particular specie !!! :lol:

Why are birds hunted in Cyprus, are ambelopoulia really that much of a delicacy, or is it some kind of a status symbol by the uncouth and unsophisticated . To them I say bollocks, on the charcoal are a delicacy, not little birds, so folks to all who eat little birds I say try bollocks, ameletita, and leave our birds alone.
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Postby Milo » Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:12 am

Morning Milti! :)

I agree, I live back in rural UK after seven years in Cyprus which mostly I enjoyed, but it lacked some birdsong! In Cyprus we lived ( still own ) semi rurally and was surrounded by open fields. Of course that brought the dreaded hunters, much as I thought its not my problem, I soon realised that each hunting season the birds disappeared, and it was for a long time, it's such a shame as the migrant birds that visit Cyprus used to be in larger numbers. Birdlife Cyprus now tells a different story

We were lucky whilst in Cyprus to observe hedgehogs, snakes, chemeloens, lots of lizards, and one night two mating foxes!

My two Cyprus rescue cats now with much thicker fur coats spend hours watching the Birdlife here, in Cyprus it was more of a case of watching lizards.

But this morning I woke early to the sound of birds, and it made me feel good to be alive. Simple stuff nowadays makes life more pleasurable, it's great being sixty.

I won't get into illegal trapping as I don't live there anymore, but it's like everywhere else, those who live to break laws just don't care at all about anyone or anything except were they get their next euro. Sad really...
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Postby Mik » Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:31 am

Should shoot the goddamn pigeons, messy horrible flying rats.....
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Postby Cap » Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:16 pm

Mik wrote:Should shoot the goddamn pigeons, messy horrible flying rats.....


What gives me the idea you have a vermin problem Mik.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:16 pm

This year our neighborhood has too many birds! <-- I thought I'd never say that.

Swallows, sparrows, pigeons, and those little black & white things with the long tail so it depends where you’re at.
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Postby Cap » Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:23 pm

Yup, have you folks any idea how loud a distressed kestrel can get?
The thing decided to make its nest in a palm tree across the road, a baby kestrel falls out into the road, the local cats home in on the prey, the mother goes ballistic on them.
The neighbors come out to see what the commotion is about, one of them rescues it, and is now hand raising it.

It will most likely be rejected by the mother, but it was either that or cat food.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:31 pm

Heres a little ..true story that proves that cruelty to birds and animals stems from ignorance.

I must have been 10 years old way back in Stroumbi the Great, I was cruel to birds as I hunted daily with my home made catapult.

There was a British camp in the village and one Sunday morning, having nothing else to sell to the troops for a piastre or so, I got my self two little birds who were about the right age to fly away from their nest and start their little journey into the world.
I approached the camp fence, a British soldier looked on as I offered the birds and requested a piastra each. He nodded acceptance, put his hand in his pocket to get the money out, and that is when ignorance took over. I quickly wrung their little heads and smiling I reached to hand them over. He went mad, he even lifted his gun pointed it at me screaming and swearing at me. I was flabbergasted, why, I asked my self, surely he would want the birds for the same reason I did. Eat them.

The moral of this true story is that ignorance is the contributory factor in cruelty to birds animals and even humans.
Just take a look at what is going on today in nations where ignorance is rampant.
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:41 pm

It does depend on where you live. City centers are soul-destroying for lack of nature - and as I've chided you before, I cannot understand why you don't retire to Stroumbi the Great - from there, you would hear the birds from my ... erm, overgrown fields.
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Postby tamy123 » Sun Jun 09, 2013 2:55 pm

Anyone want to adopt a Frankolin! The one near my house in Lysos starts at 6 am. It's so noisy lol
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 09, 2013 3:34 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:It does depend on where you live. City centers are soul-destroying for lack of nature - and as I've chided you before, I cannot understand why you don't retire to Stroumbi the Great - from there, you would hear the birds from my ... erm, overgrown fields.

Will you ...come... with me ??? :lol: :lol:
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