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More military incompetence

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Re: More military incompetence

Postby Oceanside50 » Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:21 am

after 500 years of slavery under the ottoman turks and then the brits...being given the keys to a very strategic island during the height of the cold war and with a large commie party(akel) and a restless minority would be similar to giving your 80 year old grandmother the keys to your brand new Lamborghini and asking her to drive it on the autobahn at 200 miles per hour....she's bound to fu##k up somewhere!!! how many kyrie elleysons have we uttered in the past 60 years?...
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Re: More military incompetence

Postby potassium » Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:44 am

Paphitis wrote:
potassium wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Sure, and they could also ask the 40,000 Turkish troops to help. :roll: I'm sure they too "would be happy to help".

Sure they would help and one more thing!

In 1974, Britain was prepared to go to war against Turkey. The Royal Navy had every Turkish Ship shaddowed and British diplomats, the then PM and Foreign Affairs Minister was opposed to the Turkish Invasion, but unfortunately for us, Kissinger and Nixon were in charge and told the Brits to stand down. Even Australian SAS were being deployed in Cyprus as well as tge infamous Ghurka Regiment and Royal Marines.

I keep telling Cypriots to not oppose any tidal waves of international diplomacy, just try and manage it. That's what caused the Greek Coup and Nixon out to destroy Cyprus and Makarios. We made ourselves a threat and tgen we became a target to be elliminated!

Bullshit, pure bullshit.
According to the record of conversation on July 17, 1974, between the then Prime Minister Harold Wilson, the Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary James Callaghan and Mr. Ecevit the latter bluntly asked for the British Government's cooperation to invade Cyprus through the British Sovereign Bases.

Ecevit clearly stated at the time that such the objective of the operation would be to restore the constitutional order overthrown by the coup of the Greek junta that forced President Makarios to flee the island.

Although the British Government refused to join Turkey in such an operation they promised Ecevit to 'help' by agreeing to prevent Greece from sending assistance to Cyprus. However, the revealing factor in this case is the concealed intention of Turkey to invade and occupy the whole of the island if one considers the location of the British Bases in Cyprus.


Not to mention that people during the invasion claim that they witnessed British bombers helping Turkey on bombing Cyprus.

Watch your language and calm down.

This is a forum to discuss serious matters relating to Cypriot Politics and the Cyprus Issue and not some place where you can come and have a rant.

Unfortunately for you, I disagree with you 100%. I have spent countless hours researching to answer many questions I had. The usual Cypriot explanations of Amerikanodaktilo and the filth of British Colonialism was just never enough for me. I always had many niggling questions such as WHY???? Why?

And no one could really give me a good enough answer. So I read many books, and even researched official documentaion from the Foreign Office and including testimonies from leading British Diplomatic circles right up to the then Foreign Affairs Minister and discussions he had with Kissinger himself.

Some things became very clear to me.

Kissinger, wanted to divide the island and allow double union. Why?

Well Cyprus was considered a threat to NATO's Southern Flank, and by allowing double union, this threat would be nuetralised.

Kissinger, wanted Makarios dead. The Greek Coupists wanted Makarios dead.

Britain became aware of the impending invasion from early on. They protested against it directly to Kissinger himself, and warned the US that Britain may be forced to mobilise for the possibility of military action against Turkey should the RoC's territorial integrity be compromised.

A request by the Turks to use the SBA's was denied by Britain. Britain did not engage in any activity against possible Greek Intervention due to the invasion, but they did act against the Greek Coup which they did not endorse. Noratlas aircraft actually overflew the runway at Akrotiri on the way to Nicosia. The aircraft were actually picked up by British Radar despite popular belief. The Brits did not engage them.

The Brits probably saved Makarios life. My Uncle was an eyewitness to this. This was the most critical piece of information that Britain was not colluding with US and Greece to stage this disastrous Coup.

That's right, even by saving Makarios' life, the Brits acted against US interests, and against Greece.

True to their word, troops begain to arrive. Amongst them were the Gurkhas. Also deploying was the battle hardened Australian SAS (most of these troops saw action in Vietnam). One of the Officers (A Good friend of mine) that deployed there, actually married a Cypriot girl in Cyprus.

These guys do not deploy for no reason. They had clear instructions, and they believed that they could very likely see some action against a NATO country.

Nearly half the Royal Navy was in Cypriot waters and watching the Turkish Invasion fleet proceed towards Cyprus.

These are the facts which you need to research for yourself.

Fact is, BRITAIN, was a far better friend to the RoC than Greece. That's right! it may be difficult for you to fathom, but that is the extent of it.

The RoC's enemies in 1974 - US, Turkey, Greece

The RoC's only very sympathetic ally - Britain, which was seriously entertaining the proepct of stopping the Turkish Invasion as a Guarantor Power.

I know it is difficult for you Greeks to read. I suggest you have a lie down and a nice rest! Thank you! :)

Could you also apply some evidence for your statements?
I highly doubt the Brits were sided with Cypriots during the invasion. As a NATO country, they did also want the country to be ruled by NATO nations.

"These are the facts which you need to research for yourself."
You remind me of someone.

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Re: More military incompetence

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:19 am


I can't view your YouTube because I am on a filtered network right now.

I am not interested in proving anything to you, or doing the research for you!

What I have told you is an accumulation of facts from various sources as follows:

1) A book written by a former British Diplomat (I mentioned this book in previous posts) which I can't recall right now. It is well known,
2) Numerous stand alone Foreign Office documents,
3) the Kissinger memoirs have a few pages dedicated to the Cyprus invasion about his involvement and the role of Britain.
4) various other sources and British Parliamentary Hansard Records

Furthermore, you need to use your common sense. The Brits wouldn't be saving Makarios life if they did in fact collude with Kissinger, and the Greek Junta.

Also, the mobilisation of the Gurkhas and Australian SAS is very significant from a strategic point of view. Any British action would draw Australia in with its Special Air Service deployment. These troops were not long before fighting in Vietnam with the US, so Australian involvement would be Britain's insurance policy. Australia does not deploy SAS unless there is a war.

Another thing you can do, is ask a member by name of Talisker to provide all this material to you. He had many British Parliamentary sources. I tried to find it but couldn't and don't have the time to continue.

I know it is difficult for you!

Very Ironic isn't it? Our so called "brother" or "mother country" Greece, was eyeball deep in its betrayal of Cyprus. In fact we must hold Greece more responsible than Kissinger. Afterall, you claim they are our "Mother Country".

And then, as if god wished to rub it in, the "Pushto Englesi" were basically the RoC's biggest supporter! Who would have thought hey?

I do not accept what people say to me. I research and look for the answers from reliable sources. The Brits and Americans are meticulous in keeping the best records. The material is all there!

Go find it yourself! I got a plane to catch!
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Re: More military incompetence

Postby potassium » Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:38 am

Paphitis wrote:potassium,

I can't view your YouTube because I am on a filtered network right now.

I am not interested in proving anything to you, or doing the research for you!

What I have told you is an accumulation of facts from various sources as follows:

1) A book written by a former British Diplomat (I mentioned this book in previous posts) which I can't recall right now. It is well known,
2) Numerous stand alone Foreign Office documents,
3) the Kissinger memoirs have a few pages dedicated to the Cyprus invasion about his involvement and the role of Britain.
4) various other sources and British Parliamentary Hansard Records

Furthermore, you need to use your common sense. The Brits wouldn't be saving Makarios life if they did in fact collude with Kissinger, and the Greek Junta.

Also, the mobilisation of the Gurkhas and Australian SAS is very significant from a strategic point of view. Any British action would draw Australia in with its Special Air Service deployment. These troops were not long before fighting in Vietnam with the US, so Australian involvement would be Britain's insurance policy. Australia does not deploy SAS unless there is a war.

Another thing you can do, is ask a member by name of Talisker to provide all this material to you. He had many British Parliamentary sources. I tried to find it but couldn't and don't have the time to continue.

I know it is difficult for you!

Very Ironic isn't it? Our so called "brother" or "mother country" Greece, was eyeball deep in its betrayal of Cyprus. In fact we must hold Greece more responsible than Kissinger. Afterall, you claim they are our "Mother Country".

And then, as if god wished to rub it in, the "Pushto Englesi" were basically the RoC's biggest supporter! Who would have thought hey?

I do not accept what people say to me. I research and look for the answers from reliable sources. The Brits and Americans are meticulous in keeping the best records. The material is all there!

Go find it yourself! I got a plane to catch!

Well, whenever you will be able to watch the video, it is pretty much you are saying.
You are asking me to do my own research because you are not able to prove your point by yourself, that's what you are doing.
You are just dropping bald claims and statements on me to prove it without any valid source.

"you claim they are our "Mother Country". "
When did I claim that?
Well I am not sure if you are speaking in general or not, but I do believe Greece is also responsible for the invasion and several negative incidents that happened before and after the invasion just like every other NATO country (including the UK) that sticked their nose into our problems. I've never implied otherwise.
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Re: More military incompetence

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:49 am

potassium wrote:
Paphitis wrote:potassium,

I can't view your YouTube because I am on a filtered network right now.

I am not interested in proving anything to you, or doing the research for you!

What I have told you is an accumulation of facts from various sources as follows:

1) A book written by a former British Diplomat (I mentioned this book in previous posts) which I can't recall right now. It is well known,
2) Numerous stand alone Foreign Office documents,
3) the Kissinger memoirs have a few pages dedicated to the Cyprus invasion about his involvement and the role of Britain.
4) various other sources and British Parliamentary Hansard Records

Furthermore, you need to use your common sense. The Brits wouldn't be saving Makarios life if they did in fact collude with Kissinger, and the Greek Junta.

Also, the mobilisation of the Gurkhas and Australian SAS is very significant from a strategic point of view. Any British action would draw Australia in with its Special Air Service deployment. These troops were not long before fighting in Vietnam with the US, so Australian involvement would be Britain's insurance policy. Australia does not deploy SAS unless there is a war.

Another thing you can do, is ask a member by name of Talisker to provide all this material to you. He had many British Parliamentary sources. I tried to find it but couldn't and don't have the time to continue.

I know it is difficult for you!

Very Ironic isn't it? Our so called "brother" or "mother country" Greece, was eyeball deep in its betrayal of Cyprus. In fact we must hold Greece more responsible than Kissinger. Afterall, you claim they are our "Mother Country".

And then, as if god wished to rub it in, the "Pushto Englesi" were basically the RoC's biggest supporter! Who would have thought hey?

I do not accept what people say to me. I research and look for the answers from reliable sources. The Brits and Americans are meticulous in keeping the best records. The material is all there!

Go find it yourself! I got a plane to catch!

Well, whenever you will be able to watch the video, it is pretty much you are saying.
You are asking me to do my own research because you are not able to prove your point by yourself, that's what you are doing.
You are just dropping bald claims and statements on me to prove it without any valid source.

"you claim they are our "Mother Country". "
When did I claim that?
Well I am not sure if you are speaking in general or not, but I do believe Greece is also responsible for the invasion and several negative incidents that happened before and after the invasion just like every other NATO country (including the UK) that sticked their nose into our problems. I've never implied otherwise.

No Potassium! I have provided a lot of resources to this forum and links to much of the material I mentioned above over the years.

Just do your own search and research because I am not prepared to waste my time anymore to only go around in circles with people that do not want to listen.

What I have realised is that the cyprus problem is very complex. It is not how the majority of illiterate Cypriots or Greeks try and explain it. How many times do we hear it is America's and Britain's fault and hardly no mention of Greece other than a Coup. Well, I am sorry. I do not accept half baked explanations or justifications. I want facts! And I want my facts from real British, American, NATO and UN sources. I do not want sources from the Kafeneio!

The UK, to my surprise, is the only country that acted with some respect to Makarios and the RoC. Still many questions I have as to why they did that, but nevertheless, the record does show them as the good guy, and certainly far better than Greece. But you wouldn't know it from the kafeneio talk!

Now find your own answers.
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Re: More military incompetence

Postby Jimski999 » Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:35 pm

My friend was on the front line at Nicosia Airport and fought the Turks until he was badly wounded and medivaced to the UK where he was in hospital for nearly seven months. He was telling me that the one thing that enabled them to hold the airport over tremendous odds was wagon loads of ammunition delivered every morning about 4am by British Soldiers. He said he doesn't know the whys or hows of it but it was enough to let them hold on until the ceasefire.
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Re: More military incompetence

Postby potassium » Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:20 pm

Paphitis wrote:
potassium wrote:
Paphitis wrote:potassium,

I can't view your YouTube because I am on a filtered network right now.

I am not interested in proving anything to you, or doing the research for you!

What I have told you is an accumulation of facts from various sources as follows:

1) A book written by a former British Diplomat (I mentioned this book in previous posts) which I can't recall right now. It is well known,
2) Numerous stand alone Foreign Office documents,
3) the Kissinger memoirs have a few pages dedicated to the Cyprus invasion about his involvement and the role of Britain.
4) various other sources and British Parliamentary Hansard Records

Furthermore, you need to use your common sense. The Brits wouldn't be saving Makarios life if they did in fact collude with Kissinger, and the Greek Junta.

Also, the mobilisation of the Gurkhas and Australian SAS is very significant from a strategic point of view. Any British action would draw Australia in with its Special Air Service deployment. These troops were not long before fighting in Vietnam with the US, so Australian involvement would be Britain's insurance policy. Australia does not deploy SAS unless there is a war.

Another thing you can do, is ask a member by name of Talisker to provide all this material to you. He had many British Parliamentary sources. I tried to find it but couldn't and don't have the time to continue.

I know it is difficult for you!

Very Ironic isn't it? Our so called "brother" or "mother country" Greece, was eyeball deep in its betrayal of Cyprus. In fact we must hold Greece more responsible than Kissinger. Afterall, you claim they are our "Mother Country".

And then, as if god wished to rub it in, the "Pushto Englesi" were basically the RoC's biggest supporter! Who would have thought hey?

I do not accept what people say to me. I research and look for the answers from reliable sources. The Brits and Americans are meticulous in keeping the best records. The material is all there!

Go find it yourself! I got a plane to catch!

Well, whenever you will be able to watch the video, it is pretty much you are saying.
You are asking me to do my own research because you are not able to prove your point by yourself, that's what you are doing.
You are just dropping bald claims and statements on me to prove it without any valid source.

"you claim they are our "Mother Country". "
When did I claim that?
Well I am not sure if you are speaking in general or not, but I do believe Greece is also responsible for the invasion and several negative incidents that happened before and after the invasion just like every other NATO country (including the UK) that sticked their nose into our problems. I've never implied otherwise.

No Potassium! I have provided a lot of resources to this forum and links to much of the material I mentioned above over the years.

Just do your own search and research because I am not prepared to waste my time anymore to only go around in circles with people that do not want to listen.

What I have realised is that the cyprus problem is very complex. It is not how the majority of illiterate Cypriots or Greeks try and explain it. How many times do we hear it is America's and Britain's fault and hardly no mention of Greece other than a Coup. Well, I am sorry. I do not accept half baked explanations or justifications. I want facts! And I want my facts from real British, American, NATO and UN sources. I do not want sources from the Kafeneio!

The UK, to my surprise, is the only country that acted with some respect to Makarios and the RoC. Still many questions I have as to why they did that, but nevertheless, the record does show them as the good guy, and certainly far better than Greece. But you wouldn't know it from the kafeneio talk!

Now find your own answers.

"No Potassium! I have provided a lot of resources to this forum and links to much of the material I mentioned above over the years."
You are not doing it now, that is my point here. I will not bother researching because you are not able to prove your point by yourself. You are not convincing me that the Brits did help the Cypriots during the invasion.
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Re: More military incompetence

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:12 pm

potassium wrote:You are not convincing me that the Brits did help the Cypriots during the invasion.

They didn't. Otherwise there wouldn't have been such an unprecedented, barbaric slaughter of Greek civilians. The Turks would also never have managed to gain so much territory after ceasefire was called if the Brits wanted it any other way. They are now safe in the knowledge they are not the only foreign military base on the island and their position is secure.
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Re: More military incompetence

Postby Cap » Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:36 pm

Brits help the Cypriots. :lol:
No chance.

We were alone then, we are alone now.
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Re: More military incompetence

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:27 pm

Cap wrote:Brits help the Cypriots. :lol:
No chance.

We were alone then, we are alone now.

The information is all out there. If anyone choses not to believe it then i think they are making a big mistake. A spat between Greece and Turkey was one thing but military conflict between the UK and Turkey would be something else. Kissinger basically put the knife in to stop Britain being active as he saw that would probably rupture Nato to the benefit of the USSR. Turkey at the time and still is more geopolitically important to the USA than Cyprus as it is so close to both Russia and the oil rich Middle East.

That is message we have to consider even today. The USA will almost certainly work to keep Turkey as an entire state friendly to them and unless a nato USA friendly alternative to Erdo comes along do not for active support for the demonstrators or for a Turkish spring from those damned Yankees.
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