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Golden Dawn Submits Anti-Racist Bill

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Golden Dawn Submits Anti-Racist Bill

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:38 pm

We have stated and repeated numerous times this fact: the only racism that exists right now in the country is racism against Greeks. The system’s parties tripped over one another for many days, trying to see who will propose the strictest anti-racism bill. The real agenda is to further entrench delinquency and exacerbate the goal of making Greeks a minority in our own country. The response to this disgrace came directly from the Golden Dawn Legal Department. The relevant bill was submitted today, Tuesday June 4th, by the parliamentary group of the People’s Association, detailing legal initiatives that must be taken to limit directly the chaos caused by anti-Greek forces.

Furthermore, also put into motion with this bill by Golden Dawn are measures that need to be taken in order to clamp down on those demagogues who revile Greek history. It is no coincidence that in the “anti-racist” climate, “Democratic Left” deputy Maria Repousi called the deaths of women and children in an event called the Dance Of Zalogo a “myth”. This comment even caused outrage among some figures on the left. In order to combat such sad events aimed at destroying and de-legitimizing the existence of Hellenism, the draft law presented by Golden Dawn will provide penalties for such acts.

We stress that this proposal adopted the Law Of Statutory offense for the crimes of illegal immigrants. Today there is a tragic phenomenon: foreign criminals who have murdered our fellow citizens (Manolis Kantaris, Thanasis Lazana, and many others) after being convicted of serious prior violent offenses and given lenient sentences. The proposed law of Golden Dawn directly addresses this problem, by sending to jail every illegal immigrant who commits these offenses. While this proposal resonates with the majority of Greeks, it is irrelevant to the bought dummies of the establishment, who of course feel quite safe in their bullet proof BMW’s and luxurious villas in the north’s suburbs. Here are the most important proposals of the relevant law:

“Responding to increased crime due to illegal immigration and safeguarding national memory” The phenomenon of illegal migration has become a major problem for Greek society from 1991 to the present. By now, it has taken the character of a clear asymmetrical threat. In essence, it is nothing more than an invasion in an undeclared war that is threatening to destroy our national sovereignty. The public policy of the country has been a disaster and authorities must be given tools to effectively assist Greek citizens who are daily victims of unspeakable crimes. The burden of responsibility lies on the shoulders of the very loose criminal law of our country.

Preserve our national memory: It has been well-established that in recent years there have been systematic efforts by various foreign interests, as well as authorized representatives of these foreign agents inside, to destroy national consciousness and the morale of Greek citizens. It is therefore imperative for the State not to remain idle in the face of these attacks and to emphasize the need to maintain and protect popular sovereignty. (Article 1 of the Greek Constitution) Proposed Legislation

ARTICLE 1 “Responding to creased crime due to illegal immigration” Anyone who finds himself in Greek territory illegally or having entered it without the legal formalities will be charged with a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment of at least three months. If he commits a felony while illegally in Greek territory, he will be subject to imprisonment of at least ten years.

ARTICLE 3 “Preserving National Memory” Whoever publically, orally, through press, through internet, or any other means or manner praises, maliciously denies or nullifies the importance of historical genocides against Greeks will be punishable by imprisonment of two years and a fine of 10 to 20,000 Euros. ... %83%ce%b7/
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Re: Golden Dawn Submits Anti-Racist Bill

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:41 pm

The Greek Gods must be Crazy!

What a laugh! :lol:
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Re: Golden Dawn Submits Anti-Racist Bill

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:46 pm

Hey, is the Dance of Golos the bulldust story they fed us at Greek School about brave innocent Greek Women throwing themselves off the cliff to save themselves from the invading Ottomans?

I can't believe I use to believe this Greek propaganda!

Makes you think actually. If the Greek Educators or should I say propagandists lied about that, then I wonder what else they lied about! :lol:
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Re: Golden Dawn Submits Anti-Racist Bill

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:23 pm

Any dialogue that discusses equality and fairness can only be good.

However, I do not agree with imprisoning illegal immigrants. If caught, found guilty, they should be deported immediately. Prison conditions might be preferable to them than back in their homelands and it can only encourage more to come and kill - I think the UKIP could be consulted about the details.
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Re: Golden Dawn Submits Anti-Racist Bill

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:30 pm

Yep, the Greeks Gods are crazy!

I can just envisage GD consulting UKIP!

It goes as follows:

GD rep: We would like to consult with you on immigration matters...
UKIP: What would you like to know?
GD: Is it better to deport illegal immigrants immediately or incarcerate them first?
UKIP: Just give a fair trial and don't throw water and slap the women in the face.
GD: But that Commy deserved it!

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Re: Golden Dawn Submits Anti-Racist Bill

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:07 pm

Who said "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"?

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Re: Golden Dawn Submits Anti-Racist Bill

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:39 pm

CrookedRiverGuy wrote:Who said "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"?



You're being derogatory to the monkey! :roll:
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Re: Golden Dawn Submits Anti-Racist Bill

Postby Tim Drayton » Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:14 pm

Erdogan finally gets support from abroad

Nikos Kouzilos, a member of the fascist party Golden Dawn, explained yesterday during an interview on the radio that it would be for the benefit of Greece to support Erdogan and claimed that the demonstrators were the pioneers of a secret plan against Greece. Similar scenarios had already been sketched out yesterday in Eleftheri Ora, one of the fascist newspapers of Greece. The article containing many photos from the Turkish Communist Party had alleged that the riots, despite its anti-Erdogan appearance, were actually planned movements against Greece for the freedom of Thrace. ... s-erdogan/
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Re: Golden Dawn Submits Anti-Racist Bill

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:33 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:

Erdogan finally gets support from abroad

Nikos Kouzilos, a member of the fascist party Golden Dawn, explained yesterday during an interview on the radio that it would be for the benefit of Greece to support Erdogan and claimed that the demonstrators were the pioneers of a secret plan against Greece. Similar scenarios had already been sketched out yesterday in Eleftheri Ora, one of the fascist newspapers of Greece. The article containing many photos from the Turkish Communist Party had alleged that the riots, despite its anti-Erdogan appearance, were actually planned movements against Greece for the freedom of Thrace. ... s-erdogan/

Tim, further from your other similar post, again, I cannot find anything first-hand to back-up this stance. As I said before, I'm sure GD would back whoever was likely to most harm Turkey, be best for Greece-Cyprus - but it would be enlightening to see exactly what was said if anything, since Turkey's lie-spreading machine is on overtime atm. Many here have argued having Erdogan in charge is best for us as he is not trusted by the West. If other Turkish factions are growing to invade Thrace, I must say, I had my worries when they (protesters) marched like ants over the bridge ....
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Re: Golden Dawn Submits Anti-Racist Bill

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 09, 2013 2:14 pm

Yes, it is not unreasonable to want Erdog to remain purely for strategic reasons.

But my goodness me, all reason has gone out the window since GD believe the demonstrators are planning an invasion of Greece!!! :lol: :lol:

And Oracle, I do wonder about you! You absolutely amaze me! Please, please tell me how worried you were of this impending invasion when you saw the hordes of protestors crossing the bridge?

It's ok Oracle. Just have a lie down and take your meds sweetey. :lol: :lol:
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