Starting the ball rolling now on removing the British bases will serve notice that though Cyprus is small, the British and American actions will have likely undesirable consequences for their interests as well
the point is not for them to suffer the concequences. if we get in this game we are the ones who will have more to loose.
dont forget that we base our whole arguements on the cyprus problem on legality. thats our only argument. and the problem is that when it comes to the british that they are legally here.
imagine this: we make a referendum and we start making demonstartions and we take action in demanding that the british bases leave. the british as a response have direct flights to the north. whats the result?
we blow the whole cyprus strategy, bc there is no way to prevent the direkt flights if they decide to do so. plus most probably the british will not leave bc they are here legally. the other option we have against them is more violent but to start fighting against a european power wouldnt be advisable at the moment.
besides, the americans dont have much to lose if the british lose their bases.
why dont we better devote our energy in the cyprus problem, in finding a solution?