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I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:38 pm

The persecution goes on and on. Journalist Tayfun Talipoğlu has been summoned to make a statement to the police with reference to the following tweet that he sent at the height of the Taksim protests:

"Taksim'de polis sokakları bırakıp cafelerin içine gaz bombası atıyor. Birisinin bu o... çocukluğuna dur demesi lazım."

“In Taksim the police have left the street and are throwing tear gas canisters into cafes. Somebody has to tell these sons of bitches to stop.”
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Maximus » Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:29 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Maximus wrote:The prime minister’s recently appointed chief adviser Yiğit Bulut has said he would die for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan if it was necessary, speaking during a TV program on private broadcaster A Haber.

“We were fooled in the past. A person cannot always stand in the same place when he thinks, sees and realizes,” Bulut said. “Today, I would die for Erdoğan if necessary. There are millions like me.”

A commenter by the name of OZman Cometh says:
If this dude can change perhaps there is hope for all the narrow viewed, partisan countrymen of ours. Not sure about the telekinesis bit :). Open your eyes people. ... sCatID=338

The appointment of this lunatic - who recently alleged that the German airline Lufthansa was trying to murder Prime-Minister Erdoğan using telekinesis - by Erdoğan as an adviser, at a time when he desperately needs to compromise and seek dialogue with his opponnets, shows the extent to which he has lost the plot.

Millions have lost the plot in Turkey, millions.
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:13 am

A recent public opinion survey shows that 54% of the Turkish population supports the Gezi Park resistance, 61.4% object to the government’s attitude towards the protests and 71% oppose the use of tear gas.
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:23 am

Hakan Ali Erkan, the prosecutor who was investigating the murder in Eskişehir of 19-year-old Ali İsmail Korkmaz and who was beginning to extend the scope of his inquiries to cover the police in the light of various eye witness reports, has been taken off the case and replaced by another prosecutor, Hasan Gönen. There is, sadly, a long history in Turkey of taking prosecutors who start to uncover uncomfortable facts off the case. This is now easier following the 2010 amendments made to the constitution which gave the government far greater control over the judiciary.
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:42 am

25 leading scientists have published the following letter in ‘Science’ magazine.

Turkey Must End Violent Response to Protests

The Turkish Medical Association (TTB) reported that 8121 people were officially admitted to hospitals resulting from police violence between 31 May and 26 June (1). This number includes 5 deaths, 61 life-threatening injuries, 104 head traumas, and 11 ophthalmic injuries, one of which led to loss of an eye due to shots of tear gas canisters from short range (1). Turkish police have used excessive amounts of tear gas (lachrymatory agents) in public (2) and confined spaces such as hospitals or infirmaries, according to international media reports and the TTB (1–4). Such use of asphyxiating gases in confined spaces is not only extremely dangerous for public health (5–8), but also strictly limited by international agreements, such as the Geneva Protocol (9), to which Turkey is a signatory. Security forces have used 130,000 tear-gas cartridges in 20 days, and Turkey is planning to buy 100,000 new cartridges (10). Doctors and nurses treating patients affected by tear gas and other police brutality, as well as the Istanbul Medical Chamber General Secretary, have been apprehended by police (11, 12), a clear violation of customary international and human rights law (13). More than 4000 academics around the world have already signed a petition to protest the police brutality (14). We call upon the Turkish government to obey international law in the treatment of protesters and those providing medical treatment to them, and to start a good-faith dialogue with the protest movement.

1. Emrah Altindis1,*,
2. M. Ali Alpar2,
3. Emre Aksay3,
4. Jonathan Beckwith1,
5. Christian Bökel4,
6. Robert F. Curl5,
7. Robert B. Darnell6,
8. Stephen J. Elledge7,
9. Burak Erman8,
10. Jens Frahm9,
11. Stephen P. Goff10,
12. Paul Greengard6,
13. Roald Hoffmann11,
14. Bayazit Ilhan12,
15. Jan Kaslin13,
16. Steven M. Lipkin3,
17. Cornelia Poulopoulou14,
18. Erez Raz15,
19. Mark A. Rubin3,
20. Mehmet Salturk16,
21. Richard R. Schrock17,
22. Alain Trautmann18,
23. Derya Unutmaz19,
24. Harel Weinstein3,
25. Caghan Kizil4,*

1. 1Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
2. 2The Science Academy (Bilim Akademisi), Istanbul, Turkey.
3. 3Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY 10065, USA.
4. 4Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden, Technische Universität, 01307, Dresden, Germany.
5. 5Rice University, Houston, TX 77251, USA.
6. 6The Rockefeller University and The New York Genome Center, New York, NY 10065, USA.
7. 7Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
8. 8Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey.
9. 9Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, 37077, Göttingen, Germany.
10. 10Columbia University, NY 10027, USA.
11. 11Cornell University, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Ithaca, NY, 14853, USA.
12. 12Turkish Medical Association (TTB), Ankara, Turkey.
13. 13Monash University, Victoria, 3800, Australia.
14. 14University of Athens, Athens, 10679, Greece.
15. 15University of Münster, 48149, Münster, Germany.
16. 16University of Cologne, Cologne, 50923, Germany.
17. 17Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18. 18Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), 75794, Paris, France.
19. 19New York University, New York, NY 10012, USA.
1. ↵*Corresponding authors. E-mail: [email protected] (E.A.); [email protected] (C.K.)


TTB Report (

Gas Burns—Taksim Gezi Parki 12.06.2013 (

A. O. Aktan
, Br. Med. J. 346, f3801 (2013).
FREE Full Text

Police Throwing Tear Gas into German Hospital İstanbul 16.06.13 2.57am #occupygezi (

H. Hu,
D. Christiani
, Lancet 339, 1535 (1992).
MedlineWeb of Science

B. F. Bessac,
S.-E. Jordt
, Proc. Am. Thorac. Soc. 7, 269 (2010).

B. C. Howard
, “The surprising history and science of tear gas,” National Geographic Daily News (12 June 2013); ... -protests/.

H. G. Atkinson
, “Under the gun: Ongoing assaults on Bahrain's health system,” Physicians for Human Rights (May, 2012); ... ystem.html.

United Nations Geneva Protocol (1925); ... /index.jsp.

“Turkish police to buy 100,000 gas bomb cartridges,” Hurriyet Daily News (19 June 2013); ... sCatID=341.

Lancet 381, 2067 (2013).

E. Güne
, “Police search houses of Gezi protests' starter group members,” Hurriyet Daily News (9 July 2013); ... sCatID=339.

Convention (IV) Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (Geneva, 1949); ... enDocument.

Academics for Gezi (
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby B25 » Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:04 pm

ha ha ha just read this bit "We call upon the Turkish government to obey international law "

That's just asking a bit much of Turkey don't you think. She has no respect for any law, not even her own, so she won't give 2 F's about anyone elses.

I just hate these BS comments, everyone calls on Turkey for this or that and nothing. Action is what is required, until then all the organisations can go F themselves and stop writing moaning shit.

Seriously, the words International Law and Turkey cannot be used in the same sentence.
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Maximus » Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:16 pm

Turks are preoccupied with these protests at the moment but a stew is stirring in the periphery.

The chief of Al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri has just called on the Syrian rebels to direct their fight at establishing a “jihadist Islamic state” (The Turkish Republic of Northern Syria) in Syria as they seek to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.

The PKK are giving the Turkish government their final warning, blaming them for sabotaging the peace process with the Kurds.
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:21 pm

Maximus wrote:Turks are preoccupied with these protests at the moment but a stew is stirring in the periphery.

The chief of Al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri has just called on the Syrian rebels to direct their fight at establishing a “jihadist Islamic state” (The Turkish Republic of Northern Syria) in Syria as they seek to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.

The PKK are giving the Turkish government their final warning, blaming them for sabotaging the peace process with the Kurds.

I don't know about Al Qaeda, but I can easily see those involved in the Kurdish struggle and those involved in the Gezi movement combining on a progressive front to bury Islamofascism in Turkey. Do not forget that the Gezi protests were essentially launched when Sırrı Süreyya Önder, an MP from the BDP party - a party that is increasingly styling itself as being the equivalent of Sinn Fein in the Kurdish struggle, joined a handful of protesters in the park, risked life and limb by lying down in front of a piece of earth-moving machinery and then announced that he was staying put in the park, which acted as the catalyst for many thousands of demonstrators to pour in there.
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Maximus » Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:32 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Maximus wrote:Turks are preoccupied with these protests at the moment but a stew is stirring in the periphery.

The chief of Al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri has just called on the Syrian rebels to direct their fight at establishing a “jihadist Islamic state” (The Turkish Republic of Northern Syria) in Syria as they seek to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.

The PKK are giving the Turkish government their final warning, blaming them for sabotaging the peace process with the Kurds.

I don't know about Al Qaeda, but I can easily see those involved in the Kurdish struggle and those involved in the Gezi movement combining on a progressive front to bury Islamofascism in Turkey. Do not forget that the Gezi protests were essentially launched when Sırrı Süreyya Önder, an MP from the BDP party - a party that is increasingly styling itself as being the equivalent of Sinn Fein in the Kurdish struggle, joined a handful of protesters in the park, risked life and limb by lying down in front of a piece of earth-moving machinery and then announced that he was staying put in the park, which acted as the catalyst for many thousands of demonstrators to pour in there.

This may be the case but there are still millions of others who are willing to die for Sultan Erdogan.
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:47 pm

Maximus wrote:This may be the case but there are still millions of others who are willing to die for Sultan Erdogan.

I have heard one person go on the record as such so far, and, given that he is obviously certifiable, I do not know how reliable that statement is.
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