Tim Drayton wrote:Meanwhile, Prime-Minister Erdoğan is not toning down his rhetoric at all. Some excerpts from a speech he made in Adana yesterday:
Biz birkaç çapulcunun yaptıklarını yapmayız. Onlar yakarlar, yıkarlar. Çapulcunun tanımı budur zaten. Onlar kamunun mallarını yakıp yıkarlar. Sivil vatandaşın esnafın dükkanlarını tarumar ederler. Onlar sivil vatandaşın araçlarını da yakarlar yıkarlar. Onlar bu ülkenin başbakanına küfredecek kadar alçaktırlar.
Do not do what a few looters have done. They burn and destroy. This in any case is the definition of a looter. They destroy and burn public property. They rout the shops of civilian citizens and small businessmen. They also burn and destroy the cars of civilian citizens. They are vile enough to swear at the country’s prime-minister.
İnanın bunların yüzde 95’i Gezi Parkı nerede diye sorun bilmezlerdi. Bunlar hayatlarında Gezi Parkı’na da gitmemişlerdir.
Trust me, ask 95 percent of them where Gezi Park is and they won’t know. They have never been to Gezi Park in their lives.
http://www.radikal.com.tr/politika/basb ... iz-1136875
Erdogan loots peoples rights who are secular and he has the nerve to call these demonstrators who do not want to be ruled by a dictator as looter. The 50% who had voted for him does not make him a KING to do as he wants with the country or with the rights of the other 50%. It is true, that
absolute power corrupts, absolutely!Erdogan still doesn't get it, that these demonstrations are no longer about the Gezi Park, so it's not relevant if no one knows where it is. I'm sure vast majority of his supporters do not know where it is either. It is about him being a dictator, or as I call him "Godfather", who wants to make decisions all by himself on who and when someone can take a piss. Someone should remind him that Hitler was too democratically elected. It is not a licence to abuse his power just because he got 50% of the votes, because less than 10% of the voters in the size of Turkey can cause him a great deal of headaches, leading to severe migraine.
Basically, what Erdogan wants to do with the Presidential system if it should get that far, just as it happens in other undemocratic Muslim countries, is the have the Erdogan family Dynasty rule Turkey for the next few hundred years . This is where he wants to take Turkey.