miltiades wrote:The conclusion I have drawn is that a smile and politeness in any given situation goes a terribly long way.
Agree 100%. Wherever things can be tweaked to go speedily and efficiently, the smile and politeness switch this process on. I'm amazed by the number of people who treat assistants like trash and then expect good service. I wrote virtually the same thing as you, on how brilliant CYTA are when I had internet connected back in 2008.
A also had the most amazing speedy service from the Cyprus water department a few months ago. They came out on a Sunday afternoon, half an hour after my call, to repair a water pipe that had been accidentally cut by the ditch-clearing people. He changed the pipes in about 10 minutes and sped off to the next job. Unbelievable efficiency. I pay over 10X more for water in the UK and trying to get them out for a repair takes weeks of appointment-making and organising to get "permits" from councils for touching paving stones etc etc etc.
Cyprus is great and getting greater!