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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:01 pm

miltiades wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
miltiades wrote:Going back to my opening real story on this thread, and my giving away under false pretenses 1000 Euros.

The LADY and I exchanged a number of emails and texts, she, apologizing profusely, stating that her late husband, my short lived friend George, would be turning in his grave and will never rest in peace until she repaid me this sum of money.

Took it with a pinch of salt but went ahead and gave her my personal a/c number, sort code etc.

Each morning I go on line checking my personal and business accounts, just to see how little money I have :cry:

Imagine my shock at seeing the sum of £ 828.69 credited to my account. !!!!

She borrowed from family members, she told me, to repay her debt to me, also inviting me to visit her and the children in Greece. She turned out to be a Lady, as my late friend often said. RIP George, your lady is a diamond!

She did what she did out of sheer desperation, for her children, but could not live with her conscious and she made good.

I bet you feel really silly now!

Not really S. I never expressed anger or bitterness towards her, instead total forgiveness and understanding the predicament she had found her self in.

She has my full respect, and to her I'm a kind of a ...hero !! She was able to return to Greece with a few euros in her purse, to pay o/s bills, food for the children and a few treats. Her conscious, however dictated to her, that in memory of her children's father, she should do the right thing. I never asked her for the money back, I went along and gave her my bank details upon her request. Some of this money will now go to a good cause on my return to Cyprus in a couple of weeks, and it wont just be on !

No, I meant I bet you feel silly having posted what you did, and inciting the hatred from the anti-Greek forum fools.

Besides, if you then went along and gave her your bank details, you must have known she was pretty good all along, so why even mention this experience that only served to produce adverse feelings about her? All the good that could have been done from humane association has been soiled.

You should go and light a candle in a (Russian) Orthodox church and beg for forgiveness!
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:51 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
miltiades wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
miltiades wrote:Going back to my opening real story on this thread, and my giving away under false pretenses 1000 Euros.

The LADY and I exchanged a number of emails and texts, she, apologizing profusely, stating that her late husband, my short lived friend George, would be turning in his grave and will never rest in peace until she repaid me this sum of money.

Took it with a pinch of salt but went ahead and gave her my personal a/c number, sort code etc.

Each morning I go on line checking my personal and business accounts, just to see how little money I have :cry:

Imagine my shock at seeing the sum of £ 828.69 credited to my account. !!!!

She borrowed from family members, she told me, to repay her debt to me, also inviting me to visit her and the children in Greece. She turned out to be a Lady, as my late friend often said. RIP George, your lady is a diamond!

She did what she did out of sheer desperation, for her children, but could not live with her conscious and she made good.

I bet you feel really silly now!

Not really S. I never expressed anger or bitterness towards her, instead total forgiveness and understanding the predicament she had found her self in.

She has my full respect, and to her I'm a kind of a ...hero !! She was able to return to Greece with a few euros in her purse, to pay o/s bills, food for the children and a few treats. Her conscious, however dictated to her, that in memory of her children's father, she should do the right thing. I never asked her for the money back, I went along and gave her my bank details upon her request. Some of this money will now go to a good cause on my return to Cyprus in a couple of weeks, and it wont just be on !

No, I meant I bet you feel silly having posted what you did, and inciting the hatred from the anti-Greek forum fools.

Besides, if you then went along and gave her your bank details, you must have known she was pretty good all along, so why even mention this experience that only served to produce adverse feelings about her? All the good that could have been done from humane association has been soiled.

You should go and light a candle in a (Russian) Orthodox church and beg for forgiveness!

You do surprise me S.
When I wrote about this particular true story, I was naturally unaware that the lady would make good. I did not just give her my bank details. She requested them telling me that she had secured a loan and that she would send me the money. Naturally I obliged and doing so I'm not only 1000 euros better off, which now pushes my savings to 1001 euros!!
I was not making a ...dig at a Greek lady, I did say she was born in Russia but grew up in Greece.
S, you are getting old, ...darling xx
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:06 pm

miltiades wrote:Going back to my opening real story on this thread, and my giving away under false pretenses 1000 Euros.

The LADY and I exchanged a number of emails and texts, she, apologizing profusely, stating that her late husband, my short lived friend George, would be turning in his grave and will never rest in peace until she repaid me this sum of money.

Took it with a pinch of salt but went ahead and gave her my personal a/c number, sort code etc.

Each morning I go on line checking my personal and business accounts, just to see how little money I have :cry:

Imagine my shock at seeing the sum of £ 828.69 credited to my account. !!!!

She borrowed from family members, she told me, to repay her debt to me, also inviting me to visit her and the children in Greece. She turned out to be a Lady, as my late friend often said. RIP George, your lady is a diamond!

She did what she did out of sheer desperation, for her children, but could not live with her conscious and she made good.

Milti, this was my post to you couple of weeks ago on page 6. I wrote that she may pay you the 1,000 Euros back just so that you will let your guard down, because she will come back for much more.

She knows how to play the game my friend.

Watch your wallet!

Kikapu wrote:My friend, Miltiades,

So far you have shown to everyone that you are a generous and forgiving person, a good quality to have as a human being, as I too applauded you for doing a good deed to someone you had trusted and have now accepted kissing off your 1,000 Euros to her. This does not mean however that she is a nice person just because she has written you a hard luck story with an apology. As matter of fact, you can't trust her anymore no matter what she says. Now that she has seen that you are a forgiven person and that you really don't need money as much as she does, she will be coming back for more in ways that you will want to become her and her kids "protector" and you for her as her "sugar daddy". Beware my friend. She has already proven what a conniving kuntish she can be, and you have already forgiving her for her behaviour only few days ago in which she had devised a plan in how to deceive you and take your money, I would keep well away from her if you do not want to be taken for a ride by her again and again. She may even pay you back the 1,000 Euros she has basically stolen from you just for you to let your guard down. She will be coming after for more, much more that just a 1'000 Euros this time. Women have many "weapons" to get a man to do what they want a man to do. You should perhaps thank your lucky stars that you have only lost a 1,000 Euros to this woman. I can see much worse loses ahead if you are not careful.

Take care my friend.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:23 pm

Kikapu wrote:
miltiades wrote:Going back to my opening real story on this thread, and my giving away under false pretenses 1000 Euros.

The LADY and I exchanged a number of emails and texts, she, apologizing profusely, stating that her late husband, my short lived friend George, would be turning in his grave and will never rest in peace until she repaid me this sum of money.

Took it with a pinch of salt but went ahead and gave her my personal a/c number, sort code etc.

Each morning I go on line checking my personal and business accounts, just to see how little money I have :cry:

Imagine my shock at seeing the sum of £ 828.69 credited to my account. !!!!

She borrowed from family members, she told me, to repay her debt to me, also inviting me to visit her and the children in Greece. She turned out to be a Lady, as my late friend often said. RIP George, your lady is a diamond!

She did what she did out of sheer desperation, for her children, but could not live with her conscious and she made good.

Milti, this was my post to you couple of weeks ago on page 6. I wrote that she may pay you the 1,000 Euros back just so that you will let your guard down, because she will come back for much more.

She knows how to play the game my friend.

Watch your wallet!

Kikapu wrote:My friend, Miltiades,

So far you have shown to everyone that you are a generous and forgiving person, a good quality to have as a human being, as I too applauded you for doing a good deed to someone you had trusted and have now accepted kissing off your 1,000 Euros to her. This does not mean however that she is a nice person just because she has written you a hard luck story with an apology. As matter of fact, you can't trust her anymore no matter what she says. Now that she has seen that you are a forgiven person and that you really don't need money as much as she does, she will be coming back for more in ways that you will want to become her and her kids "protector" and you for her as her "sugar daddy". Beware my friend. She has already proven what a conniving kuntish she can be, and you have already forgiving her for her behaviour only few days ago in which she had devised a plan in how to deceive you and take your money, I would keep well away from her if you do not want to be taken for a ride by her again and again. She may even pay you back the 1,000 Euros she has basically stolen from you just for you to let your guard down. She will be coming after for more, much more that just a 1'000 Euros this time. Women have many "weapons" to get a man to do what they want a man to do. You should perhaps thank your lucky stars that you have only lost a 1,000 Euros to this woman. I can see much worse loses ahead if you are not careful.

Take care my friend.

Thanks my dear friend. I remember you saying this and I must admit the thought has passed my mind.
Her invitation for me to visit her in Greece is also inclined to make me think the way you do. Get the old boy here, a soft touch, maybe he has dosh and Bingo !!! Hit him with my ...stick and the jackpot.
Shortly I shall be in Cyprus with my 31 year old that knows all about this and she is not amused !!!
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:22 am

I'm still recovering from being richer by 1000 euros, it comes handy since this coming Friday my container arrives at my house where all my meager belongings will be loaded on for their journey to Cyprus.

I have lived in my present house, which is now sold, for 22 years, in the house where my then teenage children were getting ready to fly away. Many happy memories, but the sadness of one particular event, eclipses all other events, the death in this house of my wife and her long battle with humanity's most potent enemy, the dreadful decease, cancer.

As I begun yesterday packing my household goods, realized just how many things one can have after living in a house of 22 years.I'm by nature a sentimentalist, so was my late wife.Trinkets containing baby teeth and hair, what on earth do I do, I just can not bring my self to dispose of them so I will send them to Cyprus along with many such mementos.

I'm living behind my loyal and trusted TV, too old to travel, almost 30 years old!! I never watch anything apart from news and documentaries so never had the impulse to buy a new one. I have also decided to dispose of my late wife's clothing which has been in her wardrobe for almost 4 years . It will be a sad day this Friday but also a brand new start for this old boy. I will be moving out of my house mid July, shortly after coming back from Cyprus. I shall not retire but semi retire, spending time in Cyprus and here in the UK, my 40 year old son has kindly made available his ....shed for me, also my older brother has agreed that I can stay in his house, provided that I supply my own and not drink his !!
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:23 am

I really feel for you, Miltiades, having to do this move on your own. Over 20 years worth of family memories to pack or dispose of is heartbreaking enough without having no one to share the tiny joyous moments attached to lovingly-saved possessions. It's one of the most stressful things anyone can ever do so take it easy.

(For the memory of your wife, can you not get your young floozy you help or sort out your wife's old clothes, please. I would just hate such a thing. And, send them to a PDSA. )
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:44 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I really feel for you, Miltiades, having to do this move on your own. Over 20 years worth of family memories to pack or dispose of is heartbreaking enough without having no one to share the tiny joyous moments attached to lovingly-saved possessions. It's one of the most stressful things anyone can ever do so take it easy.

(For the memory of your wife, can you not get your young floozy you help or sort out your wife's old clothes, please. I would just hate such a thing. And, send them to a PDSA. )

My young...floozy does not live with me, she lives with her daughter in Belarus, but soon joining me in Cyprus for a few weeks.

She knows how attached I'm to my past and she would never interfere with my memories.
I do have to move on though, time waits for nobody.

My grandchildren are my life above all else, they give me hope and a reason to live and be at their wedding doing the zeimbekiko, twist and even sing a song or two.
My oldest 9 year old one uses mums mobile each night, on whatsup, and tells me I love you pappou, sweet dreams.
Music to my ears, the little one almost 4 insists on singing for me on the phone, feggaraki mou lambro...., Ah kounellaki, mia petallouda and many more , as for the boy just over 5, he wants to see my ....airplane, he thinks I own one and fly regularly to Cyprus, he tells his friends at school that Pappou has a ..jet !!!! :lol: what else can a 67 year old ask for apart from a ....31 year old! :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:02 am

miltiades wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:I really feel for you, Miltiades, having to do this move on your own. Over 20 years worth of family memories to pack or dispose of is heartbreaking enough without having no one to share the tiny joyous moments attached to lovingly-saved possessions. It's one of the most stressful things anyone can ever do so take it easy.

(For the memory of your wife, can you not get your young floozy you help or sort out your wife's old clothes, please. I would just hate such a thing. And, send them to a PDSA. )

My young...floozy does not live with me, she lives with her daughter in Belarus, but soon joining me in Cyprus for a few weeks.

She knows how attached I'm to my past and she would never interfere with my memories.
I do have to move on though, time waits for nobody.

My grandchildren are my life above all else, they give me hope and a reason to live and be at their wedding doing the zeimbekiko, twist and even sing a song or two.
My oldest 9 year old one uses mums mobile each night, on whatsup, and tells me I love you pappou, sweet dreams.
Music to my ears, the little one almost 4 insists on singing for me on the phone, feggaraki mou lambro...., Ah kounellaki, mia petallouda and many more , as for the boy just over 5, he wants to see my ....airplane, he thinks I own one and fly regularly to Cyprus, he tells his friends at school that Pappou has a ..jet !!!! :lol: what else can a 67 year old ask for apart from a ....31 year old! :lol: :lol:

Milti, give your wife's clothes to charity, for them to be used by needy others. it will be much easier on you than just trashing them.

As for your 31 year old, the statement given by George Burns is slowly becoming you.

George Burns on his 100th birthday was asked in an interview.

Mr Burns, don't you think it is dangerous for you to be having sex with much younger women, and his reply was, "Hey, if she dies, she dies". :lol:
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:23 am

There are receptacles in the street at various locations where you can deposit old clothing and this is collected by a charity that distributes it to the needy. This is how I disposed of my mother's clothes after she passed away.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:26 am

Tim Drayton wrote:There are receptacles in the street at various locations where you can deposit old clothing and this is collected by a charity that distributes it to the needy. This is how I disposed of my mother's clothes after she passed away.

Wait a minute, we are talking about clothes in the UK. Forget the above, but maybe there is something similar over there.
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