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Postby kurupetos » Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:38 pm

miltiades wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
miltiades wrote:Once again its a BBQ night, nice weather and no rain.
Will continue later and tell you how I almost lost my virginity in Marseilles, instead I got a kick up the rear and came tumbling down the stairs!!!!! :lol:

:shock: Was it too big or too small? :?

No, just an ordinary staircase, didn't bother to count how many stairs.

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Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:42 am

kurupetos wrote:
miltiades wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
miltiades wrote:Once again its a BBQ night, nice weather and no rain.
Will continue later and tell you how I almost lost my virginity in Marseilles, instead I got a kick up the rear and came tumbling down the stairs!!!!! :lol:

:shock: Was it too big or too small? :?

No, just an ordinary staircase, didn't bother to count how many stairs.


Having read your comment again I can now see that you were referring NOT to the ....staircase but obviously to the size of the ,,,,,lady's bed :lol: :lol:
Well it was a double bed and yes quite large but I never got to test it..... :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:33 am

As the boat sailed away, I settled in, and for the first time in my life I purchased a pack of 200 Senior Service plain cigarettes, the tipped ones were considered in those days to be feminine !!
My father smoked Senior Service so now and again I would pinch one and pretend I was a big boy. Smoking was not considered bad for you either and it was somewhat a status symbol.

After 3 or 4 days we arrived at Marseilles, disembarked and led to where the train would take us to Paris and then on to Calais.
That was my very first contact with a "foreign" city and very impressed I was.I thought Limassol was ...big but boy was Marseilles huge in comparison.

As we waited for our train, the older boys and myself made our way to streets near the port, came across a street on which on every door step stood a gorgeous lady scantily dressed , cleavage proudly ...advertising the wares on offer, door after door ladies eagerly enticing us to come in. The older boys eventually made their way into one such house, led up the stairs by the lady, I right behind, got to the top of stairs and the boys started bargaining the price on offer.
They were excited but like me with very little money, and after some haggling made their way to the stair case with my self right behind them, the lady was not amused, she stood at the top of the stairs murmuring to her self, no doubt calling us "time wasters".

As I approached the top of the stairs, the lady right behind me, I thought I would shake her ....apples, gently I squeezed at an apple and that's when she saw red, cursed me in French, lifted her dainty leg and booted me down the stairs.I fell on top of my friends, they supported me stopping me tumbling all the way down the narrow staircase and quickly made our way to the train station for our onward journey, first to Paris, and then Calais, where after some wait we would catch the ferry to Dover and the white cliffs of Dover.

to continue....
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:22 am

This, will be the final chapter leading to, what GR has been anxiously awaiting for :lol: to read.
My arrival by train from Dover to VICTORIA Station !!
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 08, 2013 1:44 pm

On a late afternoon, Monday October 30th 1961, we finally arrived at Victoria station in London.

Upon advice received in Cyprus from a relation who had spent 2 years in London I made my way outside the station carrying a small suitcase and a ...paploma that my father insisted I bring along for those cold English nights.

Heeding my relations advice I begun exploring the nearby streets searching for any small hotel or restaurant bearing a Greek name, he said there are many in the vicinity.It did not take me long to spot an illuminated sign "APOLLO HOTEL! A notice, also illuminated said "VACANCIES".
I did not know at the time the other meaning of " vacancies" ie rooms available.

I walked into the hotels lobby still carrying my suitcase and paploma, a man at the reception desk smiled, said good evening, are you looking for a room?.Yes I replied but I'm also looking for a job, are you Greek I asked, yes he replied,
I'm the owner. We shook hands and I told him in Greek that I had just arrived from Cyprus, I know he replied, I can tell from your paploma, giving me a cheeky but friendly grin.

How old are you he asked, 18 I replied !!!
By that time a young girl in her early 20s walked into the lobby, she was obviously his daughter as she calked him Dad. She was unpleasantly plump, covered in acne and rather unsightly.

The G/C owner introduced me to his daughter and by that time his wife appeared, a miserable old cow, a Greek from Larissa.

I will call him D for short.
He offered me a job there and then starting from that evening, £6 a week plus my keep and meals, boy was I happy.
It was for 7 days a week with an afternoon break for a couple of hours but bloody hard work cleaning and washing up as well as washing the old cows feet as she suffered from her back and could not wash them her self.
Nasty woman she was to me, always called me " mikre" and I hated that, but her husband was nice and so was the daughter in some ways.
His daughter took a fancy to me, she taught me much, she was my first one, and boy was she ugly!!

I left the place in a hurry when the mother caught me and her daughter...relaxing together.
D went crazy on being told, and commanded me to ...marry his daughter, I made my exit less my paploma in a haste.
I had been in London about a year and by then got to know other G/Cs so in no time I was in a job and also begun College.

Never went near Ds hotel from that day....or his ugly daughter :lol:
That is the END folks, I do hope I have not bored you too much.Thank you for listening.
I shall be back in Cyprus on June 26th, this time my gorgeous 31 year old will be joining me arriving 2 days later.
More Real Life Stories might follow.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Jun 08, 2013 2:52 pm

Thank you Milti for an entertaining thread.

Not boring in the least
You should certainly preserve your family history for your many relatives. which if you can do it in the same smile will no doubt keep them amused too. as well as informed.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 08, 2013 3:17 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:Thank you Milti for an entertaining thread.

Not boring in the least
You should certainly preserve your family history for your many relatives. which if you can do it in the same smile will no doubt keep them amused too. as well as informed.

Thank you... stud !! :D
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:15 am

Going back to my opening real story on this thread, and my giving away under false pretenses 1000 Euros.

The LADY and I exchanged a number of emails and texts, she, apologizing profusely, stating that her late husband, my short lived friend George, would be turning in his grave and will never rest in peace until she repaid me this sum of money.

Took it with a pinch of salt but went ahead and gave her my personal a/c number, sort code etc.

Each morning I go on line checking my personal and business accounts, just to see how little money I have :cry:

Imagine my shock at seeing the sum of £ 828.69 credited to my account. !!!!

She borrowed from family members, she told me, to repay her debt to me, also inviting me to visit her and the children in Greece. She turned out to be a Lady, as my late friend often said. RIP George, your lady is a diamond!

She did what she did out of sheer desperation, for her children, but could not live with her conscious and she made good.
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:29 am

miltiades wrote:Going back to my opening real story on this thread, and my giving away under false pretenses 1000 Euros.

The LADY and I exchanged a number of emails and texts, she, apologizing profusely, stating that her late husband, my short lived friend George, would be turning in his grave and will never rest in peace until she repaid me this sum of money.

Took it with a pinch of salt but went ahead and gave her my personal a/c number, sort code etc.

Each morning I go on line checking my personal and business accounts, just to see how little money I have :cry:

Imagine my shock at seeing the sum of £ 828.69 credited to my account. !!!!

She borrowed from family members, she told me, to repay her debt to me, also inviting me to visit her and the children in Greece. She turned out to be a Lady, as my late friend often said. RIP George, your lady is a diamond!

She did what she did out of sheer desperation, for her children, but could not live with her conscious and she made good.

I bet you feel really silly now!
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:45 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
miltiades wrote:Going back to my opening real story on this thread, and my giving away under false pretenses 1000 Euros.

The LADY and I exchanged a number of emails and texts, she, apologizing profusely, stating that her late husband, my short lived friend George, would be turning in his grave and will never rest in peace until she repaid me this sum of money.

Took it with a pinch of salt but went ahead and gave her my personal a/c number, sort code etc.

Each morning I go on line checking my personal and business accounts, just to see how little money I have :cry:

Imagine my shock at seeing the sum of £ 828.69 credited to my account. !!!!

She borrowed from family members, she told me, to repay her debt to me, also inviting me to visit her and the children in Greece. She turned out to be a Lady, as my late friend often said. RIP George, your lady is a diamond!

She did what she did out of sheer desperation, for her children, but could not live with her conscious and she made good.

I bet you feel really silly now!

Not really S. I never expressed anger or bitterness towards her, instead total forgiveness and understanding the predicament she had found her self in.

She has my full respect, and to her I'm a kind of a ...hero !! She was able to return to Greece with a few euros in her purse, to pay o/s bills, food for the children and a few treats. Her conscious, however dictated to her, that in memory of her children's father, she should do the right thing. I never asked her for the money back, I went along and gave her my bank details upon her request. Some of this money will now go to a good cause on my return to Cyprus in a couple of weeks, and it wont just be on !
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