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Barbarism in London

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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby kurupetos » Sun May 26, 2013 11:38 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...again, "us", "them", "newcomer", what the hell are you guys talking about, who is the enemy, there are some on which we can all agree. Multiculturalism identifies our respect for Tolerance, it is the recognition of a fact that we are all equals, Individually. the "them" in this case, are the Intolerant.

kurupetos, i would like to plonk you on a street, anywhere but in the Occidental world and see how fast you will adapt; what comes around goes around. if you had any balls, or imagination, you would realise that we live in a big world, and if Cyprus is a navel or a spleen, i suggest you think a little more carefully about the influence that you wield. higher fences, and less Liberty behind them will not resist natural change. a different attitude of mind is needed, you are no different to those two guys who stood there, chatting with their hands covered in blood, waiting for the Police. British, like Cypriot, or Afghan, heroism, is demonstrated by the lady who remained calm, and, as far as i know she has not lashed out, making stereotypes and from them generalising.

...i cannot say multiculturalism has failed, we fail by accepting such a notion, and next we will be accepting any "ism" foisted upon us by an elite who define "themselves". something is wrong with the debate, when we as Persons dismiss the Rights of Individuals, because "we" are a majority (within this ("our" own) realm), in this case the English may well need to consider that they need to form a Constituency, an equal to others (and take care of their "English" themselves) to sustain their distinctions as an Identity (it gives the Welsh, Irish, and Scottish a voice) much like the "Greeks" who would have the same Liberty to demonstrate their Goodwill, if as States they evolve Bicommunally. and we can hope that in this sense, an idea of Universal Principals is refined in a manner where Nations are Peoples to be treated and respected as equals, but States are a People over all. a way, if you want to get twisted, what happened on London streets is normal if Immigration Policy is askew. is this any worse than Jack the Ripper, given the numbers, and the demographics; study the behaviour of rats in the same crisis filled overcrowded conditions. Free Movement, Free Association, Free Expression; what do you expect?

Wake up before you become the next victim.
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon May 27, 2013 1:22 am

kurupetos wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...again, "us", "them", "newcomer", what the hell are you guys talking about, who is the enemy, there are some on which we can all agree. Multiculturalism identifies our respect for Tolerance, it is the recognition of a fact that we are all equals, Individually. the "them" in this case, are the Intolerant.

kurupetos, i would like to plonk you on a street, anywhere but in the Occidental world and see how fast you will adapt; what comes around goes around. if you had any balls, or imagination, you would realise that we live in a big world, and if Cyprus is a navel or a spleen, i suggest you think a little more carefully about the influence that you wield. higher fences, and less Liberty behind them will not resist natural change. a different attitude of mind is needed, you are no different to those two guys who stood there, chatting with their hands covered in blood, waiting for the Police. British, like Cypriot, or Afghan, heroism, is demonstrated by the lady who remained calm, and, as far as i know she has not lashed out, making stereotypes and from them generalising.

...i cannot say multiculturalism has failed, we fail by accepting such a notion, and next we will be accepting any "ism" foisted upon us by an elite who define "themselves". something is wrong with the debate, when we as Persons dismiss the Rights of Individuals, because "we" are a majority (within this ("our" own) realm), in this case the English may well need to consider that they need to form a Constituency, an equal to others (and take care of their "English" themselves) to sustain their distinctions as an Identity (it gives the Welsh, Irish, and Scottish a voice) much like the "Greeks" who would have the same Liberty to demonstrate their Goodwill, if as States they evolve Bicommunally. and we can hope that in this sense, an idea of Universal Principals is refined in a manner where Nations are Peoples to be treated and respected as equals, but States are a People over all. a way, if you want to get twisted, what happened on London streets is normal if Immigration Policy is askew. is this any worse than Jack the Ripper, given the numbers, and the demographics; study the behaviour of rats in the same crisis filled overcrowded conditions. Free Movement, Free Association, Free Expression; what do you expect?

Wake up before you become the next victim.

i am already a victim, you twat, from your "Turkishness" (i say that in the nicest way); but of course, what do i know, i come from a "mixed" village.
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby kurupetos » Mon May 27, 2013 1:58 am

repulsewarrior wrote:i am already a victim, you twat, from your "Turkishness" (i say that in the nicest way); but of course, what do i know, i come from a "mixed" village.

Talking of Turkishness... Just got a pm from a Turkish, or is he a TC? :? , friend (sort of)...

He says he is very happy that the USRobotics website now has a Turkish language version... :?

Who's using analog modems these days? :? :lol: :mrgreen:
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon May 27, 2013 3:37 am

Cap wrote:Repulse would you say the Canadian justice system is fair, and that the general population of the country as a whole is non-racist, tolerant and fair?

...the Crimanal Law is a Federal Jurisdiction, Civil Law is Provincial, (an example of Canada's Bicommunality), but all Jurisprudence leads to the Supreme Court. it allows for Common Law, as well as the Civil Code, and yes i think, like Cyprus it is evolved and as such respected Internationally as fair.

as for racism, this is far more subtle, Canada is very large, and it has (within each Constituency) many Constituencies if one takes a closer look regionally. each Province has a "racial" (if race can be defined to include ethnicity) issue, however it is no different to anywhere else when among its Citizens there is a sense of entitlement, as opposed to gratitude, Canadian born or not, for living in one of the Freest Countries in the world.

...i have many fond memories of Canada as a Tolerant people, and "oddly enough" i cannot point to a white/black/brown/yellow group, or French/English/Ukranian/Metis/Native/Chinese, etc. group, or Province, as being less or more as Individuals "Canadian", this is the difference that makes a mosaic, rather than a melting pot; in English and in French.

@kurupetos, English is a language you speak very well, why? again i'll say it is like Greek as a spoken language so many years ago, it was common to the world, those who spoke it were Hellenes and with it a kind of Imperialism because with Language comes Custom where in the/their social-exchange the reward was/is mutual, Barbarism then and now defines the People outside of a set of Universal Principals (values). if you don't get that (i refer you to another conversation we had on this subject), you most certainly don't get why being Greek, as opposed to "Greekness", is an inspiration to great thinkers even today. the "English" have a problem, i will grant you that, anyone who is a Person has the same problem, it is the Problem, where Cyprus has a responsibility to the rest of Mankind in demonstrating a clear meaning to the word State, and where Nation(s) within it have their place, worth emulating, perfect in that as Humans, we hold it in high esteem.

@Lordo, i don't know when it is allright to kill someone in the middle of the street, i don't feel the need to apologise for these killers' actions, they are no different to their foe, Individuals who have lost their senses for an illusionary everyman they have set on consuming through terror, which begins by killing soldiers as (not so proud)guerillas(was he wearing a uniform) in Hate. NATO will move out in due time, there is no reason to condone the madness they are an equal to.'s a pity that with the end of the Modern Age, we think that "racism" has to do with colour, Intolerance is Intolerance. two idiots commit a grusome crime and it is an opportunity to shit on Muslims. or to bemoan the fact that changes are occuring fast, as though somehow "you" are less Christian because "they" live near by, or in the house next door. riots in the streets, too many of "them", too easy. i don't have an answer, but i/I know that every single Religion in the world professes Love as the infinite power that blesses us, and i/I act accordingly.
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby tsukoui » Mon May 27, 2013 12:25 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:There are issues surrounding immigration that are of genuine concern to the residents of the UK and cannot be swept under the carpet, but I would caution you not to go too far. I was recently looking at some references to the heroic part played by Greek Cypriots in the fight against the National Front in the UK of the 1970's (a struggle that I also had some involvement in), and urge you not to forget those days and what lies behind far right ideology.

Tim, can you give the references that you were looking at, thanks.
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon May 27, 2013 1:07 pm

These are passing comments that I have come across in various threads such as the following: ... aM9ntiBDts

That was the case in Lewisham and Wood Green and other well known sites of confrontation with the NF in the ’70s, where asian, black and greek cypriot youth responded to the call of the left and hammered the nazis.

If you were around at the time, I would be glad to hear your view.
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon May 27, 2013 8:08 pm

The reference here is probably in particular to the so-called 'Battle of Wood Green' of 23 April 1977, in which I would hope and imagine there was Cypriot involvement: ... B0013E0C1Y
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby tsukoui » Mon May 27, 2013 9:57 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:The reference here is probably in particular to the so-called 'Battle of Wood Green' of 23 April 1977, in which I would hope and imagine there was Cypriot involvement: ... B0013E0C1Y

Thanks Tim. I feel a bit bad because my whole thesis is that Cypriots aren't "White" and you obviously are. I still think my thesis will be for the best in the long run, but allow me to jump the gun a bit and complement you as a "true Englishman".
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon May 27, 2013 10:02 pm

tsukoui wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:The reference here is probably in particular to the so-called 'Battle of Wood Green' of 23 April 1977, in which I would hope and imagine there was Cypriot involvement: ... B0013E0C1Y

Thanks Tim. I feel a bit bad because my whole thesis is that Cypriots aren't "White" and you obviously are. I still think my thesis will be for the best in the long run, but allow me to jump the gun a bit and complement you as a "true Englishman".

Are you going to fail? :)
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