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Barbarism in London

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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby Mik » Sun May 26, 2013 1:55 pm

The foreign policy of all NATO members who loaned there troops to the action in Afghanistan and Iraq, leaves them open to the same kind of attack for the same reasons....
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby Lordo » Sun May 26, 2013 2:00 pm

Mik wrote:
Lordo wrote:i am shocked to read the first post here attacking the hard working newcomers, considering that all the newcomers have shown their disgust at this action. it must be cypriot thing no wonder cypriots are seen as the most racist in the world. i wonder the gentlemen of this post holds the incident of a father holding his childs hand one moment and just his hand the next blown up by a drone controlled by his heros. was that covered by the western media as widely, i think not. what goes around comes around. people will react to innocents murdered by the states protecting their interests. the sooner the west pulls their soldiers out from all muslim lands the sonner we shall have peace.

This paragraph just goes to prove your sheer ignorance of this story. I suggest you read up on the incident before you comment next time.

listen to what the man said and then make comments my friend.
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby Lordo » Sun May 26, 2013 2:02 pm

kurupetos wrote:Tension has been increasing all over the world.

Here's the latest from Sweden:

If you want multiculturalism, you have to learn to accept its consequences. :wink:

whats the world coming to when a decent police man cannot act as judge defence prosecution jury and the executioner. i see the racists cypriots have raised their ugly heads out of their arses again.
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby Mik » Sun May 26, 2013 2:20 pm

Lordo wrote:
Mik wrote:
Lordo wrote:i am shocked to read the first post here attacking the hard working newcomers, considering that all the newcomers have shown their disgust at this action. it must be cypriot thing no wonder cypriots are seen as the most racist in the world. i wonder the gentlemen of this post holds the incident of a father holding his childs hand one moment and just his hand the next blown up by a drone controlled by his heros. was that covered by the western media as widely, i think not. what goes around comes around. people will react to innocents murdered by the states protecting their interests. the sooner the west pulls their soldiers out from all muslim lands the sonner we shall have peace.

This paragraph just goes to prove your sheer ignorance of this story. I suggest you read up on the incident before you comment next time.

listen to what the man said and then make comments my friend.

Listen to what man?
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby kurupetos » Sun May 26, 2013 4:53 pm

Mik wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Mik wrote:
Lordo wrote:i am shocked to read the first post here attacking the hard working newcomers, considering that all the newcomers have shown their disgust at this action. it must be cypriot thing no wonder cypriots are seen as the most racist in the world. i wonder the gentlemen of this post holds the incident of a father holding his childs hand one moment and just his hand the next blown up by a drone controlled by his heros. was that covered by the western media as widely, i think not. what goes around comes around. people will react to innocents murdered by the states protecting their interests. the sooner the west pulls their soldiers out from all muslim lands the sonner we shall have peace.

This paragraph just goes to prove your sheer ignorance of this story. I suggest you read up on the incident before you comment next time.

listen to what the man said and then make comments my friend.

Listen to what man?

The killer.
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby Mik » Sun May 26, 2013 5:18 pm

I did he spouted fanaticism.
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby miltiades » Sun May 26, 2013 6:21 pm

" newcomers into the UK who have absolutely no respect for our culture or our way of life.
The above is exactly what I said.
I did not generalize but stipulated clearly " have absolutely no respect for our culture or our way of life."

Of course it goes without saying that a very large number of newcomers have made a real effort to integrate into the British society, a perfect example is us. The Cypriots.
What I abhor mostly is the reluctance of a large number of third world immigrants to make even a tiny effort to integrate and appreciate that the UK has offered them and their families much benefits that in their countries do not exist.
The radicals the fanatics the religious lunatics who consider that the UK belongs to their false God.
I do not want to be dictated to or forced to respect cultures that I consider along with millions of other UK citizens as totally alien to our own. Cultures that are steeped in medieval times, forced marriages, female mutilation in order to deprive the victims of any physical and natural pleasures. Cultures that continue to embark upon the most vicious and barbaric acts of honour killings, cultures that consider women as second class beings. I believe in freedom of thought, expression, choice of faith, believe or not believe, my right to personal choice as to whether I accept the myth of a creator or not. When I feel that my freedom is being attacked then, as most people do, react.
I understand however that the reluctance of successive British governments to curtail and control immigration into the UK and the free for all benefits, is nurturing and encouraging the growth of extreme nationalist ideas.
To all those that dislike our culture and our way of life I say this. You are free to go back to your cultures.
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 26, 2013 7:25 pm

...again, "us", "them", "newcomer", what the hell are you guys talking about, who is the enemy, there are some on which we can all agree. Multiculturalism identifies our respect for Tolerance, it is the recognition of a fact that we are all equals, Individually. the "them" in this case, are the Intolerant.

kurupetos, i would like to plonk you on a street, anywhere but in the Occidental world and see how fast you will adapt; what comes around goes around. if you had any balls, or imagination, you would realise that we live in a big world, and if Cyprus is a navel or a spleen, i suggest you think a little more carefully about the influence that you wield. higher fences, and less Liberty behind them will not resist natural change. a different attitude of mind is needed, you are no different to those two guys who stood there, chatting with their hands covered in blood, waiting for the Police. British, like Cypriot, or Afghan, heroism, is demonstrated by the lady who remained calm, and, as far as i know she has not lashed out, making stereotypes and from them generalising.

...i cannot say multiculturalism has failed, we fail by accepting such a notion, and next we will be accepting any "ism" foisted upon us by an elite who define "themselves". something is wrong with the debate, when we as Persons dismiss the Rights of Individuals, because "we" are a majority (within this ("our" own) realm), in this case the English may well need to consider that they need to form a Constituency, an equal to others (and take care of their "English" themselves) to sustain their distinctions as an Identity (it gives the Welsh, Irish, and Scottish a voice) much like the "Greeks" who would have the same Liberty to demonstrate their Goodwill, if as States they evolve Bicommunally. and we can hope that in this sense, an idea of Universal Principals is refined in a manner where Nations are Peoples to be treated and respected as equals, but States are a People over all. a way, if you want to get twisted, what happened on London streets is normal if Immigration Policy is askew. is this any worse than Jack the Ripper, given the numbers, and the demographics; study the behaviour of rats in the same crisis filled overcrowded conditions. Free Movement, Free Association, Free Expression; what do you expect?
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby Cap » Sun May 26, 2013 8:31 pm

Repulse would you say the Canadian justice system is fair, and that the general population of the country as a whole is non-racist, tolerant and fair?
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Re: Barbarism in London

Postby kurupetos » Sun May 26, 2013 11:35 pm

Lordo wrote:
kurupetos wrote:Tension has been increasing all over the world.

Here's the latest from Sweden:

If you want multiculturalism, you have to learn to accept its consequences. :wink:

whats the world coming to when a decent police man cannot act as judge defence prosecution jury and the executioner. i see the racists cypriots have raised their ugly heads out of their arses again.

I think you have a bug in your head. :?
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