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CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby CBBB » Fri May 24, 2013 2:29 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Lordo wrote:...we can now land at ercam/timbu in 3.5 hours. you do know ercan right.

The fool actually thinks there'll be an airport left standing! :lol:

A single hit on that heap of crap you’ve built will knock that out from the first hour. :roll:

Nothing comes in and nothing gets out.

..and we can always use our spare runway at Kornos!
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Maximus » Fri May 24, 2013 2:39 pm

CBBB wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Lordo wrote:...we can now land at ercam/timbu in 3.5 hours. you do know ercan right.

The fool actually thinks there'll be an airport left standing! :lol:

A single hit on that heap of crap you’ve built will knock that out from the first hour. :roll:

Nothing comes in and nothing gets out.

..and we can always use our spare runway at Kornos!

Turkey was pi$$ing herself because one s-300 was going to be stationed on the island.

That can easily come back. :lol:
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby bigOz » Fri May 24, 2013 3:28 pm

This is in response to all the "plastic" Greek heroes and the dreaming GC idiots existing on tyhis island. They have been getting their arse kicked ever since 600 years ago, from Byzantine times and have learned nothing!

To start with someone who has been having serious problems with "getting real" over the past 7-8 years of posting in this forum, if you have any "personal" problems with TCs and believe the likes of you are in majority in South, then WHY THE FLUCK DON'T YOU PICK UP YOUR STATE OF THE ART WEAPONRY YOU HAVE BEEN PURCHASING AND KICK THE ASS OUT OF THE TURKISH ARMY OUT OF CYPRUS? The likes of you contemplated getting back İstanbul (old Byzantine "Constantinople") for 500 years - and look what happened! :lol:

As for the illiterate, ill informed Byzantine peasant B25, I do not hide myself like cowards (as you do) using a different name in every other forum. THERE IS only ONE "BIG OZ" and this is the man! Hokey cockey? You think you worry me by telling me what I teach? Well let me tell you more about what I teach besides Turkish language, Business Studies, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, IT, C++ and Excel VBA programming, Flying (qualified flight instructor), Professional Web and Graphic design... and couple of smaller less important things as they come up! SO, what have you been teaching lately peasant?

TAI - Turkish Aviation Industry has been producing F16 for the past 20 years. 70% of the aircraft structure is home produced. Almost 2 years ago, USA gave the "source code" software for the "arms load up" of the fighter - something only USA had in possession. Everyone else who buys F16 for their air force can only load up missiles and weaponry built by US (that fits the code). Turkey can and has been developing her own missiles and war heads over the past 2 years as well as manufacturing laser guided or heat/infra red seeking missiles. What it means is, Turkey does not depend on the most expensive parts of a fighter aircraft (i.e. the arms) on US anymore! Turkish F16s already have advanced home made guided missiles that can knock out your pretty Exocet missiles all all the way from Turkish coast! Turkish air force numbers well over 1000 fighter aircraft around 300 of which are F16s. Many countries such as saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Egypt have been buying F16 fighters and main parts from Turkey for almost a decade now! Below is the link for you - learn Turkish and read! ... izin-verdi

Turkish/Italian started the joint manufacture of an attack helicopter T29 Atak already started and tested! Moves forward, backwards, upside down, double somersaults, most advanced electronics and weaponry! enjoy the video;

Someone probably forgot to tell you that exocets are only "anti-ship" missiles! They need to be fired from Aircraft/helicopter or sea vessels. The problem is, you corvettes have to first sail around the island to the North coast before they can even fire an exocet at a Turkish warship. The chances of that happening are ZERO, since they would be sunk by the air force before they can even make it half-way! Assuming they do make it, there are
http://combatfleetoftheworld.blogspot.c ... -navy.html (the content is 3 years old additions to navy since then)

28 warships,
16 destroyers and frigates,
16 Corvettes, + 5 Milgem Stealth Corvettes newly manufactured (All Turkish made)
20 submarines,
47 attack missile crafts, (Turkish made)
7 patrol boats (Turkish made)
23 mine hunters (Turkish made)
55 amphibious landing crafts
5 logistic transport ships (Turkish made)
120 patrol boats
40+ helicopters being carried by some of these ships.
How many exocets did you say you have? :lol:
6 Type 214 submarines (hydrogen cell and electric powered) are currently being built in Turkey with 80% of the structure and electronics manufactured locally. http://combatfleetoftheworld.blogspot.c ... -navy.html

As a bonus, here is a video of the Turkish made Tank Fırtına T155

And last but not least here is a video of the Turkish manufactured remote control spy drone "ANKA", started production early this year;

I will not bother with all the Turkish manufactured armoured vehicles, mortars, heavy guns and machine guns they have been exporting over the past 20 years! - look for them online and you will learn!

SO WHO IS HIGH ON HASHISH you peasant? Your mind is so fucked up you cannot see the end of your own nose. You and Get Real carry on with your war cries just because your beggar of a government threw some money away, and you will see the rest of Cyprus
become a Turkish estate! Get Real is right, things are a lot different now than what they were in 1974 when Turkey did not even have any proper landing craft or fighter jets.

A final piece of information: Only 6 aircraft were lost (the 2 super sabres were reported twice!) of which 3 were lost (not shot down) for other reasons during action and 3 were actually shot down by anti aircraft fire/missiles. Considering these aircraft had almost no electronic equipment and were old ex-US fighters of basic construction - not too much of a loss for conquering 1/3 of the island! Have you any idea of the Brirtish losses during the tiny Falkland islands war? Not to mention 80,000 Ottoman Turks getting killed capturing the island in 1571. You think Turks are afraid of death? Listen reh palikari! When it comes to fighting a Turk YOU WILL ALWAYS LOSE, more so now then ever. So sit down and shut up :evil:
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby bigOz » Fri May 24, 2013 3:36 pm

Get Real! wrote:And btw, when push goes to shove I want to see your sorry arse BigOz and that fucking little weasel Lordo RIGHT HERE on the front line where I can see you and your pitiful “community” and not hiding in London watching from a distance! You hear me you little Turkish punks?

Listen you homo-whatever - I live in TRNC, I was on the Greek side yesterday afternoon flucking my Greek girlfriend from London who is staying at MacKenzie beach! Even she addresses you scums as "fucking Greeks"! Now if you are not half as plastic as you are, then message me your address or the cafe/restaurant you frequent and we shall have a go at who is a punk and who is not - I will have you squealing like a Filipino bee - i -tee-see - h :lol:
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby kurupetos » Fri May 24, 2013 3:58 pm

Get Real! wrote:And btw, when push goes to shove I want to see your sorry arse BigOz and that fucking little weasel Lordo RIGHT HERE on the front line where I can see you and your pitiful “community” and not hiding in London watching from a distance! You hear me you little Turkish punks?

:mrgreen: :lol:
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby kurupetos » Fri May 24, 2013 4:03 pm

Maximus wrote:
CBBB wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Lordo wrote:...we can now land at ercam/timbu in 3.5 hours. you do know ercan right.

The fool actually thinks there'll be an airport left standing! :lol:

A single hit on that heap of crap you’ve built will knock that out from the first hour. :roll:

Nothing comes in and nothing gets out.

..and we can always use our spare runway at Kornos!

Turkey was pi$$ing herself because one s-300 was going to be stationed on the island.

That can easily come back. :lol:

No, we will order S-400. :wink:
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby kurupetos » Fri May 24, 2013 4:07 pm

bigOz wrote:
Get Real! wrote:And btw, when push goes to shove I want to see your sorry arse BigOz and that fucking little weasel Lordo RIGHT HERE on the front line where I can see you and your pitiful “community” and not hiding in London watching from a distance! You hear me you little Turkish punks?

Listen you homo-whatever - I live in TRNC, I was on the Greek side yesterday afternoon flucking my Greek girlfriend from London who is staying at MacKenzie beach! Even she addresses you scums as "fucking Greeks"! Now if you are not half as plastic as you are, then message me your address or the cafe/restaurant you frequent and we shall have a go at who is a punk and who is not - I will have you squealing like a Filipino bee - i -tee-see - h :lol:

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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby kurupetos » Fri May 24, 2013 4:14 pm

bigOz wrote:This is in response to all the "plastic" Greek heroes and the dreaming GC idiots existing on tyhis island.

I wonder how the "Mighty Turkiye" will withstand a full-scale attack from all directions, i.e., West: Greece; South: Cyprus & Israel; East: Kurds & Syria; North: Armenia & Russia. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Lordo » Fri May 24, 2013 4:24 pm

kurupetos wrote:
bigOz wrote:This is in response to all the "plastic" Greek heroes and the dreaming GC idiots existing on tyhis island.

I wonder how the "Mighty Turkiye" will withstand a full-scale attack from all directions, i.e., West: Greece; South: Cyprus & Israel; East: Kurds & Syria; North: Armenia & Russia. :lol: :lol: :lol:

did that not happen pre 1923.

americans, english, french, italians aremnians russinas and of course your beloved ell greco magnifico crappo. and the poor unarmed terks manage to repell the lot. how about that. israel could not defeat a few hundred towel heads neverming the professional trained and armed army.

actually we could do woth greece and cyprus attacking the terks they need a few islands.

hang aon a mo why did greece and cyprus attack terkey in 74 was it that their vraga filled with crap.
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Get Real! » Fri May 24, 2013 4:25 pm

bigOz wrote:This is in response to all the "plastic" Greek heroes and the dreaming GC idiots existing on tyhis island. They have been getting their arse kicked ever since 600 years ago, from Byzantine times and have learned nothing! ....


You are STILL going to lose even if you had 1 billion of everything the military world has to offer, because the ONE IMPORTANT THING that you can NEVER have is intelligence… because you are Turks and thus doomed to be daft by your very nature!

The whole world is laughing at your clown-like leaders… from ErdoCunt, to Davutoglu to Bagis, and that fucking peasant puppet who has no voice and shits in the sea all the time prompting the EU to reprimand him.

Have you no toilets? Have you no manners? Why do you squat in the sea like gypsies ha? :evil:

How are you going to "fight"… with your soiled bums in the air?

And btw, surely you don’t expect that a “TC community” will continue to exist once the dust settles eh… you can’t be that stupid. :|
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