Paphitis wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:The Greeks are not allowed to produce anything.
Be grateful Greece's special relationships with both Israel and France and joint-maneuver deals have gotten us this much!
The Greeks are allowed to produce anything they like and are capable of producing. In fact, business can receive many EU subsidies, provided they can put people into gainful employment.
Israel first formed positive relations with the RoC when both parties agreed to delineate their mutual EEZ. Subsequently, Israeli Petroleum Companies were granted a licence within the Cyprus EEZ in partnership with US company Noble Energy.
It is important to note that Greece has refused to delineate its mutual EEZ with the RoC to this day.
That says it all!

There are some indications though I am not sure what Status they have that Greece may have staked out its EEZ, at least informally - see I am not aware that where UNCLOS applies there is in fact any need to formally delineate an EEZ between Cyprus and Greece as that is defined by UNCLOS: the exception might be where there is any disputed area between Cyprus and Greece, and I am aware of none. It is however important for both Greece and Cyprus to properly delineate their EEZ's because of Turkey's illegal claims to areas which fall within both, and where Turkey is not a party to UNCLOS. Turkey does not want to sign UNCLOS because either they will have to recognise Cyprus and the EEZ or they will find their EEZ is chopped off by the UN at the mid point between Cyprus and Turkey, where the ROC should get control over the area adjacent to the Northern Cyprus coast as the trnc is not a legal state capable of claiming the area, and the RoC should be recognised as the lawful government of the whole island in any arbitration.
Contary to gIG's views other countries do hopwever have lawful claims over parts of the Easterm Med, under UNCLOS which includes the RoC, Turkey, Syria, Lebannon, Isreal and Egypt.