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CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Get Real! » Sun May 26, 2013 11:09 pm

Maybe its time we started some Greece/Greek threads on the side to relax our Greek friends in here because they haven’t been tended to in a while and they seem to be feeling lonely again……
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Oceanside50 » Sun May 26, 2013 11:16 pm

You might be working for me one day. I may need a couple of advanced dorks like you..what you're trying to derail is the fact that the CNG is directly connected to momma Hellas..
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Get Real! » Sun May 26, 2013 11:19 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:You might be working for me one day. I may need a couple of advanced dorks like you..what you're trying to derail is the fact that the CNG is directly connected to momma Hellas..

That's just a pathological feeling of your disjointed brain.

But don’t worry because I’ve started an ongoing thread especially for you and Oracle to keep you busy. :wink:

I promise to give you plenty to worry about so you will learn to butt out of matters that don’t concern you.
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby kurupetos » Sun May 26, 2013 11:22 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:Due to its superior training and equipment the Hellenic AirForce would have the Turk war machine on its knees in 48 hrs...this from an Israeli on ... 6.html?m=1

I think the argument is Turk airforce equals no Turk army/navy...again the USA is protecting the Turks from the Greeks, forget all arguments,such as,who has the best missiles tanks and ships and the endless posts...

We don't give a shit about your hellenic crap! It's got nothing to do with us.

This is a CNG thread so you'd better respect it...

You can talk about the CNG or its arch enemy Turkey… but any other country's military is irrelevant here.

The CNGis led by a Hellenic General its army is made up of Hellenic soldiers and Cyprus has a defence treatie and the CNG is integrated with the military of HELLAS!!!

Now I know that you haven't done a military service in Cyprus or you would've known that we have no connection to Greece's military. We are completely separate, never come in contact with Greek elements and the NG General is a paid professional position that has been held by both Cypriots and Greeks over the years. It is not necessarily held by a Greek person.

As for describing Cypriot national guardsmen as "hellenic soldiers"... well I would describe you as a constipated illiterate baboon but you may not necessarily agree with me because it is my opinion! :lol:

Look, just stay out of Cypriot military discussions because you’re embarrassing us by talking utter shit.

"Milise chai to kolopsaro"...when I was helping my uncles clean their " martinia" on Pentadaktylos when the Turks were invading Kyrenia, you were still a gaoro "sporo" in your daddy's for a Hellenic connection to the CNG there was always a mainland Hellenic General leading the Hellenic CNG..All officers in the CNG go to HELLAS for their training.. As for professional officers leading the CNG, most of them (Hellenes,Hellene Cypriots)are professionals..most officers from lt. Colonel and above come from Hellas..what more of a direct connection do you want?..

No, they don't. You must be a stupid charlie.

Here's some proof...

Lt Gen Andreas Petrides, Deputy Chief of the National Guard
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Oceanside50 » Sun May 26, 2013 11:31 pm

I said most not all..what difference does it make they're both Greeks...his education as an officer came from where? Who leads the CNG above Petrides?

It still doesn't disprove anything that I've said.
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Get Real! » Sun May 26, 2013 11:34 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:I said most not all..what difference does it make they're both Greeks...his education as an officer came from where? Who leads the CNG above Petrides?

It still doesn't disprove anything that I've said.

Don’t worry sweetheart we’ll drop this thread since it displeases you and we’ll concentrate on Greece ok?

Lordo and BigOz are thanking you big time… you’ve saved them again!
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby kurupetos » Mon May 27, 2013 12:12 am

In the list of countries by Global Militarization Index, Cyprus ranks 6th in the world! :shock: :D

Israel is #1, Russia is #4, Greece is #9 and Turkey is #27! :lol:

How many minutes will Turkey last against Cyprus, Greece, Russia and Israel? :lol:

The Global Militarization Index (GMI) depicts the relative weight and importance of the military apparatus of one state in relation to its society as a whole. For this, the GMI records a number of indicators to represent the degree of militarization of a country:[1]
comparison of military expenditure with its gross domestic product (GDP);
comparison of military expenditure with its health expenditure;
contrast between the total number of (para)military forces with the number of physicians, and the overall population;
ratio of the number of heavy weapons available and the overall population.
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Oceanside50 » Mon May 27, 2013 3:00 am

Get Real! wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:You might be working for me one day. I may need a couple of advanced dorks like you..what you're trying to derail is the fact that the CNG is directly connected to momma Hellas..

That's just a pathological feeling of your disjointed brain.

But don’t worry because I’ve started an ongoing thread especially for you and Oracle to keep you busy. :wink:

I promise to give you plenty to worry about so you will learn to butt out of matters that don’t concern you.

If you are under the delusion that by renouncing your Hellenic roots, that the Turks will come and give you Kyrenia and your village back or that anything will change, "planase planin oikpran" ... (It should be easy for an advanced dork like you to get the point)...
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon May 27, 2013 10:09 am

kurupetos wrote:In the list of countries by Global Militarization Index, Cyprus ranks 6th in the world! :shock: :D

Israel is #1, Russia is #4, Greece is #9 and Turkey is #27! :lol:

How many minutes will Turkey last against Cyprus, Greece, Russia and Israel? :lol:

The Global Militarization Index (GMI) depicts the relative weight and importance of the military apparatus of one state in relation to its society as a whole. For this, the GMI records a number of indicators to represent the degree of militarization of a country:[1]
comparison of military expenditure with its gross domestic product (GDP);
comparison of military expenditure with its health expenditure;
contrast between the total number of (para)military forces with the number of physicians, and the overall population;
ratio of the number of heavy weapons available and the overall population.

Is Cyprus 6th because they've included the presence of the 40,000 Turkish troops and their toys within the figures?
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Paphitis » Mon May 27, 2013 10:30 am

If anyone thinks these Corvettes are a gift from the EU they should really get a reality check!

And the CNG and Greek Armed Forces don't share a thing. Greece has mainly American Hardware, and Cyprus French, Russian and Israeli Hardware!

Oracle, Ocean and Kurupet, bugger off from this important thread! :roll:
Last edited by Paphitis on Mon May 27, 2013 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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