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CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Get Real! » Sun May 26, 2013 12:59 pm

Lordo wrote:interesting that gr is talking about wiping out goccina civilians and liberal jerry attacks big oz. what a wonderful people greek cypriots are. bloody genocidal lunatics.

read and weep boys reed and weep. your time is a coming. ... n/20130526

Like I said, your community is like the little skin they cut off from a boy’s willie during a sonetti and throw to the hungry neighborhood mongrel to eat, so PRAY to Allah that Turkey remains a very good girl lest she finds her beloved ones incinerated to the bone.

And btw, each of these French corvettes are worth half of Turkey’s shitty Turkish-made 70s navy. :wink:

Plus, the stockpiles of Exocet missiles in the CNG’s possession can be utilized from land, sea, or air so good luck...
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby kurupetos » Sun May 26, 2013 1:07 pm

Loucas Charalambous is a well-known traitor, no different than the infamous Bananiot. His opinion is as 'good' as yours, Lordo. :lol:
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Cap » Sun May 26, 2013 1:17 pm

Lordo, the delusional turkish Muslim at it again. :D
You enjoy winding up the Cypriots eh? :lol:
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Get Real! » Sun May 26, 2013 1:32 pm

Have a good read my Turkish little shish kebab because these babies can detect the enemy on or under water miles before they can and blast them with Exocets! :lol: ... corvettes/
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Lordo » Sun May 26, 2013 1:58 pm

i see you are still delusional right. never mind when it hits you will not even see it, so its ok panic over right. you will not feel a thing.
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 26, 2013 2:21 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...i must say, it is worrisome reading on commercial pilot forums their opinions of Turkish Pilots, mostly due to lax training and inspection standards.

it is said that they do not do a visual inspection of their crafts before they fly them because they depend on others to have done it. in terms of discipline and integrity of their fighting forces, i remember Solomou. in that melee, women, children, and a UN Observer, were injured from the shots, nothing was done, nor was it considered to be important, to correct the chain of command which brought them such disgrace.

...Greece surely has a better Navy when it comes to their crews, it was only in 1974 that Turkey gained any attention in that regard. even with the hardship that Greece has faced, it holds a supremacy in Maritme Affairs which is recognised the world over. but, neither can defend themselves without a consensus among all the interlocutors which in this case are plenty. Isreal is the key, as it is the US's stongest ally in the region. The EU also has an influence although (perhaps) not militaraly, NATO plays its role, so too the Russians, to name a few; not easy to be Cypriot, stuck in the middle of it.

That is pretty standard everywhere RW. Engineers always do any pre-flight and sign the paperwork or aircraft out.

Pilots do a very abbreviated visual inspection but it is not compulsory!

Greece has always had a superior Air Force and Navy to that of Turkey! Yet the way we talk you would not think so.

Even in 1974, the HAF was superior to the TAF. It was one of the earliest countries to receive the F-4E Phantom from the US. The first was US, second was Australia, third it was the UK and then Greece! Turkey was to get their F-4s in 76/77.

According to the US, Greek Pilots are highly regarded but I think it is difficult to separate any country on their pilots skills.
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Get Real! » Sun May 26, 2013 2:23 pm

Lordo wrote:i see you are still delusional right. never mind when it hits you will not even see it, so its ok panic over right. you will not feel a thing.

Give it up fatso and stick to the kebab shops that you and those ignorant CM readers know best because military matters are not your forte.
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Get Real! » Sun May 26, 2013 2:28 pm

Gowind action corvette – Deterrent Warrior

The Gowind action corvette (Deterrent Warrior) is equipped with a suite of anti-air and anti-surface sensors and weapons systems, for example the VL Mica vertically launched short-range air defence missile system and the Exocet MM40 anti-ship missiles.

That's exactly what we have stockpiles of!

Gowind combat corvette – Multi-Mission Combatant

The Gowind combat corvette (Multi-Mission Combatant) is equipped with full-scale mission systems for multi-threat response including a full anti-submarine warfare (ASW) suite with a towed array sonar. The ship configuration includes improved stealth and survivability features. ... corvettes/

An exceptional choice by the CNG!
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 26, 2013 2:42 pm

bigOz wrote:paphitis; You have made some very good points but I am sorry to say that you have got the wrong end of the stick when evaluating the term used "blowing to smitherines". The response came as a response to Get Real's usual war cries of "we shall kick the ass of Turkish army or Turks in North Cyprus". YES, if the NG was foolish enough to attempt such a thing I think even your own commanders will accept that it would be self destructing and suicidal against the Turkish military power.

So IF the NG tried anything more than a defensive maneouvre at any time in the future Get Real and his likes will have a very nasty wake up call. It is not a case of "Turkey cannot" but more a case of "has no desire to" or "wold never do" because it is bound by international treaties and laws that would otherwise bring the rest of the world to GC's aid. BUT getting all hyped up and starting war cries because you acquired couple of corvettes, and even attacking any Turkish military in or near Cyprus will (as you said) give all the excuse Turkey would need to "blow the NG to smitherines"...

So with all the money invested in new weaponry, the NG can do jack shite to change the de-facto situation in Cyprus. This may be unacceptable by many Greek nationalistic extremists - but none of them has so far said how the NG will actually go about getting the whole of Cyprus to be a Greek island! As for any oil platforms, bar the idiots who want to believe Turkey is Somalia, Turkey would never ever take any military or otherwise offensive action against such a structure - I would dismiss such claims as nothing more than paranoia!

It is not that Turkey cannot destroy the NG in its entirety, but why should Turkey do that? They do not even see the NG as a threat! As you rightfully said, if their desire was the whole of Cyprus then there was nothing stopping them from invading the rest during 1974! Since the 1974 invasion, Turkey has done nothing against international law to offend any of her neighbors, bar the dog-fights in the Aegean - but that is still a matter for international concern because when the islands were granted Greek rule, one of the conditions was that they would be free of military presence! But over time, the ever forgetful Greeks turned many of them into military air and naval bases. Would you not be threatened if in Turkey's position. In any case, the subject seems to be dying over the past few years.

Returning to what I wrote about Load factors and steep turns - I dare anyone in this forum to point to anything online where even one of the sentences I wrote was copied and pasted! :lol: What I write is original - I have written two books on aviation in Turkish language! One on VFR flight conditions and rules, the other in Aviation Meteorology.

As for Adverse Yaw, please read on;

Flying is 3 dimensional unlike he two dimensional driving on the ground. In flight there is up and down (depth) movement as well as forward and sideway (left / right) moves. I am assuming you are familiar with the terms "yaw", "pitch", and "roll" with regards to an aircraft's attitude.

When entering a turn, you use the control column to roll the aircraft in the direction of the turn. This roll is facilitated by one of the ailerons moving up and the other moving down (when the control column is moved/turned towards the direction of the turn)

The aeronautical wing design of an aircraft enables air to be trapped below wing surface - increasing the pressure, and the air to be less dense when moving over the wing surface - causing low pressure. It is this high and low pressure difference below and above the wing that actually creates the upward lift force on the wings. The significance of this will become evident in the next paragraph.

Considering the aileron action in the second paragraph above, what this tells us is:
During a turn, because of denser air under the wing, the aileron moving down will have more drag force acting against it and the aileron moving up into the less dense air over the wing will have less drag induced against it. If you consider the two ailerons one up one down during a turn, the aileron moving down lifts the wing up and the the one moving up lowers the wing down. But the down aileron on the raised wing has more drag than the up aileron on the lowered wing. This means the lowered wing is in fact trying to move faster than the raised wing which has slowed down due to higher drag! Inevitably, this would cause a turning force in the direction of the raised wing, along the horizontal plane of the aircraft (yaw). As you can visualize, this yaw produced will be opposite to the direction of the turn; hence the term "ADVERSE YAW".

Some aircraft ailerons are designed to compensate for some of this yaw, but the best way is using the rudder (which controls aircrafts movement around its vertical axis - or the horizontal plane if you like) in the opposite direction to the induced yaw for what is called a "balanced turn". NOTE: watch out for the turn and balance coordinator on your instrument panel - when a correct amount of rudder is applied, the little ball should be in the centre between the two lines. Bigger aircraft have automated controls during a turn; the rudder is automatically deflected in the correct direction to produce enough adverse yaw for a balanced turn.

EASY yes? :D

Thank you BigOz for the aerodynamics lesson. I am starting to get it now!

One more thing though, when the aircraft rolls left, the ailerons on the right wing move down. There is more drag on that wing causing Adverse yaw. The ailerons on the left wing deflect upwards. Do they deflect by the same amount?

I would like to see the translated versions of your text books BigOz!


Back on subject!

I reject your ideas BigOz for many reasons but I want to be brief.

The Turkish Military could not even destroy a few Kurdish Rebels in their entirety in Turkey and they are going to completely destroy the CNG in Cyprus? Who are you kidding mate?

I also reject your idea that Turkey does not want to take over all of Cyprus. It would like to, but can't and will have a serious international backlash to contend with if it did. However, even the occupation in its current form is a serious violation of International Law and contravenes the UN Charter as well.

If any CNG Commander thinks that any action against the Turkish Occupation Force is suicidal, then they should be sacked at once! There is no room for this type of mentality.

I have a few friends in the Greek Military BigOz. In 1996, every single one of them believed that Turkey would be defeated on the seas and in the air. Every single one of them. They were itching for a fight BigOz! They wanted war! To them there was a score to settle and they were confident. Perhaps a little too confident for my liking but I shared their assessment and confidence somewhat. Passions were running very high over the downed Greek Navy Helicopter as well.

The politicians did not grant them their wish!

Perhaps, that was a good time for a few Officers to get together and send a few Tanks to Parliament House and have a Coup.
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Oceanside50 » Sun May 26, 2013 5:18 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:Due to its superior training and equipment the Hellenic AirForce would have the Turk war machine on its knees in 48 hrs...this from an Israeli on ... 6.html?m=1

I think the argument is Turk airforce equals no Turk army/navy...again the USA is protecting the Turks from the Greeks, forget all arguments,such as,who has the best missiles tanks and ships and the endless posts...

We don't give a shit about your hellenic crap! It's got nothing to do with us.

This is a CNG thread so you'd better respect it...

You can talk about the CNG or its arch enemy Turkey… but any other country's military is irrelevant here.

The CNGis led by a Hellenic General its army is made up of Hellenic soldiers and Cyprus has a defence treatie and the CNG is integrated with the military of HELLAS!!!
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