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CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Jerry » Sat May 25, 2013 3:42 pm

Paphitis wrote:BigOz said they will blow us to smithereens! There is no way the CNG can win a war against Turkey!

Those are very famous last words BigOz. They have been said many times and then the unthinkable happens!

But you specifically said there is no way the CNG can win a war against Turkey! Very broad statement! But let me ask you this. How do you define winning a war from Turkey's perspective? From the CNG it might be merely liberating 3600 sq/kms! It could be to raise attention to Cyprus and provoke international intervention! It could be a number of things! All completely feasible in my opinion! And no one will say a word!

I have little doubt that the CNG would give a good account of itself in a conflict with Turkey. It may even be possible for the CNG to kick the Turkish forces off the island for a while but, unfortunately and in my view, in a war of attrition Turkey would always win in the end. If the Turks saw that they were losing the island I fear the war would get very dirty with the destruction of infrastructure and indiscriminate bombing of civilians.

Turkey has a much bigger ego than it had 39 years ago it would probably defy the UN and EU and attack Cyprus with the excuse that it was protecting Turkish Cypriots, as it did in 1974. Turkey wants the whole island, it wants Cypriot gas and oil, and we would be daft to give them the excuse they are waiting for.
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Paphitis » Sat May 25, 2013 3:45 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
Paphitis wrote:This thread is about the Cyprus National Guard!

It is a Defence Force against outside aggression!

It is there to Defend the Cypriot people and protect the RoC's territorial integrity!

Death came to the island when Turkey invaded and they still threaten us, so we arm ourselves against them otherwise we would be defenceless!

RW, do you disagree?

not at all. and i hope you will agree that the threat is Erdogan (and this ilk), not Turkey, which is lining us up for a World War, so that out of all of it maybe she'll get a little bit instead. indeed, Cyprus needs to defend itself, and as i was saying, once all the kaboom settles down, it will be the warfare of the worst kind, on this island. my point is there is no point in glorifying the possibility, i really don't care who will flatten who, better. as you say a defensive force, this is the NG, capable, well trained, and disciplined; silent. and to be a good ally, equipped as well. is entirely possible that Russia will ally with America, (because Erdogan is that kind of a madman with too much money to spend) to stand together should other Middle countries stand with Turkey in her plaints. China comes to mind as a competitor up in coming in the art of war, (who could benefit from a demonstration of her skills; computers, aircrafts, and codes), Pakistan will likely stand against the USA, (Westward she claims a part of Afghanistan as her reward, Eastward she can finally settle the score), and Brazil even as a "neutral" party stands to gain (needing Industrial and Manufacturing progress), in this context i can see the EU on the opposite side, at war against Britain.

...we can hope that a solution can be found which is natural, or that an epiphany is had by the small group of men and women who are those who can decide.

No RW, I do not agree that Erdogan is the threat. The threat is Turkish. Turkey is the threat!

I live in a realistic world. I do not glorify war. I think it is terrible business.

Fighting a war is not what I would call fun. Would hate to kill. Would hate to kill a Turkish soldier. Wouldn't be celebrating if I did. No grins! No smiles! I don't consider it fun. Spending time with my kids and family, fishing, diving, 4 wheeling etc is what I consider fun!

I also don't follow your logic I'm afraid! No offence. Russia is soon to become a NATO member. It is already a PfP member. China is too smart to enter any wars! At the moment, their war is an economic war and they seem to be doing very well on all fronts! The last thing on their mind is a Cold War with US. Trust me on that! At the moment, Trillions are flowing into China from US, Australia, Japan, EU and elsewhere.

In all honesty, I can't see how Pakistan, China, or Afghanistan are even relevant!

What is relevant is NATO, Turkey, Israel might have a role, who knows. The UN, the EU, US, and UK are relevant. What they would do is anyone's guess at this stage. Many things that will influence their actions.

I remind you, this thread is about the GOWIND Class Corvette and the quite extensive capability they have built up over the years! That is not glorifying war!

But again, I remind you of certain facts!

First thing is first. I deplore war! Hope it never happens in Cyprus. And if it does it would have to be up to the RoC Government and the CNG! I live far far away. It is not as if I am going to be in the line of fire. People like Cap, GR et al will be in the line of fire. My family will not be at risk. their families may well be.

Again, my statements in regards to Greece earlier.

In 1996, Greece was given a great opportunity to start firing a few missiles, shoot down some jets and sink some Turkish Ships. Turkey's actions I considered to be insane, but maybe the Turks were betting that Greece would do nothing. If that was the case, they were right, and it cost Greece big time. It cost Cyprus big time. It strengthened them politically and it spurred them on to continue all the violations into Greek Airspace and in the Aegean. Something that would have cost the Greeks Billions over the years!

You blink RW, you lose! Greece blinked and it lost!

Now imagine North Korea doing what Turkey did to Japan, South Korea or sending a few ships over Australia's way! They would become reefs in no time. There is no way anything like that would be tolerated!

One more thing. The Nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki! WW2 was not the fault of the women and children that were killed on that day. But Japan was at war, and without a surrender an invasion was on the cards that would have killed twice as many Japanese Civilians, Japanese Soldiers, and thousands upon thousands of allied casualties!

I told you it is a terrible business!
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Paphitis » Sat May 25, 2013 3:47 pm

Jerry wrote:
Paphitis wrote:BigOz said they will blow us to smithereens! There is no way the CNG can win a war against Turkey!

Those are very famous last words BigOz. They have been said many times and then the unthinkable happens!

But you specifically said there is no way the CNG can win a war against Turkey! Very broad statement! But let me ask you this. How do you define winning a war from Turkey's perspective? From the CNG it might be merely liberating 3600 sq/kms! It could be to raise attention to Cyprus and provoke international intervention! It could be a number of things! All completely feasible in my opinion! And no one will say a word!

I have little doubt that the CNG would give a good account of itself in a conflict with Turkey. It may even be possible for the CNG to kick the Turkish forces off the island for a while but, unfortunately and in my view, in a war of attrition Turkey would always win in the end. If the Turks saw that they were losing the island I fear the war would get very dirty with the destruction of infrastructure and indiscriminate bombing of civilians.

Turkey has a much bigger ego than it had 39 years ago it would probably defy the UN and EU and attack Cyprus with the excuse that it was protecting Turkish Cypriots, as it did in 1974. Turkey wants the whole island, it wants Cypriot gas and oil, and we would be daft to give them the excuse they are waiting for.

It would never even get to that, and even if it did, Turkey would need to get those troops into Cyprus so how are they going to do that? Beach Landing again or will their aircraft just land at their airports which won't even have runways by then?

How many troops, supplies and how quickly?

Not that simple Jerry unless they have US Logistical support which will never happen! :roll:
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Paphitis » Sat May 25, 2013 5:49 pm

Jerry wrote:
Paphitis wrote:BigOz said they will blow us to smithereens! There is no way the CNG can win a war against Turkey!

Those are very famous last words BigOz. They have been said many times and then the unthinkable happens!

But you specifically said there is no way the CNG can win a war against Turkey! Very broad statement! But let me ask you this. How do you define winning a war from Turkey's perspective? From the CNG it might be merely liberating 3600 sq/kms! It could be to raise attention to Cyprus and provoke international intervention! It could be a number of things! All completely feasible in my opinion! And no one will say a word!

I have little doubt that the CNG would give a good account of itself in a conflict with Turkey. It may even be possible for the CNG to kick the Turkish forces off the island for a while but, unfortunately and in my view, in a war of attrition Turkey would always win in the end. If the Turks saw that they were losing the island I fear the war would get very dirty with the destruction of infrastructure and indiscriminate bombing of civilians.

Turkey has a much bigger ego than it had 39 years ago it would probably defy the UN and EU and attack Cyprus with the excuse that it was protecting Turkish Cypriots, as it did in 1974. Turkey wants the whole island, it wants Cypriot gas and oil, and we would be daft to give them the excuse they are waiting for.

Just a further point of note Jerry!

In 1974, why didn't Turkey continue its invasion all the way to Paphos?

Now, if they have an excuse to take over the entire island, do you believe it will be easy? If they succeed are their worries over with?

Will they just set up their gas rigs and pump the gas to the EU?

You mention Turkey's ego but does Germany not have an ego of its own? Israel, will just sit by and accept the new regional superpower? What about Noble Energy? The US? Will they now come to an illegal agreement to explore for gas and pump to the EU? Can such a thing pass Congress? The UN? Can anyone just accept a Nation be extinguished? I admit that a lot of bullshit injustices occur in the world but there is only so far you can go!

Imagine the EU's embarrassment! Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, UK etc

Will the EU just accept the illegal Turkish Gas? Will Turkey face sanctions and international condemnation?

What about the SBAs? The agreement no longer exists! Will the UK come to an illegal agreement with Turkey to keep the bases? I am sure they would like to, but what about their credibility?

There are 101 variables to that! Maybe Turkey is not that daft to take over the entire island even if it was easy!

How can one country just take over another?

This conversation is getting far too rediculous!

Now back on topic please!

Gowind Class Corvettes and the CNG!

These Corvettes in my opinion are linked to the gas fields. They are capable, and will offer security for RoC Gas Fields which is the RoC's sovereign right, and which will no doubt have America's seal of approval!

may I also remind everyone exactly who has been promising to blow who to smithereens! BigOz and Lordo! Very cheap words and idle threats all because the RoC will purchase a couple of capable ships and do what any reasonable country would do!

Make no mistake about it! It is better to have a peaceful solution! A fair solution! Is it possible? Bloody hope so!

Meanwhile I love the RoC and I love the CNG. I respect their capability, the people that serve the RoC and protects my family in Cyprus and I hope the RoC keeps increasing its operational capability as is justified for a country occupied by Turkey!

It serves as a useful deterrance to war and keeping the status quo until the international community decide it is time to put an end to this situation.

One more thing! The Gowind Corvettes will not be operating alone! They are great inter operational platforms, which means they will coordinate operations with other Naval Units. Nearby, IDF Naval Units will also patrol the same waters and CNG units will be in constant communication with the IDF coordinating all operations. Having them there is no small thing. It is comforting!

Turkey better watch its step! The IDF is not shy and they will not blink.

In fact, Turkey can't do a thing!
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby bigOz » Sat May 25, 2013 9:47 pm

paphitis; You have made some very good points but I am sorry to say that you have got the wrong end of the stick when evaluating the term used "blowing to smitherines". The response came as a response to Get Real's usual war cries of "we shall kick the ass of Turkish army or Turks in North Cyprus". YES, if the NG was foolish enough to attempt such a thing I think even your own commanders will accept that it would be self destructing and suicidal against the Turkish military power.

So IF the NG tried anything more than a defensive maneouvre at any time in the future Get Real and his likes will have a very nasty wake up call. It is not a case of "Turkey cannot" but more a case of "has no desire to" or "wold never do" because it is bound by international treaties and laws that would otherwise bring the rest of the world to GC's aid. BUT getting all hyped up and starting war cries because you acquired couple of corvettes, and even attacking any Turkish military in or near Cyprus will (as you said) give all the excuse Turkey would need to "blow the NG to smitherines"...

So with all the money invested in new weaponry, the NG can do jack shite to change the de-facto situation in Cyprus. This may be unacceptable by many Greek nationalistic extremists - but none of them has so far said how the NG will actually go about getting the whole of Cyprus to be a Greek island! As for any oil platforms, bar the idiots who want to believe Turkey is Somalia, Turkey would never ever take any military or otherwise offensive action against such a structure - I would dismiss such claims as nothing more than paranoia!

It is not that Turkey cannot destroy the NG in its entirety, but why should Turkey do that? They do not even see the NG as a threat! As you rightfully said, if their desire was the whole of Cyprus then there was nothing stopping them from invading the rest during 1974! Since the 1974 invasion, Turkey has done nothing against international law to offend any of her neighbors, bar the dog-fights in the Aegean - but that is still a matter for international concern because when the islands were granted Greek rule, one of the conditions was that they would be free of military presence! But over time, the ever forgetful Greeks turned many of them into military air and naval bases. Would you not be threatened if in Turkey's position. In any case, the subject seems to be dying over the past few years.

Returning to what I wrote about Load factors and steep turns - I dare anyone in this forum to point to anything online where even one of the sentences I wrote was copied and pasted! :lol: What I write is original - I have written two books on aviation in Turkish language! One on VFR flight conditions and rules, the other in Aviation Meteorology.

As for Adverse Yaw, please read on;

Flying is 3 dimensional unlike he two dimensional driving on the ground. In flight there is up and down (depth) movement as well as forward and sideway (left / right) moves. I am assuming you are familiar with the terms "yaw", "pitch", and "roll" with regards to an aircraft's attitude.

When entering a turn, you use the control column to roll the aircraft in the direction of the turn. This roll is facilitated by one of the ailerons moving up and the other moving down (when the control column is moved/turned towards the direction of the turn)

The aeronautical wing design of an aircraft enables air to be trapped below wing surface - increasing the pressure, and the air to be less dense when moving over the wing surface - causing low pressure. It is this high and low pressure difference below and above the wing that actually creates the upward lift force on the wings. The significance of this will become evident in the next paragraph.

Considering the aileron action in the second paragraph above, what this tells us is:
During a turn, because of denser air under the wing, the aileron moving down will have more drag force acting against it and the aileron moving up into the less dense air over the wing will have less drag induced against it. If you consider the two ailerons one up one down during a turn, the aileron moving down lifts the wing up and the the one moving up lowers the wing down. But the down aileron on the raised wing has more drag than the up aileron on the lowered wing. This means the lowered wing is in fact trying to move faster than the raised wing which has slowed down due to higher drag! Inevitably, this would cause a turning force in the direction of the raised wing, along the horizontal plane of the aircraft (yaw). As you can visualize, this yaw produced will be opposite to the direction of the turn; hence the term "ADVERSE YAW".

Some aircraft ailerons are designed to compensate for some of this yaw, but the best way is using the rudder (which controls aircrafts movement around its vertical axis - or the horizontal plane if you like) in the opposite direction to the induced yaw for what is called a "balanced turn". NOTE: watch out for the turn and balance coordinator on your instrument panel - when a correct amount of rudder is applied, the little ball should be in the centre between the two lines. Bigger aircraft have automated controls during a turn; the rudder is automatically deflected in the correct direction to produce enough adverse yaw for a balanced turn.

EASY yes? :D
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby bigOz » Sat May 25, 2013 10:19 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Get Real! wrote:It comes straight from the heart… that’s how I see them!

And what annoys me the most is that they are ABSOLUTE NOBODYS yet they have the audacity to talk big!

Fucking hell! :roll:

i did not realise you can crap through your heart. even if terks were fighting with swords they will still beat you. lets face it you were not cut out to fight were you. look at your history ffs.

I can look at our history in 1963 and 1967 when you were beaten to a pulp and needed mommy to come and save you!

Mommy, mommy… help me mommy! :roll:

What load of bull-shite you go on about you comical blabbering idiot! :shock:
In 1963-67 the only people you managed to kill were few hundred defenseless villagers in remote areas, burying women, and children in mass graves WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO PRESENT YOU WITH A CHRONOLOGY? - you really are a fearsome hero aren't you (you plastic soldier!)

You could not even get near us in big towns where there were major Turkish enclaves (Paphos, Famagusta, Nicosia, Lefke even the St Hilarion Caste watcing over you in Kyrenia! :lol: TCs fought you with shot guns and air rifles against fully armed NG and EOKA men! But as someone else said, you never had or will have the balls to fight the Turks - THANK GOD OUR ENEMY IN CYPRUS WERE THE SPINELESS GREEK FORCES, or else the island would definitely have been cleared of all TCs long time ago :roll:

As for the way you perceive Turks in the north - someone better explain you the dangers of day dreaming, when you look at a lion and think it is a pussy cat! You try to play with it but end up getting eaten alive! :lol:
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby Mik » Sat May 25, 2013 10:28 pm

Still never trust a person who describes himself as a Professional anything, but can't spell the word correctly.
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby bigOz » Sat May 25, 2013 10:48 pm

Mik wrote:Still never trust a person who describes himself as a Professional anything, but can't spell the word correctly.

I have no idea to whom and what you are referring to but there is such a thing as "typo error" that would happen to the best of us. Even some of the peasants frequenting this forum are aware of the "spell check" one can click on and recover all the mistakes - that is if you have loads of time to waste and nothing better to do. :)
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby kurupetos » Sat May 25, 2013 11:46 pm

bigOz wrote:
Mik wrote:Still never trust a person who describes himself as a Professional anything, but can't spell the word correctly.

I have no idea to whom and what you are referring to but there is such a thing as "typo error" that would happen to the best of us. Even some of the peasants frequenting this forum are aware of the "spell check" one can click on and recover all the mistakes - that is if you have loads of time to waste and nothing better to do. :)

You seem to have a lot of free time, since you keep shitting in CF. Is it because of the sewage problem in the 'trnc'? :? :lol:
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Re: CNG - orders new Navy Corvettes from France

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 26, 2013 12:00 am

bigOz, i take issue with the idea that Turkey does not want the whole of Cyprus. it may be that taking half leaves Cyprus an impotent land site militarily, but it seems clear to me that the vast majority of its population remains under her constant threat merely because they are Greek (or not "Turkish" enough).

...Turkey did not take Cyprus, as you say, because it would have brought the entire planet against her. and to be more succinct when it comes to the adversarial politics of the island, it is the "Greeks" and "Turks" who conspired to divide the island in two, like some plunder, who deny that there exist Cypriots who are Greek and Turkish, unlike them Stewards of the land they love. if there is an "us" against "them" that can be framed in this debate, it is that the defence force is there to keep men like Erdogan uneasy, although it cannot prevent their madness from spilling into our lives whether their forces are formidible or not. reasoned behaviour resists on both sides of our divide; somehow this resistance must unify against "him", i believe that Cypriots will.
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