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Minoan civilisation developed locally in Crete.

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Re: Minoan civilisation developed locally in Crete.

Postby Lordo » Wed Aug 26, 2015 11:32 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Lovely bit of migratory DNA studies, putting an end to some historical prejudice .... :)

The first advanced Bronze Age civilization of Europe was established by the Minoans about 5,000 years before present. Since Sir Arthur Evans exposed the Minoan civic centre of Knossos, archaeologists have speculated on the origin of the founders of the civilization. Evans proposed a North African origin; Cycladic, Balkan, Anatolian and Middle Eastern origins have also been proposed. Here we address the question of the origin of the Minoans by analysing mitochondrial DNA from Minoan osseous remains from a cave ossuary in the Lassithi plateau of Crete dated 4,400–3,700 years before present. Shared haplotypes, principal component and pairwise distance analyses refute the Evans North African hypothesis. Minoans show the strongest relationships with Neolithic and modern European populations and with the modern inhabitants of the Lassithi plateau. Our data are compatible with the hypothesis of an autochthonous development of the Minoan civilization by the descendants of the Neolithic settlers of the island. ... s2871.html ... n-origins/

only 4400 years. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Minoan civilisation developed locally in Crete.

Postby boomerang » Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:50 am

Get Real! wrote:O kosmos kaigetai tzie to mouni xtenizete... :?

mouni?...tjie ise kybreos?... :arrow: be boutto reh na f@cking yemosi to stoma sou... :!:
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Re: Minoan civilisation developed locally in Crete.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:22 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Go Greece! :D

Archaeologists in Greece have discovered the ruins of an ancient palace with important archaic inscriptions dating back to the Mycenaean age, the culture ministry said Tuesday.

The palace, likely built around the 17th-16th centuries BC, had around 10 rooms and was discovered near Sparta in southern Greece.

At the site, archaeologists found objects of worship, clay figurines, a cup adorned with a bull’s head, swords and fragments of murals.

Since 2009, excavations in the area have unearthed inscriptions on tablets detailing religious ceremonies and names and places in a script called Linear B, the oldest script to be discovered in Europe. It first appears in Crete from around 1375BC and was only deciphered in the mid 20th century.

The new discovery will allow for more research on the “political, administrative, economic and societal organisation of the region” and provide “new information on the beliefs and language systems of the Mycenaean people”, the ministry said in a statement.

According to the culture ministry, more than 150 archaeological excavations have been carried out in Greece so far this year, “demonstrating the importance of the archaeological wealth and cultural heritage of the country”. ... century-bc

Interesting discovery but I have to take issue with the comment about "the oldest script to be discovered in Europe", which (a) ignores the non-Greek Linear A, found in Crete from 2500 BC, (unless of course the Guardian does not count Crete as being a part of Europe) and then in other places including mainland Greece, where Linear B only can be dated to say 1400 BC, which thus makes Linear A an older script, than Linear B by a 1000 years (and found in Europe) and (b) it also ignores the possibility of a written language in the Danube basin dating back to as much as 5500 BC. See and

Indeed the Palace itself may well represent influence of the older (non-Greek) Minoan civilisation on the Mycenaean Greeks.
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Re: Minoan civilisation developed locally in Crete.

Postby Lordo » Thu Aug 27, 2015 2:10 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Lovely bit of migratory DNA studies, putting an end to some historical prejudice .... :)

The first advanced Bronze Age civilization of Europe was established by the Minoans about 5,000 years before present. Since Sir Arthur Evans exposed the Minoan civic centre of Knossos, archaeologists have speculated on the origin of the founders of the civilization. Evans proposed a North African origin; Cycladic, Balkan, Anatolian and Middle Eastern origins have also been proposed. Here we address the question of the origin of the Minoans by analysing mitochondrial DNA from Minoan osseous remains from a cave ossuary in the Lassithi plateau of Crete dated 4,400–3,700 years before present. Shared haplotypes, principal component and pairwise distance analyses refute the Evans North African hypothesis. Minoans show the strongest relationships with Neolithic and modern European populations and with the modern inhabitants of the Lassithi plateau. Our data are compatible with the hypothesis of an autochthonous development of the Minoan civilization by the descendants of the Neolithic settlers of the island. ... s2871.html ... n-origins/

typical bloddy greek. they have stolen everything from my ancestors. enjoy reading about the anatolians 7000 years before your minowbloodyans baby.
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Re: Minoan civilisation developed locally in Crete.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Aug 27, 2015 2:25 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Go Greece! :D

Archaeologists in Greece have discovered the ruins of an ancient palace with important archaic inscriptions dating back to the Mycenaean age, the culture ministry said Tuesday.

The palace, likely built around the 17th-16th centuries BC, had around 10 rooms and was discovered near Sparta in southern Greece.

At the site, archaeologists found objects of worship, clay figurines, a cup adorned with a bull’s head, swords and fragments of murals.

Since 2009, excavations in the area have unearthed inscriptions on tablets detailing religious ceremonies and names and places in a script called Linear B, the oldest script to be discovered in Europe. It first appears in Crete from around 1375BC and was only deciphered in the mid 20th century.

The new discovery will allow for more research on the “political, administrative, economic and societal organisation of the region” and provide “new information on the beliefs and language systems of the Mycenaean people”, the ministry said in a statement.

According to the culture ministry, more than 150 archaeological excavations have been carried out in Greece so far this year, “demonstrating the importance of the archaeological wealth and cultural heritage of the country”. ... century-bc

Interesting discovery but I have to take issue with the comment about "the oldest script to be discovered in Europe", which (a) ignores the non-Greek Linear A, found in Crete from 2500 BC, (unless of course the Guardian does not count Crete as being a part of Europe) and then in other places including mainland Greece, where Linear B only can be dated to say 1400 BC, which thus makes Linear A an older script, than Linear B by a 1000 years (and found in Europe) and (b) it also ignores the possibility of a written language in the Danube basin dating back to as much as 5500 BC. See and

Indeed the Palace itself may well represent influence of the older (non-Greek) Minoan civilisation on the Mycenaean Greeks.

How do you know Linear A is "non-Greek" ?And what do you mean by "older (non-Greek) Minoan civilisations"?

And as to which script was found first or second or which is older and from where etc - I think the problem might lie in the fact that because Linear A is non-decipherable (yet) some do not refer to it as a 'script'.
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Re: Minoan civilisation developed locally in Crete.

Postby Nikitas » Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:19 pm

"my ancestors. enjoy reading about the anatolians 7000 years before your minowbloodyans baby."

Another desperate attempt to deny the central Asian origins. Nothing wrong with central Asia, why are you so keen to cast it off you?
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Re: Minoan civilisation developed locally in Crete.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:31 pm

My Gawd, the same usual Hellenocentric Stupidity.

Linear A is a script, it is just that we have not yet translated it. Indeed if it was Greek, it should likely by now have been translated, but where what are thought to be the syllables represented by the script when formed into words do not correspond on any basis to the syllabic structure of spoken Greek language, but there is a totally inconsistency between the Syllabic written representation and spoken Greek then that shows Linear A is not Greek.

Indeed Greekness likely only developed in the area know known as Greece and the Aegean area only after about 2000 BC with the arrival of Indo-European peoples and their Indo-European proto-Greek language from the North and through merger with the then indigenous non I-E / non I-E speaking peoples,("Pelasgians") who were probably Middle eastern in Origin and who likely arrived from the east, via Anatolia, several thousand years earlier. (that is all in the second of the two links I posted). However where Linear can be dated to 2500 BC where arrival of I-E peoples and the development of the Greek language is several hundred years after the development of Linear A , and major contact between the Greek Speaking Mycenaeans, the product of the merger between the Northern incomers and Pelasgians, and the Minoans probably only really began about 1700 BC, 800 years after the development of Linear A, Linear A could not have represented Greek.

It also follows that the Minoan Civilisation being older than anything recognizably Greek by many hundreds of years could not be Greek.

Crete became mainly Greek in nature, about 1600 BC,, after the collapse of the Minoan Civilisation, probably after the Thera explosion.
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Re: Minoan civilisation developed locally in Crete.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:56 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:... Indeed if it was Greek, it should likely by now have been translated ...


As for the rest of your rubbish ... :roll:
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Re: Minoan civilisation developed locally in Crete.

Postby Lordo » Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:13 pm

Nikitas wrote:"my ancestors. enjoy reading about the anatolians 7000 years before your minowbloodyans baby."

Another desperate attempt to deny the central Asian origins. Nothing wrong with central Asia, why are you so keen to cast it off you?

i can see that you are struggling in understanding science. since you went to school science has moved on with dna analysis and tracing one's ancestors through one's father's linage by identifying ones y-chromosome. the area as well as the time it first appeared. mine appeared 15,000 years ago in the mediterranean region. that puts crap onto your diner plate with your assumption that all tcs originated from mongolia my little fascistic not so good friend. does that explain it or are you still in denial. if you half an ounce of brains you would realise that the central asian terggs are alive and well from the anatolia to mongolia and everywhere in-between and can be identified by their eye characteristics. now your old man philipo the parasite of england tax system knows slitty eyers quite well. i thought he may have let you into the secret. but it seems you is in one long dark room man.
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Re: Minoan civilisation developed locally in Crete.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:25 pm

Lordo wrote: mine appeared 15,000 years ago in the mediterranean region.

Your what appeared 15,000 years ago?

Where was it before?
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