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A warm good evening to all you.... Plonkers !

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Re: A warm good evening to all you.... Plonkers !

Postby Viewpoint » Thu May 16, 2013 10:04 am

miltiades wrote:
halil wrote:Hi Miltiades....I have been inform that u were sending a message in here .....I am very happy to hear that you are ok....hoping to see u again.

few months ago i passed from your village with Mikis. it is a very nice village....pls send me a PM when we will meet again and we can visit the Mustafa as well.

usally every saturday we meet with our friends at Buyukhan. I hope Mikis will see this message as well....or i will inform him saturday.

have a nice day my friend.

Halil, how are you my dear friend. Do please contact Mikis, Im staying in Cyprus for 10 days and would love to meet with you all, give Mustafa my best regards
Hope to see you soon.
VP, that was no dig just an expression that I have through out my time on CF expressed, I think we both know each others views, I do not wish to re enter old debates, I have moved on now and would rather concentrate on other issues such as the destruction of the Cypriot economy by incompetent, greedy, good for nothing politicians, bankers and business men. My loses are substantial but as they say, there is nothing like health, family and ...31 year olds!!!
Have a great day and relax. You know my position pretty well I think.

Sorry to hear you have lost money in the economical storm but it was going to hit sooner or later, the signs were evident when Greece went down the tubes. The sad part is that the majority of people just ignored it and kept up the facade that everything was fine in the south and that the problem was the fault of everyone else but themselves. Pretty sad when you think about it but these developmets have brought a new perspective to the negotiations as both sides appear to be ready to restart. I think that time frames are very important as we have experienced open ended negotiations just go nowhere and waste everyones time, our leaders are saying that if the GCs play ball a solution can be achieved this year.
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Re: A warm good evening to all you.... Plonkers !

Postby Paphitis » Thu May 16, 2013 10:11 am

miltiades wrote:Well, its been a long time, just over 2 years and 3 months since my last post, I'm back now for a day or so before returning to Cyprus, hopefully to knock some sense into the plonker politicians for ruining a healthy economy and taking my hard earned money, or rather stealing my dosh !Never dreamed that such a major economic disaster would ever befall on Cyprus.;
Before adding anything more I would like to extend my greetings to so many of my friends,and I start with my dear friend Deniz,
a giant of a man that I have so much respect for.
Bill and Jerry both of whom I met, before I fell asleep, Kifeas, the great man himself in all respects, our musician singer friend Kafenes, Bananiot whom I also have tremendous respect for, Halil, my dear friend who showed me around the occupied parts on many occasions, Iceman, Umit, our Aussie friends Humanist, Paphitis, the glamorous Bubbles and her other half Andy, not forgetting the political pundit Piratis, the non Cypriots Yialousa and Oracle (xxx) Nikitas from Varosi, the highly intelligent Repulse Warrior,Birkibrisly , Shazeneger !!!, a fantastic guy that I would love to meet and thank him for his generous contribution for Ayios Stephanos, and so many others excluding the absolute Plonkers !!!
Much has happened over the last 2 years, some good and some horrid, but life goes on.
I visit my beloved Cyprus almost every month, there's always a birthday, a Christening or a wedding such as the one I'm at tenting this coming Sunday and the of course the most stunningly beautiful sun rises one could experince anywhere in the world.
Sad that so many people lost their life's savings, but such a loss contributed or will contribute to the recovery of the economy so be it.
I'm coming to Cyprus absolutely ... broke and I'm wondering if GR would... buy me a drink!!!
Finally my thanks to Admin for allowing me to post again.


Hello Miltiades,

Welcome back! Really nice to have you back again! :wink:

I hope you enjoy your trip to Cyprus and was just wondering that maybe you might be in London 24th and 25th. Would love to catch up with you for a nice lunch but bear in mind I am unable to travel too far.

Since you like kids, my nearly 3 year old son will be with me on this one, and like you he has a way with the ladies, especially the young Eastern Oriental young ladies from work. Well they are relatively young but still about 10 times his age but they seem to enjoy his company and he enjoys their company and the attention! :lol:

Hopefully we can catch up and you can compare notes with my son! :wink:

If you're not too chicken (you will need to watch my son), then bring your lady friend along at your own risk. :lol:

If not on this one, then maybe late June might be another opportunity...

Take care my friend. :wink:
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Re: A warm good evening to all you.... Plonkers !

Postby miltiades » Thu May 16, 2013 10:35 am

Hi M
Nice to hear from you.
I shall be in Cyprus from tomorrow until May 27th. You are more than welcome to stay at my place with your son any time after the 27th.
I dont have a big house just a 3 bedroom but I live on my own so 2 bedrooms are always available.
Will email you my contact details, would love to hear from a fellow ..Paphitis !!
PS. I also have a swing in my garden for the little one !!!
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Re: A warm good evening to all you.... Plonkers !

Postby Linichka » Thu May 16, 2013 5:27 pm

Milti! Great to see you back. I hope all is well with you.
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Re: A warm good evening to all you.... Plonkers !

Postby Kikapu » Thu May 16, 2013 6:43 pm

miltiades wrote:
CBBB wrote:Now I am upset!

M, in my ...excitement to rejoin my friends on CYF , unintentionally some dear friends were omitted, not least you, Kikapu, MR-from-NG,both of whom I had met, our American ( Long live America the greatest nation on earth, after Cyprus) friend Andry_cy pretty as pink, where is that gorgeous woman !!
Bubbles if you are tuned in, how about buying you and Andy a drink, GR is....paying !

Miltiades, welcome back my friend. It's good to have you back. You have been missed, and looking at your first post, so was I by the looks of it! :lol:

Looking forward to your posts on the CF from here on. :D

Kudos to the Admin for re-enlisting you back into the CF. :D
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Re: A warm good evening to all you.... Plonkers !

Postby miltiades » Thu May 16, 2013 8:38 pm

Kikapu, Linishka, how could I forget such wonderful people such as you.
My sincere thanks to all for showing such warmth towards this ...young boy!!!
I'm sure we are going to have some good interactions on this forum, especially when I tell you all the story of when I first arrived at....Victoria station, GRs favourite I might add!.
This time tomorrow I shall be in Limassol enjoying the family and the many friends old and new, not least the guys who daily and very early in morning fish on the Apovathra near Enaerios, some, for reasons unknown to me,refuse to accept the little gifts I bring them, penknives made in Sheffield. The story has circulated that these little gifts are ...cursed.
The last time I was in Cyprus in late March, I met some new people and made friends, the young couple just had 4 babies, gorgeous furry little things, I fell in love with them, and watching them in their cage I couldn't help thinking that they would be much happier out in the open, but the cats would no doubt enjoy them. Four little guinea pigs that my grandchildren absolutely adore, so with a dog, a real talking Parrot named KOKOS and six guinea pigs its a full house!
I always believe that its good for children to be familiar with animals and treat them with love and respect.
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Re: A warm good evening to all you.... Plonkers !

Postby Get Real! » Thu May 16, 2013 8:51 pm

This thread is starting to look like a wedding reception!

We might as well give him fakelakia! :?
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Re: A warm good evening to all you.... Plonkers !

Postby Cap » Thu May 16, 2013 8:58 pm

Always had respect for Milti.
The dude never gave me the time of day.

I guess I was one of the 'plonkers' back in the day.
well.... plonkers when underestimated can eventually make the difference in the end. :D

Speaking of a fossil reunion. Where the fu** is ZoC?
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Re: A warm good evening to all you.... Plonkers !

Postby miltiades » Thu May 16, 2013 9:13 pm

Cap wrote:Always had respect for Milti.
The dude never gave me the time of day.

I guess I was one of the 'plonkers' back in the day.
well.... plonkers when underestimated can eventually make the difference in the end. :D

Speaking of a fossil reunion. Where the fu** is ZoC?

Sorry Cap, missed you too, my list was hurriedly prepared upon being informed that my life time ban had been removed.
Will chat again mate,
Did someone say "fakelakia"
Yes please the more the merrier after being robbed blind by Laiki !!!
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Re: A warm good evening to all you.... Plonkers !

Postby Simon » Thu May 16, 2013 9:32 pm

It is quite rare for me to post nowadays, and I'm not sure we ever did like each other much, but I'll be gracious and welcome back an old face.

What was your 'lifetime' ban for?
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