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European Principles

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European Principles

Postby bill cobbett » Wed May 15, 2013 3:11 am

With Croatia soon to become the 28th member of the European Union, the Enlargement Commissioner, Stephan Fule, spoke a few days ago about the EU's principles and Accession.

He said this...

..."The perspective of European integration remains open to all the countries in the region, but it is not a free ride. It requires true determination and efforts. It requires leaders to think and to act in European way. Membership of the European Union is a real perspective - but only for those who are truly interested in embracing the European Union's principles..."

He made no mention of Turkey in his speech.
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Re: European Principles

Postby Maximus » Wed May 15, 2013 2:47 pm

Good on Croatia.

For Turkey, the EU is preparing another special report for her Bill C.

The EU will reaffirm their principles and let Turkey know, amongst other things;

She has been “the main transit country for illegal immigration” into the European Union. “Turkey cannot use mass illegal migration through its territory to Greece as a means of exerting pressure on the European Union,”

“Turkey has also done no more than initial the agreement so far, since the Turkey suddenly decided to make its signing of the agreement conditional on the European Union drawing up a roadmap for visa liberalization,”

Turkey has not accepted the integrity of the EU by not recognising the Greek Cypriots as the sole representatives of the island. The accession talks will remain blocked until Turkey does.

The most serious allegation of the draft is the assertion that Turkey does not comply with “a single point” of the Copenhagen criteria.

Turkey naturally disagrees. Here is what Mr Bagis, Turkeys minister of European affairs has to say about the draft.

“We see it as the delirium of a deputy. We don't take it seriously. We hold talks concerning visas with the EU Commission. We cannot sacrifice these talks due to the efforts of a deputy to attract attention. If we had said ‘yes' to such ungrounded demands, we would have put the action plan into action. But we did not care about this and requested the preparation of an action plan that includes our sensitivities, and we are after our request.”

It also alleges that Turkey has adopted a new approach regarding her EU accession, which is unacceptable. ... urkey.html
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Re: European Principles

Postby bill cobbett » Wed May 15, 2013 5:31 pm

Maximus wrote:Good on Croatia.

For Turkey, the EU is preparing another special report for her Bill C.

The EU will reaffirm their principles and let Turkey know, amongst other things;

She has been “the main transit country for illegal immigration” into the European Union. “Turkey cannot use mass illegal migration through its territory to Greece as a means of exerting pressure on the European Union,”

“Turkey has also done no more than initial the agreement so far, since the Turkey suddenly decided to make its signing of the agreement conditional on the European Union drawing up a roadmap for visa liberalization,”

Turkey has not accepted the integrity of the EU by not recognising the Greek Cypriots as the sole representatives of the island. The accession talks will remain blocked until Turkey does.

The most serious allegation of the draft is the assertion that Turkey does not comply with “a single point” of the Copenhagen criteria.

Turkey naturally disagrees. Here is what Mr Bagis, Turkeys minister of European affairs has to say about the draft.

“We see it as the delirium of a deputy. We don't take it seriously. We hold talks concerning visas with the EU Commission. We cannot sacrifice these talks due to the efforts of a deputy to attract attention. If we had said ‘yes' to such ungrounded demands, we would have put the action plan into action. But we did not care about this and requested the preparation of an action plan that includes our sensitivities, and we are after our request.”

It also alleges that Turkey has adopted a new approach regarding her EU accession, which is unacceptable. ... urkey.html

Another Accession report...!!! How many does it take...!!!

... before Mr Fule accepts that Turkey and the Clown Bagis have absolutely no intention of moving towards the EU's shared principles...???

Anyone got a link to this draft report...???
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Re: European Principles

Postby Lordo » Wed May 15, 2013 5:38 pm

dream on. what makes you think terkey is interested in joining a bankrupt entity.

sort your mess out - dont expect handouts there aint any.
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Re: European Principles

Postby bill cobbett » Wed May 15, 2013 5:51 pm

Lordo wrote:dream on. what makes you think terkey is interested in joining a bankrupt entity.

sort your mess out - dont expect handouts there aint any.

Ah there you are Vordo... our thanks for yet another of your valuable contributions to CF... :roll:

Surprised that you're still breathing and haven't succumbed to the smoke and vile toxins that come out of the chimney of your imaginary, was never built, waste incinerator at Lympia... :lol:
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Re: European Principles

Postby Oceanside50 » Wed May 15, 2013 5:52 pm

Turkey is worthless as an aspiring modern country
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Re: European Principles

Postby Maximus » Wed May 15, 2013 6:27 pm


Today's Zaman has seen a draft recommendation penned by German Christian Democrat Renate Sommer.

This can go on forever. Turkey doesn't know whether she is coming or going to the SCO. All she knows is that its the EU's fault that she is not complying with “a single point” of the Copenhagen criteria. The EU shouldn't have even started the accession process.

Mr bagis thinks Turkeys EU accession process is all about negotiating visa liberalization for Turks and to be cut in on any trade agreements the EU makes with third party country's. He is a Eurottomaniac!

The EU is pushing and pulling Turkey around and playing with her but I think those eurocrats are finally coming to terms with their inability to reform her. she is impossible to deal with.

A Kurdish Turkish spring is needed. It will either be for theirs and everyone in the regions best interests, or they will just fight each other and destroy the place.
Last edited by Maximus on Wed May 15, 2013 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: European Principles

Postby Maximus » Wed May 15, 2013 6:47 pm

Lordo wrote:dream on. what makes you think terkey is interested in joining a bankrupt entity.

sort your mess out - dont expect handouts there aint any.

Turkey should withdraw her EU membership application then, its that simple. She should do it.

Turkey has done well to finish paying off her entire IMF debt but other debts have been mounting Lordo. Her external debt is now at 50% of GDP and rising. She doesn't need delusions of grandiose or the burden of financing a war. Erdogan is power drunk, risky and thirsty for more but no one is opposing him. How is Turkey going to sort this out?

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Re: European Principles

Postby Get Real! » Wed May 15, 2013 6:59 pm

Lordo wrote:sort your mess out - dont expect handouts there aint any.

Cyprus has NEVER received handouts... you're confusing us with your gypsy community. :lol:
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Re: European Principles

Postby Maximus » Wed May 15, 2013 7:04 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Lordo wrote:sort your mess out - dont expect handouts there aint any.

Cyprus has NEVER received handouts... you're confusing us with your gypsy community. :lol:

AH YES, the TC's demand shares........... :)
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