Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:After a sucessful visit to the USA looks like the stage has been set for Cyprus, now all we have to do is sit back and wait for the pressure to be applied for the next round of talks, one side wants to start tomorrow while the other wants to delay Ill let you work out which is which.
According to Nüzhet Kandemir, Turkey’s former ambassador to Washington and a prominent foreign policy commentator,
Erdoğan has returned empty-handed from Washington over Syria. “Turkey’s expectations over Syria have not been met by the US side. ... in-us.html
They dazzled him with glitz, glamor and some razzmatazz. This is what's in his goody bag;
> An "investment grade" token from Moody's.
> To be kept informed on the developments of the EU - US FTA. In the meantime the US has agreed to set up a technical committee to explore ways in which they can boost bilateral trade with Turkey
> An all expenses paid trip to Gaza and the west bank from the Turkish tax payer.
> A book on the "Psychology of Dictatorship".
> An Armenian genocide bill from the US congress.
> An agreement that Assad must go but no commitment of military support.
Erdogan didn't get a look in on any Cypriot or Israeli gas but he did get to look through some Google glasses in silicon valley. ... be-solved/