Oceanside50 wrote:Paphitis I really don't know anything about Australian Greeks or the incudent in Athens but Ill take your word for both. My concern now is Cyprus... With all the title deed mishaps.. And the antiquated judicial system in Cyprus with regards to minorities and attorney/client rights.. Where the small businessman has to go through an antiquated system to recover his money (400)? Days..and where elites like you say have immense powers and interests... .. Ive got a question for you. As the Roc and how it is today. How has the Roc proved itself worthy to be able to govern over a minority like the Tc.?? When most of the Tc concerns have been voiced over rights and neglect of them by the Roc..even if the Tc have ulterior motives, how has the system been upgraded to nullify their accusations?
The RoC is a small country. It has some problems with nepotism, and corruption if you want my opinion. The same things that occur in Greece also occur in Cyprus. It needs to address a lot of issues if you want my honest opinion.
Then, and most importantly, there is the political situation.
Greece and Cyprus are better off without the Greek Communities in Australia. It is sad for me to say it but they are a complete embarrassment!