Often read the labels on cans and bottles on the shelves on supermarkets... sometimes whispering the contents out. One of many ailments which keeps fellow shoppers at a distance.
Well, you have to know what's in them.
Always look out for "fat-free" produce, which is often more expensive than that with fat left in it, after all why pay more when some of the content is missing, does sound like a bit of a rip-off doesn't it...???
... oh and "sugar-free", always avoid those cos Gawd only knows what artificial sweeteners the scum-bag manufacturers put in but they taste awful... imho.
... and nothing with a Produce of Turkey label on it has gone in to the trolley for decades...
...but came close a few days ago when shopping for a few lemons, couldn't find the bleeding label... 'til the cardboard box with some kilos of lemons in it was lifted high and there it was!... and just knew it would be there... Cunningly concealed on the under-side... "Produce of Flipping Bleeding Turkiye",...
...so went and got some bottled stuff instead (after reading what was in it) ...