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Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

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Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby bill cobbett » Thu May 09, 2013 9:49 pm

Am a very careful shopper.

Often read the labels on cans and bottles on the shelves on supermarkets... sometimes whispering the contents out. One of many ailments which keeps fellow shoppers at a distance.

Well, you have to know what's in them.

Always look out for "fat-free" produce, which is often more expensive than that with fat left in it, after all why pay more when some of the content is missing, does sound like a bit of a rip-off doesn't it...???

... oh and "sugar-free", always avoid those cos Gawd only knows what artificial sweeteners the scum-bag manufacturers put in but they taste awful... imho.

... and nothing with a Produce of Turkey label on it has gone in to the trolley for decades...

...but came close a few days ago when shopping for a few lemons, couldn't find the bleeding label... 'til the cardboard box with some kilos of lemons in it was lifted high and there it was!... and just knew it would be there... Cunningly concealed on the under-side... "Produce of Flipping Bleeding Turkiye",... went and got some bottled stuff instead (after reading what was in it) ... :(
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu May 09, 2013 10:22 pm

Good pointer, bill.

Have decided to avoid Waitrose and Marks and Spencer as they are the worst for stocking Turkish produce when they can supply stuff from the EU, far nearer in terms of green miles and of more superior quality. Don't buy online as they don't tell you where they are made.

Most of my friends refuse to buy Turkish made clothes from M&S (CHECK THE LABEL) now as they go funny in the wash and do not last as long as older M&S stuff. M&S also sell some sugary shit called "Turkish Delight".

As for Waitrose, inter alia, they stock dried fruits from "Turkey"! Enough said - when I moaned that Greek figs were better - they made some lame excuses about supplies.

Well no more!


P.S. Buy real GREEK yoghurt not that false "Greek Style" stuff made in rich Germanic countries. Same goes for Fetta cheese - the worst being "Patros"(?) which tries to pass itself off as Greek (got caught once).
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby bill cobbett » Thu May 09, 2013 10:33 pm

Good points our "g"IG, clearly a fellow reader of interesting labels.

Yes, must 'fess am very fond of genuine Greek Yoghurt, the full-fat Total one is excellently rich.

Yes, distance travelled is important, the very thought of buying strawberries in February that have been flown half-way across the globe..!!!

... oh and avoid the GB High Street clothing chain River Island, who are mixed up in developments in the Occupied Areas... and Del Monte which has a legacy problem and is forever tainted.
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu May 09, 2013 11:59 pm

Didn't know about River Island - have not shopped there since I could squeeze into cheap boob-tubes and tiny shorts (a very very long time ago now). But, will make a point of going in there and disarranging their shoe displays and frightening the low-paid, immigrant Saturday staff with questions on their sweat-shops. :D

BTW - Try the 0% Total Greek yoghurt - it's truly creamy. You won't miss the fat (not that you have to worry about calories from the photos you've posted).

Furthermore - don't buy the halloumi in clear packaging that has no writing on it at all. It's Turkish and tastes like congealed sick! (No offence to the people who kindly brought me half a dozen without knowing :wink: )
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby kurupetos » Fri May 10, 2013 12:04 am

bill cobbett wrote:Yes, must 'fess am very fond of genuine Greek Yoghurt, the full-fat Total one is excellently rich.

Maybe you don't have many options when you live in the UK, but IMO Greek yogurt sucks, Billie boy. I only eat Cypriot yogurt.

Same goes for Greek olive oil. Cypriot olive oil is of superior quality by far. 8)
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri May 10, 2013 12:06 am

Cypriot yoghurt is great with lots of honey - otherwise it's very xhino.
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby kurupetos » Fri May 10, 2013 12:16 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Cypriot yoghurt is great with lots of honey - otherwise it's very xhino.

No, never mix Cypriot yogurt with honey and/or nuts! :shock:

Instead you could prepare some talattouri with fresh cucumbers, dried mint, fresh garlic and few drops of Cypriot olive oil. 8)
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby bill cobbett » Fri May 10, 2013 12:22 am

Yes, River Island is owned by the very wealthy GB Lewis Family. They have invested heavily in the Occupied Karpas and there's even a River Island store in Yialoussa...

(what's that Grump... ??? No, you ask her... oh Gordon Bennett, why do I have to do everything around here...???)

Errr... our "g"IG... can you post a picky please... of you in the boob-tube and tiny shorts...??? ...
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby Oceanside50 » Fri May 10, 2013 2:34 am

otherwise it's very xhino.

oh my taste buds just got tickled...i love it xhino the more xhino the better!!!

Cypriot olive oil is of superior quality by far.

oh man, if you know anyone with an olive oil press...they get the best olive oil...the type thats thick and really bitter and has little chunks of olives still in that stuff is sooo goooood! :!: :!:

and some pickled olives...too and the halloumi from up in the village the hard kind with the tangy taste...and those tomatoes that drip with tomatoe juice and mix in at the bottom of the plate that mix with some lemon juice and you just cant help licking the plate when noone is that barbaric of me? :lol:
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri May 10, 2013 2:54 am

bill cobbett wrote:Yes, River Island is owned by the very wealthy GB Lewis Family. They have invested heavily in the Occupied Karpas and there's even a River Island store in Yialoussa...

(what's that Grump... ??? No, you ask her... oh Gordon Bennett, why do I have to do everything around here...???)

Errr... our "g"IG... can you post a picky please... of you in the boob-tube and tiny shorts...??? ...

...if it helps bill, i have had a weakness for our OP since we first crossed paths, i too (like many fans i'm sure) would love to see what beauty surrounds such a mind so sharp it's sexy. sleek comes to mind, a rock used lovingly for years to split olives, heavy because it fits perfectly in the hand, that glistens darkly when wet, smooth. ...a little bird who flitters to a beat so fast, unseen, whose song is sweet, a warning call. my OP in a boob-tube and tiny shorts, the sea so deep, the spray which dances light before the rage that comes of mothers; white please if you are taking colour preferences.
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