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Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby kurupetos » Sat May 11, 2013 11:21 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
kurupetos wrote:I will put this here, because I'm too tired to start a new thread...

and this...

Sounds like Denktash probably gave them one of the stolen GC properties to thank him for disobeying UN orders and arming the warmongering TCs.

Not very nice people.

Yes, it seems the occupied areas have attracted all kind of scumbags. That website is so filthy I had to take a bath after reading some of the stories.
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby Oceanside50 » Sun May 12, 2013 3:12 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...if the trees aren't tended, they die. the question is who tends them, is all i am saying.

a man who makes a living, and is grateful at least that he can, is not the same as one who says the land is his; Cypriots must support each other, Cypriots living in the hell hole in the north need help, what divides us should not be ethnicity, it is Principal, and in that light, those without Principal should be exposed, just as important, those with Principal should be recognised.

...the trade must be reciprocated, Cypriot to Cypriot. in my mind, it takes the solidarity a step further. without it, we are what the interlocutors say we are, "Greeks" and "Turks", as though Cypriots does not exist.

a man who makes a living, and is grateful at least that he can, is not the same as one who says the land is his

thats an interesting point RW, and maybe, you hit on something, i mean the TC refugees are victims too, why deny them a chance at making a living..
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby kentish » Sun May 12, 2013 9:41 am

bill cobbett wrote:Am a very careful shopper.

Often read the labels on cans and bottles on the shelves on supermarkets... sometimes whispering the contents out. One of many ailments which keeps fellow shoppers at a distance.

Well, you have to know what's in them.

Always look out for "fat-free" produce, which is often more expensive than that with fat left in it, after all why pay more when some of the content is missing, does sound like a bit of a rip-off doesn't it...???

... oh and "sugar-free", always avoid those cos Gawd only knows what artificial sweeteners the scum-bag manufacturers put in but they taste awful... imho.

... and nothing with a Produce of Turkey label on it has gone in to the trolley for decades...

...but came close a few days ago when shopping for a few lemons, couldn't find the bleeding label... 'til the cardboard box with some kilos of lemons in it was lifted high and there it was!... and just knew it would be there... Cunningly concealed on the under-side... "Produce of Flipping Bleeding Turkiye",... went and got some bottled stuff instead (after reading what was in it) ... :(

quite right of you to boycott everything turkish, i am the same as you , i boycott everything that comes from the south of cyprus and from greece. i wont even buy " greek style" yogurt. btw have you tried muller turkish delight yogurt ? its delicious.
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun May 12, 2013 10:54 am

Muller yogurts have the same nutritional value as dung.

Sorry ... probably far less ... they have added unhealthy "flavourings" and no healthy-gut bacteria.
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby kentish » Sun May 12, 2013 3:28 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Muller yogurts have the same nutritional value as dung.

Sorry ... probably far less ... they have added unhealthy "flavourings" and no healthy-gut bacteria.

thank you :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby Oceanside50 » Sun May 12, 2013 9:40 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...if the trees aren't tended, they die. the question is who tends them, is all i am saying.

a man who makes a living, and is grateful at least that he can, is not the same as one who says the land is his; Cypriots must support each other, Cypriots living in the hell hole in the north need help, what divides us should not be ethnicity, it is Principal, and in that light, those without Principal should be exposed, just as important, those with Principal should be recognised.

...the trade must be reciprocated, Cypriot to Cypriot. in my mind, it takes the solidarity a step further. without it, we are what the interlocutors say we are, "Greeks" and "Turks", as though Cypriots does not exist.

a man who makes a living, and is grateful at least that he can, is not the same as one who says the land is his

thats an interesting point RW, and maybe, you hit on something, i mean the TC refugees are victims too, why deny them a chance at making a living..

...and the goodwill it will produce. Those same farmers that know how to irrigate/cultivate the land used to do it on their own land ie...Paphos,Limassol etc etc...knowing how they think and feel, their mind is on their land in the free areas not on ours....
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby bill cobbett » Sun May 12, 2013 9:53 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...if the trees aren't tended, they die. the question is who tends them, is all i am saying.

a man who makes a living, and is grateful at least that he can, is not the same as one who says the land is his; Cypriots must support each other, Cypriots living in the hell hole in the north need help, what divides us should not be ethnicity, it is Principal, and in that light, those without Principal should be exposed, just as important, those with Principal should be recognised.

...the trade must be reciprocated, Cypriot to Cypriot. in my mind, it takes the solidarity a step further. without it, we are what the interlocutors say we are, "Greeks" and "Turks", as though Cypriots does not exist.

a man who makes a living, and is grateful at least that he can, is not the same as one who says the land is his

thats an interesting point RW, and maybe, you hit on something, i mean the TC refugees are victims too, why deny them a chance at making a living..

...and the goodwill it will produce. Those same farmers that know how to irrigate/cultivate the land used to do it on their own land ie...Paphos,Limassol etc etc...knowing how they think and feel, their mind is on their land in the free areas not on ours....

Not as clear cut as the picture the ever romantic RW paints Ocean, that someone who tends for the trees, waters them, nurtures them etc is entitled to the crop without the leave of the land-owner ... and once we start assigning considerations to land with no basis in law, with no permission from the land-owner, where does the profiting from the stolen land end...???

...for instance, we know that lemon groves in Occupied Lapithos belonging to the Apostolides family were maintained by others for years, the annual lemon crop taken but it didn't stop there, eventually they were grubbed up, the land "sold" on for big profit for developments by CarpetThieves.
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Re: Made in Turkey is a Deffo No No

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 12, 2013 11:27 pm

...acts are needed, for the Freedom of Cyprus, romantic or not, on the ground and grass roots, voters communicating with voters, dollar-wise, acts of solidarity, to be crude.
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