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NATO head calls for solution to Cyprus problem

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Re: NATO head calls for solution to Cyprus problem

Postby Get Real! » Tue May 07, 2013 5:36 pm

Cyprus joining NATO in the early 60s makes as much sense as Bangladesh joining the EU, or England joining the OIC. :lol:
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Re: NATO head calls for solution to Cyprus problem

Postby Oceanside50 » Tue May 07, 2013 5:42 pm

Stupid AKEL!

Papaioannou, AKEL's head at the time, with his numerous visits to the Soviet Union and other eastern bloc countries, had Makarios' attention throughout the 60's and took his advise.

had read that Makarios and JFK were very close friends as they studied together. Many missed opportunities which we never exploited for the RoC's benefit, and its security!

Makarios studied at a theological school close to Boston MA. I do remember seeing pictures of Makarios visiting the US, while Kennedy was President 1962(?) and was given a state dinner at the White House...Nevertheless, it's all ancient history now.
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Re: NATO head calls for solution to Cyprus problem

Postby Oceanside50 » Tue May 07, 2013 5:43 pm

Get Real! wrote:Cyprus joining NATO in the early 60s makes as much sense as Bangladesh joining the EU, or England joining the OIC. :lol:

explain yourself Get Real
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Re: NATO head calls for solution to Cyprus problem

Postby Paphitis » Tue May 07, 2013 6:38 pm

Get Real! wrote:Cyprus joining NATO in the early 60s makes as much sense as Bangladesh joining the EU, or England joining the OIC. :lol:

I don't understand what you mean.

Cyprus is a small country and 50 years ago it would have made perfect sense to join NATO merely to guarantee the security of the RoC. Cyprus territorial integrity would be preserved.

Are you saying Cyprus would be ineligible? It would have suited NATO interests for Cyprus to be a member. The downside would be frosty Cold War relations with the Soviet Union but who cares about that? If there was a war they would still nuke Cyprus anyway and turn Cyprus to glass. Unlikely because of Mutually Assured Destruction which served as the deterrent!
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Re: NATO head calls for solution to Cyprus problem

Postby Oceanside50 » Tue May 07, 2013 7:22 pm

The Cypriot army(CNG), has been led by a NATO commander from its inception to the present day...and still Cypriots refuse/refused to join NATO, mind twister.
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Re: NATO head calls for solution to Cyprus problem

Postby Get Real! » Tue May 07, 2013 11:13 pm

How on earth was Cyprus supposed to join NATO when foolish Makarios had already signed the shortsighted and dimwitted “Treaty of Guarantee”?
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Re: NATO head calls for solution to Cyprus problem

Postby bill cobbett » Tue May 07, 2013 11:19 pm

CBBB wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:

Btw, you do realise that this is a Turkish website right...

I thought everyone knew that!

Absolutely... handle with a great deal of care.
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Re: NATO head calls for solution to Cyprus problem

Postby Get Real! » Tue May 07, 2013 11:22 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:...and if we had the foresight 50 years ago to join,willingly, Cyprus would be in one piece today.

Yes I believe this as well!

They haven’t published my comment outlining what I said here in my first post.

I’m just so shocked now… :roll:
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Re: NATO head calls for solution to Cyprus problem

Postby Oceanside50 » Wed May 08, 2013 6:31 am

we should all be as advanced as you GR :roll:

The Treaty of Guarantee does not prohibit Cyprus from joining Nato, just like it didnt prohibit Cyprus from joining the EU..

"..Article 1 paragraph 2 of the Treaty of Guarantee does not prohibit Cyprus from becoming a member of a regional organisation such as the European Union. Membership of the EU would not constitute participation ``in any political or economic union with any State whatsoever''.."
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Re: NATO head calls for solution to Cyprus problem

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed May 08, 2013 11:09 am

Why did they need Cyprus in NATO? Why do they need Cyprus in NATO?

We are already a "NATO base" (without say) with the SBAs, the US listening stations plus Turkey's 40,000 filthy troops.

It was never up to Cyprus to join NATO - it's still not up to Cyprus whether it joins. Note well, it's EU relations they want to normalise ... and no one is inviting Cyprus to join NATO.

Thank God we have Greece.
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