tsukoui wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:"Even"?
Are you advocating adopting Nazi ideology in grouping the
whole of the
rest of the world into an "enemy" category?

Look in the mirror Gig.
Turkey occupies Cyprus. You tell them to get the f@#k out and we can be their best friends like nothing ever hapenned.
They can join the EU, and we can get the hell out and join NATO and be like one big happy family with security and prosperity.
If you mean the TCs, well the majority at the moment are Turks, working for Turkey's interests against Cyprus. Mind you, there are a few twats on this forum that stoke the fire and give them no reason to abandon Turkey for Cyprus, so in that regard I don't blame them but as things stand we will deal with them because in real life the RoC and many GCs have extended their hands in friendship only to be shitted upon.
When the RoC is liberated, they will be given another chance because the GCs are very forgiving.