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UKIP show Nazis how it's done!

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UKIP show Nazis how it's done!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri May 03, 2013 11:32 pm

Pretend you are not so "far right" but that you are just having a "larf" ... 03471.html

.... avoid as many Nazi salutes as possible. If caught saluting, pretend you were grabbing for a camera, for example, like this:

Schoolboy humour never fails. That should do it. :D

UKIP rise and rise and rise in popularity .... ... 2020130503
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Re: UKIP show Nazis how it's done!

Postby kurupetos » Sat May 04, 2013 12:14 am

Ugly kid. I don't think he's Aryan. :lol:
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Re: UKIP show Nazis how it's done!

Postby Paphitis » Sat May 04, 2013 12:41 am

NAZIS banned in UK!

Good move Nige! :)

Now if only Golden Dawn banned its NAZIS!!!! :wink:
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Re: UKIP show Nazis how it's done!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat May 04, 2013 9:53 pm

I think Nazis are banned all over Europe but that doesn't stop a few fanatics. What I think is great about UKIP is their rhetoric. Only Hitler could have equalized them. Softly softly ... :) Fascism with finesse.

Seriously, the UK has got to be the rising right. They have some half a dozen extreme right wing parties (e.g. NF, BNP, EDL) and one of them (UKIP) polls as the second most popular party and the other is the most popular (Cons).
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Re: UKIP show Nazis how it's done!

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 05, 2013 12:02 am

I don't know if they are far right and don't agree with far right politics in any case. I don't agree with far left politics (Communism) either.

And you got to admit, Communism has been the biggest disaster for Cyprus throughout history.

What I can tell you is that I do like Nigel Farage. He is right wing but he does not appear to be far right. He has a lot of sensible ideas, and he is fighting for the little guy in the EU. The EU need more politicians like him because he keeps them on their toes, otherwise the EU will dictate to everyone in a totalitarian way and countries like Greece and Cyprus will never have a voice, and neither will most of the EU citizens, save the privileged elites.
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Re: UKIP show Nazis how it's done!

Postby Simon » Sun May 05, 2013 12:03 am

What a load of utter rubbish! UKIP is about the people of the UK finally standing up for themselves and having some balls rather than letting everyone shit on the country as has been happening for too long. Then all the idiots who want to continue silencing the British people who have had enough will attempt to label these people "Nazis", "far right" " extreme" "racist" etc etc. Well this bollocks "racist" card is wearing a little thin for most people.

People like you, who live in the UK but never have a good word to say about it, are doing a great deal to help parties like UKIP, who have a bit of patriotic pride in Britain, something all the other parties seriously lack. What would you say to a Brit who lived in Cyprus but spoke about Cyprus the way you do the UK? One can only guess... :roll:
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Re: UKIP show Nazis how it's done!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun May 05, 2013 12:14 am

Simply sensational, Simon! :D (I'll ignore the unfounded assumptions.)

Now, I hope you feel the same way about Golden Dawn ( a slightly less far-right party than UKIP). :wink: No hypocrisy or double standards, please. You've made some very pointed remarks and they should be applicable in a more general manner. Let the UK show the way.

(I have a lot of admiration for Farage, as I have said many times before.)
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Re: UKIP show Nazis how it's done!

Postby Simon » Sun May 05, 2013 12:28 am

No, nothing sensational.

I don't know enough about Golden Dawn. I have heard that they in the past openly encouraged people to physically attack immigrants (as have many party members), and are regarded generally as 'far right'. I also understand that they started life as a neo-Nazi party - and are still regarded as such by most people. Maybe this is the left up to their usual tricks. But if it is true, then I'm not sure you can put them in the same category as UKIP. UKIP are a euro-skeptic party that have simply filled the space vacated by the Conservatives since their shift to the centre.
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Re: UKIP show Nazis how it's done!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun May 05, 2013 12:29 am

UKIP are the polished act whilst Golden Dawn are the start-up kit.

I particularly love this part ...

Simon wrote: Then all the idiots who want to continue silencing the British people who have had enough will attempt to label these people "Nazis", "far right" " extreme" "racist" etc etc. Well this bollocks "racist" card is wearing a little thin for most people.

Let's just change one word:

Simon wrote: Then all the idiots who want to continue silencing the Greek people who have had enough will attempt to label these people "Nazis", "far right" " extreme" "racist" etc etc. Well this bollocks "racist" card is wearing a little thin for most people.

Let this be the mantra for Golden Dawn - the sister of UKIP. :D
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Re: UKIP show Nazis how it's done!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun May 05, 2013 12:33 am

Don't backtrack, Simon.

Simon wrote: ... I also understand that they started life as a neo-Nazi party - .

Looks like the start-up ideology for UKIP were the British National Party, English Defence League, National Front etc etc etc (very Nazi, huh) --- But the Genius Farage did away with the negative symbols. The policies are the same - just the uniforms have been replaced by pin-strip suits and ties and a BIG SMILE! :D

Farage is simply adorable. The crinkly face of Nationalism.
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