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Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:01 pm

Get Real! wrote:I just had a look at that website, it says…

"Hello, we are June and Michael.
We moved to Cyprus from England in June 2002 hoping to begin a peaceful, simple life relaxing in the sun by the sea. Unfortunately it has turned out everything but simple, we don't have the time or the money for relaxation and enjoyment but instead struggle every day to help the poor cats and dogs that are suffering to survive and avoid cruelty."

I cannot believe their stupidity! They are confusing the fluffy sofa pussys of London that feed on tin cat food and Mars bars with the ferals of a Mediterranean island! :?

Our cats are not suffering my dear unless they fall in your hands and you give them stupid things to eat and perform cruel and unnatural surgeries on them, and on top of that you probably think you’re a hero! :roll:

Well, one of the two cats that I have brought up was adopted from June and Michael at the age of six weeks, and I can assure you that he was too tiny when picked up from the street a couple of weeks prior to that to have survived on his own. Pardon some of us for doing this mother Teresa stuff. It is perfectly legitimate and legal to give a home to orphaned feral cats, and you are welcome to come and see them any time and I defy you to then say that they are suffering ill treatment at my hands.
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:59 pm

By the way, Cyprus is a country that for years has encouraged foreigners with the means to do so to buy houses on the island and settle here, and is now a member of the European Union, where the principle of free circulation applies. As such, you should be a bit more tolerant and understanding of foreigners' strange ways, such as the soft spot felt by some British people towards cats and dogs. Basically, if what foreigners do is legal and causes you no harm, I recommend that you learn to like and lump it.

Incidentally, one of my two cats goes for daily walks around the neighbourhood and I have noticed that he has become a big star with (Greek Cypriot) locals in the area. I have even seen total strangers calling out to him by name. It may he that some Greek Cypriots also have this strange soft spot towards certain domestic animals.
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:01 pm

PS - Not so long ago, somebody ( a Greek Cypriot) asked me if their toddler could approach my cat and stroke it!
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:24 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:By the way, Cyprus is a country that for years has encouraged foreigners with the means to do so to buy houses on the island and settle here, and is now a member of the European Union, where the principle of free circulation applies. As such, you should be a bit more tolerant and understanding of foreigners' strange ways, such as the soft spot felt by some British people towards cats and dogs. Basically, if what foreigners do is legal and causes you no harm, I recommend that you learn to like and lump it.

Brits seem to have this PET mentality. They think that all animals have to be tagged, stamped, and put into some sort of custodianship with a human (control freaks?), but the cats of Cyprus don’t belong to anyone and they are free to roam from garden to garden and do their job.

Do they trap and sterilize the barn owls of England? Of course not... because they perform a function that farmers benefit from and by the same token so do the feral cats of Cyprus.
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:33 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:By the way, Cyprus is a country that for years has encouraged foreigners with the means to do so to buy houses on the island and settle here, and is now a member of the European Union, where the principle of free circulation applies. As such, you should be a bit more tolerant and understanding of foreigners' strange ways, such as the soft spot felt by some British people towards cats and dogs. Basically, if what foreigners do is legal and causes you no harm, I recommend that you learn to like and lump it.

Brits seem to have this PET mentality. They think that all animals have to be tagged, stamped, and put into some sort of custodianship with a human (control freaks?), but the cats of Cyprus don’t belong to anyone and they are free to roam from garden to garden and do their job.

Do they trap and sterilize the barn owls of England? Of course not... because they perform a function that farmers benefit from and by the same token so do the feral cats of Cyprus.

It is not illegal to take a feral kitten and turn it into a pet, so if you don't like it, stick it in your pipe and smoke it, mate.
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Mik » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:08 pm

All cats belong to a family called the felids and were thought to have evolved 12 million years ago. Domestic cats originated from African wild cats, which they are still closely related to. The first domestic cats were thought to have lived 8,000 years ago in Cyprus. Early settlers must have introduced the cats to the island, as there were no wild cats present.

The carefully interred remains of a human and a cat were found buried with seashells, polished stones, and other decorative artifacts in a 9,500-year-old grave site on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. This new find, from the Neolithic village of Shillourokambos, predates early Egyptian art depicting cats by 4,000 years or more.

Worlds Oldest Cat lovers what happened :o
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Cap » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:17 pm

Both GR and Tim make good points.

In truth, feral cats have been on the island since time immemorial.
Never belonged to anybody but survived through the ages.
People shouldn't mistake them for abandoned pets.

Nothing wrong with domesticating them and having them as pets either.
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Cap » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:22 pm

Barn owls in England
Cats in Cyprus
Cows in India

and then what?

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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:26 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:It is not illegal to take a feral kitten and turn it into a pet, so if you don't like it, stick it in your pipe and smoke it, mate.

In Cyprus, domesticating a cat makes as much sense as putting a sparrow in a cage!

I’ll bet you’ve even put little bells around their necks so they won’t stand a chance at surviving on their own. :roll:

Animal lovers you are NOT but selfish enslavers so here is something more suitable for your mental needs…

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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Mik » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:36 pm

As I put earlier. Cyprus is thought to be the first place to Domesticate Cats.......
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