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Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Mik » Fri May 17, 2013 11:28 am

BerkshireScouse wrote:Hi

We live in Episkopi (near Limassol), and are currently looking after 5 feral cats (the mother, two from her previous litter who are about 7-8 months old and who have both been neutered, and two from her most recent litter, who are now nearly 3 months old). As you may imagine, trying to look after all 5 cats is proving to be rather stressful and expensive.

Unfortunately, we are fairly certain that the mother is pregnant yet again, and we are desperate to trap her soon, in order that her current litter can be aborted and that she can also be spayed. However, despite numerous attempts, we have so far failed to entice her into a cage. (Incidentally, we intend to try and rehome her two youngest, ideally whilst she is absent recovering from surgery).

Does anyone know of any local animal charities or organisations in the Limassol/Paphos area which are able to trap animals? Alternatively, can anyone recommend any forms of medication (conventional or herbal) which are effective?

Many thanks in anticipation of your assistance.

Thats how it started off someone asking a question, to which the person was berated for it....
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri May 17, 2013 11:29 am

I'll add to what the lovely RichardB has said with the point that cats "in the wild" (e.g. Troodos forests etc) tend to be more human-shy and hide - therefore very difficult to spot on a jaunt. When we have spent extended time in the remote areas, you can witness these beautiful creatures coming out mostly in the evenings (and I am sure, in the middle of the night though have not studied them so late).
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Get Real! » Fri May 17, 2013 11:29 am

Mik wrote:
BerkshireScouse wrote:Hi

We live in Episkopi (near Limassol), and are currently looking after 5 feral cats (the mother, two from her previous litter who are about 7-8 months old and who have both been neutered, and two from her most recent litter, who are now nearly 3 months old). As you may imagine, trying to look after all 5 cats is proving to be rather stressful and expensive.

Unfortunately, we are fairly certain that the mother is pregnant yet again, and we are desperate to trap her soon, in order that her current litter can be aborted and that she can also be spayed. However, despite numerous attempts, we have so far failed to entice her into a cage. (Incidentally, we intend to try and rehome her two youngest, ideally whilst she is absent recovering from surgery).

Does anyone know of any local animal charities or organisations in the Limassol/Paphos area which are able to trap animals? Alternatively, can anyone recommend any forms of medication (conventional or herbal) which are effective?

Many thanks in anticipation of your assistance.

Thats how it started off someone asking a question, to which the person was berated for it....

And your point being what exactly Point Dexter?
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Mik » Fri May 17, 2013 11:30 am

That the thread is off topic......
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Get Real! » Fri May 17, 2013 11:31 am

Tim Drayton wrote:There are absolutely no cats out in the hills, by the way, they are also only to be found in built up areas, which shows that they are feral and not wild.

This thread is moving into the realms of the absurd.

That’s because they feed them so they get lazy and don’t go to hunt.
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Get Real! » Fri May 17, 2013 11:32 am

Mik wrote:That the thread is off topic......

It’s your brain that is off topic.
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri May 17, 2013 11:33 am

RichardB wrote:Tim said

There are absolutely no cats out in the hills, by the way, they are also only to be found in built up areas, which shows that they are feral and not wild.

Not strictly true Tim ..There are packs of cats up in the mountains and have been since I first came to the Island in '77 ...Now admittedly they do tend to congregate around the villages ...which are hardly IMO built up/urban areas...Lemythou where we have a house only has a population of around 60...Are these ''feral'' or ''wild'' Cats ?? well what is the difference ? , as I understand it a feral cat is one which has become wild due to circumstances of being they are pretty much one and the same ..Also I can honestly say that I cannot remember any occasion when a household in the village has had a ''pet'' presumebly these cats have been around the village for many years surviving in the wild.

When I say 'in the hills' I mean out in the wilds, away from any houses. I have gone for many lengthy walks (up to 20 km and well away from any houses) up in Troodos and have not seen any packs of cats out there, although if you have seen them, so be it. It surprises me. I know that there are feral cats in villages here because I lived in a village in Cyprus for the first six months I stayed here. A village is surely a built-up area, even if one that covers a relatively small area.There is a huge difference, actually, between feral cats, which are dependent on people and wild cats, such as those living in the north of Scotland, which are capable of living in the wild and hunting for their own food. Look at some of the scientific literature about this subject if you consider it to be so important. Why are some people making such a huge issue out of this? It is beyond my comprehension.
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri May 17, 2013 11:33 am

Tim Drayton wrote:There are absolutely no cats out in the hills, by the way, they are also only to be found in built up areas, which shows that they are feral and not wild.

That's totally wrong - they are just harder to spot than in the middle of towns.
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby RichardB » Fri May 17, 2013 11:34 am

Get Real! wrote:
Mik wrote:That the thread is off topic......

It’s your brain that is off topic.

Good a good mood again i see!! :D
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Mik » Fri May 17, 2013 11:34 am

Thats what the people in the white coats say when I refuse the tablets. Are you one of them???? Is it you who has my nice warm jacket?
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