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Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed May 15, 2013 7:30 pm

kurupetos wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:Hmmm. So it seems that the Choirokoitians were cat lovers. Any resident Choirokoitians care to comment on that?

I hope you don’t assume that the ancients had a Flintstones-like sofa onto which the cats sat with their masters in those round little huts!

Cats would’ve wondered in and around ancient Choirokitia feeding on rodents, insects, and scraps much like they do today, but I very much doubt they wore pretty collars and dined on Friskies. :lol:

You are right, Brits are destroying the ecosystem. :evil:
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed May 15, 2013 7:35 pm

CBBB wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:But Scottish folk deliberately run over rabbits to keep the numbers down - for the farmer's turnip harvest (so they say).

- Will never get into a car driven by a Scot ever again, except my husband (who has been tamed :D )

You had him neutered?
married to GIG ? No need..
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed May 15, 2013 7:41 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:Somebody has today dumped a hunting dog in my road. It has happened many times before – sometimes a crate of puppies, sometimes full-grown dogs.

How come people keep “dumping” dogs in your road but they never do in mine!

Maybe what you meant to say was…. “I saw a dog walk past my house which looked stray/abandoned”.

You’re probably right…

I expect these cheeky little urchins dragged a crate up my road between them, climbed in and pulled a towel over their heads ready to jump out and surprise me when I walked Skilos…


Sadly, you can’t see their sister… she was too far gone by the time we found them…

I did rush them all to the vet who tried to save her but he could not. I guess as Sotos said the cruel, heartless bastard was only interested in the revenue he could receive from her and not saving her life….

We hand-reared them – feeding them with a syringe…


Luckily we did eventually manage to re-home all three of them, fine dogs that they turned out to be. They were chipped, inoculated and had everything else they needed at our expense…


Which does, I suppose prove what cold, heartless, cold-blooded murderers all of us ex-pats are…?

Don't bother replying - I won't be posting here again.

Are the stories true about the hunters hanging their old hunting dogs by the kneck?

Then there is the illegal bird netting and lime sticking.....then there is lanate...Nuff said
Last edited by supporttheunderdog on Wed May 15, 2013 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed May 15, 2013 7:41 pm

There does seem to have been an explosion in the dog population since the expat community has grown. Someone estimated about one in ten Brit households have come over with dogs (could someone confirm?). That would be thousands then, right?

Then there have been a number of articles about impoverished Brits leaving/abandoning their dogs behind when they depart. It might explain why British people report stray dogs in their neighborhoods more often - because those are more likely to have a higher proportion of Brits.

NB - this is not a "Brit-bash" just trying to get to the bottom of this new problem.
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed May 15, 2013 8:17 pm

The problem we have round here abandoned hunting dogs, so the mayor was telling me. They are dumped on the way bak into town. Further most of the dogs around here are owned by Cypriots . Don't therefore try your racist crap about the problem being caused by the Brits. Yes some have abandoned dogs but I doubt it as many as are dumped by Cypriots
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed May 15, 2013 9:08 pm

In your efforts to blame Cypriots for this newly emerging problem .... I spot another contradiction - firstly Cypriot hunters are accused of hanging their dogs ... and then they are accused of abandoning them. Which is it to be?
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed May 15, 2013 11:12 pm

Oh, it's worse than I thought:

An increasing number of expats are regularly travelling to and from the UK with their canines while scores of British holidaymakers are taking their dogs on holiday, a fact born out in a survey by, an online retailer of animal products. It showed that nearly one in two of the 1000 pet owners polled, intended to take their pets away with them this summer whether in the UK or abroad. ... st-friend/

Gosh - they even have canine sun-cream to spray on their dogs ... :shock:

And ...
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Get Real! » Wed May 15, 2013 11:28 pm

Snap out of it Grumpy. Things said were not directed at you and you know that!
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby apc2010 » Thu May 16, 2013 3:51 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:There does seem to have been an explosion in the dog population since the expat community has grown. Someone estimated about one in ten Brit households have come over with dogs (could someone confirm?). That would be thousands then, right?

Then there have been a number of articles about impoverished Brits leaving/abandoning their dogs behind when they depart. It might explain why British people report stray dogs in their neighborhoods more often - because those are more likely to have a higher proportion of Brits.

NB - this is not a "Brit-bash" just trying to get to the bottom of this new problem.

What a load of bollocks why was it not a problem when the Island belonged to the Brits.......
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu May 16, 2013 4:21 pm

apc2010 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:There does seem to have been an explosion in the dog population since the expat community has grown. Someone estimated about one in ten Brit households have come over with dogs (could someone confirm?). That would be thousands then, right?

Then there have been a number of articles about impoverished Brits leaving/abandoning their dogs behind when they depart. It might explain why British people report stray dogs in their neighborhoods more often - because those are more likely to have a higher proportion of Brits.

NB - this is not a "Brit-bash" just trying to get to the bottom of this new problem.

What a load of bollocks why was it not a problem when the Island belonged to the Brits.......

Yeah, they had search dogs my mum says - would burst in to homes for routine terrorizing .

But on the whole, the soldiers didn't bring pets with them in the pre-1950s. :roll: In fact, pre-1950s Britain wasn't so pet-orientated.

[So, you don't believe that Brits travel with their pets, nowadays - please see above link I gave, for starters. ]
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