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Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Get Real! » Tue May 14, 2013 7:13 pm

LynInCyprus wrote:Pathos is nearer to the clinic/shelter I volunteer at - but where ever suits you best.

You claim to have lived here for 10 years yet can't even get the town's name right! :lol:

Pathetic! Or should that be Paphetic? :?
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue May 14, 2013 7:46 pm

Get Real! wrote:
LynInCyprus wrote:Pathos is nearer to the clinic/shelter I volunteer at - but where ever suits you best.

You claim to have lived here for 10 years yet can't even get the town's name right! :lol:

Pathetic! Or should that be Paphetic? :?

I have to return the favour and congratulate you there on the pun/play on words.
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 14, 2013 9:46 pm

Get Real! wrote:
LynInCyprus wrote:Pathos is nearer to the clinic/shelter I volunteer at - but where ever suits you best.

You claim to have lived here for 10 years yet can't even get the town's name right! :lol:

Pathetic! Or should that be Paphetic? :?

Lame GR! She really got you! That was so intentional as a subtle slur, and you had to go and acknowledge her for this. :roll:
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue May 14, 2013 9:47 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Since when did the British base garrisons acquire the right to euthanise Cyprus' wildlife?

It's that "kill every wild Badger around in case it has TB" mentality all over again.

Because the SBA are not a part of the ROC and at that point it was SBA wildlife......
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 14, 2013 9:50 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Since when did the British base garrisons acquire the right to euthanise Cyprus' wildlife?

It's that "kill every wild Badger around in case it has TB" mentality all over again.

Because the SBA are not a part of the ROC and at that point it was SBA wildlife......

Hello studdy boy!

That's my point exactly. This feral cat was an RoC cat. It was taken over! Where in the "Constitution" does it state the SBAs are there to control, eliminate, destroy etc.... the RoC's wildlife???????????

"Not to develop the Sovereign Base Areas for other than military purposes."

What is "military" about killing a Cypriot Cat?
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Sotos » Tue May 14, 2013 10:06 pm

LynInCyprus wrote:Yes Sotos - personally I do feel that your comments offering to castrate and arrange for another persons euthanasia if any virus is found on them is a vaguely veiled threat of harm. I can only imagine how you would feel if the same, or even remotely similar statement was made to you and/or your family!!

The last time, to my knowledge, such a type of statement was made from one human being to another it came from the mouth of a very short man, with a funny moustache who wished to rule the free world. Coincidence perhaps, or not?

How do you think the cat feels? Oh, wait... it can't feel anything anymore... you killed it :( Seems like you think that it is not right to treat other humans in such a way and yet when you treat animals with these exact same methods you call your actions "humane" :roll:
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby yialousa1971 » Wed May 15, 2013 12:04 am

Get Real! wrote:
LynInCyprus wrote:Dear Sotos

Why are you now inferring that BerkshireScouce acted in this matter to kill the cat - I just don't understand this attacking manner that seems so prevalent.

If you properly read and absorbed his last post on the actions taken it is clear that they were advised and then directed by a qualified veterinarian. This adviser has trained for years to assess, interpret and then diagnosis an animal illness and provide a prognosis which is of best benefit to the animal. I can only assume that you are not implying that all Vets are therefore animal killers who wilfully play god - or are you?

ALL wild animals who feed on rodents catch diseases from the rodent’s blood and thus become carriers of various things but that is very normal in their life cycle and it doesn’t stop them from having a normal life span and contributing towards their numbers.

The Cyprus feral cat is one of the HEALTHIEST and HAPPIEST cats on the planet because it lives EXACTLY how nature dictates for it to live!

But, uneducated people like you think that cats should live on tinned cat food, weight 20kg, wear tartan collars with novelties, live to age 20 with mutilated genitals, and sleep all day on your couch to amuse you!


Now be a good Mother Teresa and go save some animals from here...


Good call Chick Pea. :P
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Get Real! » Wed May 15, 2013 1:35 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
LynInCyprus wrote:Pathos is nearer to the clinic/shelter I volunteer at - but where ever suits you best.

You claim to have lived here for 10 years yet can't even get the town's name right! :lol:

Pathetic! Or should that be Paphetic? :?

Lame GR! She really got you! That was so intentional as a subtle slur, and you had to go and acknowledge her for this. :roll:

It’ll take a lot more than that to mess with my mind girl… 8)

Maybe just a little! :?
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Get Real! » Wed May 15, 2013 1:35 am

yialousa1971 wrote:Good call Chick Pea. :P

Thank you Turkey.
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Get Real! » Wed May 15, 2013 1:40 am

Sotos wrote:
LynInCyprus wrote:Yes Sotos - personally I do feel that your comments offering to castrate and arrange for another persons euthanasia if any virus is found on them is a vaguely veiled threat of harm. I can only imagine how you would feel if the same, or even remotely similar statement was made to you and/or your family!!

The last time, to my knowledge, such a type of statement was made from one human being to another it came from the mouth of a very short man, with a funny moustache who wished to rule the free world. Coincidence perhaps, or not?

How do you think the cat feels? Oh, wait... it can't feel anything anymore... you killed it :( Seems like you think that it is not right to treat other humans in such a way and yet when you treat animals with these exact same methods you call your actions "humane" :roll:

They have the audacity to interpret cold blooded murder as a “rescue”!

Reminds me of “rescuing” Iraq and Afghanistan! :roll:
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